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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

but but their daddies make generous donations and know the very best of lawyers
they went to Oxford with them of course

maybe one of them will get sent down (to Carfax) for a few months as some kind of token punishment
Can't help but feel that you're not focusing on the larger point here.

It's just that the way these things get reported seems quite telling. These people call themselves 'elite' and so that's what the papers call them, even in the context of a story about these elite individuals' despicable attitude towards women. If this were a group from any other stratum of society, the press wouldn't be so kind as to call them by their preferred title.

A minor point I know, but it says a lot somehow.
The email isn't just vile, it's evidence of a conspiracy to rape, I'd have thought?

Yes I thought that too but obviously nothing is being done about it. The email is nothing to do with the current arrest, something I first thought. It's an email from last year that Oxford just said is completely unacceptable and left at that :mad:
Urgh that email is just vile. The university doing nothing about it is pretty disgusting too.
many years ago when i was a sabbatical at a large london college there was an instance of 'date rape'. the college refused to do anything unless criminal proceedings took place. i suppose that the position's the same now and that the university would say that they have to presume innocence until guilt is determined. i had a big row with the head of the college about their refusal to take action in the case i was aware of; i hope the students union at oxford are pushing the point with the college and the university.
It's just that the way these things get reported seems quite telling. These people call themselves 'elite' and so that's what the papers call them, even in the context of a story about these elite individuals' despicable attitude towards women. If this were a group from any other stratum of society, the press wouldn't be so kind as to call them by their preferred title.

A minor point I know, but it says a lot somehow.
It's not describing them as elite ffs - it's laughing at that claim but also suggesting that wider contacts and influence mean that it does in fact constitute an elite, despite the inadequacies of its individual members. Does no one know how to read nuance anymore?
lots in this article
Can universities ever get rid of boozy, sexist lad culture?


They need to start destroying the culture in schools, not tackling it unis
Urgh that email is just vile. The university doing nothing about it is pretty disgusting too.

It was posted up here before, maybe a year ago, and went viral all over the place. If it's true that the university has taken no action against this guy since then that sends a pretty clear message that the universtiy considers its female students fair game for this sort of treatment. Disgraceful.
It's not describing them as elite ffs - it's laughing at that claim but also suggesting that wider contacts and influence mean that it does in fact constitute an elite, despite the inadequacies of its individual members. Does no one know how to read nuance anymore?

The thing about nuance is that it's open to interpretation.
eh? it's a drinking club at an elite university, not an elite drinking club at a university. I don't think Oxford's status as an elite uni is really much in doubt.
FFS even as a"joke" that needed being stamped on.
If he was even remotely fucking serious some time with a copper explaining date rape, conspriacy etc to him and all his so called friends.

Any evidence of somebody being as fucking stupid as to follow the advice police called ban the club and advertise why it was banned as attempting to orgainse drug rape.:(

Stupid should really fucking hurt.
FFS even as a"joke" that needed being stamped on.
If he was even remotely fucking serious some time with a copper explaining date rape, conspriacy and all his so called friends

Well it didn't seem like a joke, it seemed like a genuine set of instructions. And again, even if it's a joke it's a sign that the person responsible for it is not elligible for higher education, owing to an absence of higher brain function.
Well it didn't seem like a joke, it seemed like a genuine set of instructions. And again, even if it's a joke it's a sign that the person responsible for it is not elligible for higher education, owing to an absence of higher brain function.
Then he needed calling on it if only to disover how a body can operate with out a brain:facepalm:

How the fuck did you think that was a good idea :rolleyes:
it really isn't.

Well to me 'elite university drinking club' means a university drinking club that happens to be elite, not an ordinary drinking club at an elite university.

That fact that we've both read the same sentence in two different ways is proof enough that the sentence is ambiguous, no?
Then he needed calling on it if only to disover how a body can operate with out a brain:facepalm:

How the fuck did you think that was a good idea :rolleyes:

They should've thrown him out of the university is what I was getting at. With the amount of public exposure this got, to do anything less is to implicitly justify the email and the behaviour discussed therein.
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