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Global financial system implosion begins

The drop in sterling is hitting me in the pocket hard. I'm still paid in GBP but live abroad and the exchange rate against the US$ has turned pretty shite at the moment :(.

Can someone explain this to me......

Markets are going to crash......

Markets are going to crash......governments put tax payers money into the markets..... they crash.....

Markets are going to crash......

What is the point. why didn't they just keep the tax payers money?
Just been listening to this chap on the radio:


He was discussing how fellow gold dealers he knows where suggesting that some of the gold bullion on the market had come from coins that had been melted down, his theory is that this must have come from somewhere in the US and was gold that dated back to coins from the 1930's?
I was trying to keep up with it but got a bit lost, aparrently this is "bad" though? I guess I could see if you where sold gold you where told was 99% pure and it turned out to be a bunch of old coins melted down and was only 90% pure you'd be pissed off, but what impact does this have on the market that is so negative?

The drop in sterling is hitting me in the pocket hard. I'm still paid in GBP but live abroad and the exchange rate against the US$ has turned pretty shite at the moment :(.


And the strength of the pound has not generally been massively in your favour since you've been able to "live abroad"?


And you've salted that much away for your future?


And yet now you're whinging?


Just fuck right off!

I know you're a kid, but......

For fuck's sake!


Can someone explain this to me......

Markets are going to crash......

Markets are going to crash......governments put tax payers money into the markets..... they crash.....

Markets are going to crash......

What is the point. why didn't they just keep the tax payers money?

'Cos the rich peeps needed it, Dandred.

The rich peeps needed it.

Y'know. The system.

That's right, it's a systemic problem

And the system needs to be fixed.

So the rich peeps need it, Dandred.

The rich peeps.


Fuck off.

That's disgusting.

These people have done very well.

You must be blind.



I'm not blind at all.

I see the guys upstairs from me working 19 hours a day shitting it.

You don't know how well the guys I am talking about are doing.

Fuck off with your generalisations. I wasn't giving any sympathy, merely commenting.

'Cos the rich peeps needed it, Dandred.

The rich peeps needed it.

Y'know. The system.

That's right, it's a systemic problem

And the system needs to be fixed.

So the rich peeps need it, Dandred.

The rich peeps.



And still it crashes ............

Why not just let it crash
And still it crashes ............

Why not just let it crash

It wasnt to prevent a recession or the markets from performing in a volatile way, it was to stop the entire banking system from collapsing rather suddenly.

Granted, the way in which it was done means it can be seen as a bailout of certain well to do people, Im not going to claim it was completely fair, but I can see a wider point to it.

It would be an interesting world if the banks were allowed to collapse and various things sieze up totally. But it would be a world where bank accounts, pay, retail & supply of essential goods could come to a standstill within days, and that would be rather ugly for almost everyone.
I'm not blind at all.

I see the guys upstairs from me working 19 hours a day shitting it.

You don't know how well the guys I am talking about are doing.

Fuck off with your generalisations. I wasn't giving any sympathy, merely commenting.


These cunts still have a job?


You're joking, no?


And how much of "the bailout" is being paid in bonuses to traders around the globe this year?



These cunts should be put in jail for a decade and all their assets consficated as the proceeds of crime - in exactly the same way as is usually done with organised crime.

All of their assets should be confiscated, and their bossess assets and their bossess bossess assets.

And hard labour for the lot of them.

Proceeds of these crimes should be confiscated from those that salted them away.

And that starts with the "traders", ffs!


It would be an interesting world if the banks were allowed to collapse and various things sieze up totally. But it would be a world where bank accounts, pay, retail & supply of essential goods could come to a standstill within days, and that would be rather ugly for almost everyone.

Far less ugly for those of us with no money or property to lose. I'd make a lot of serious sacrifices for the pleasure of watching the rich suffer.
This thread has taken a pleasing turn. :)

These are the only 'stocks' we should invest in...


I'm starting to question my position on the shooting of looters. :hmm:

The dilemma is over whether it better to line 'em up, or hunt them in urban areas, tracking them via CCTV and sticking it up on pay-per-view? :confused:
And the strength of the pound has not generally been massively in your favour since you've been able to "live abroad"?

I live abroad because we decided to move closer to my wifes family, took us over two years to get our visa/wedding sorted so I could move over with her, so don't lecture me thanks. The currency has been in my favour to a certain degree but I don't earn anymore then most people in I.T probably do on average in the UK anyway, which probably boosts my wages with exchange rate to about what most Americans earn. I also have to pay for my own medical care along with my wifes (she works but doesn't get health care with her job, and it is illegal not to have health care in this state) and don't get paid holiday or sick like in the UK either as I'm self employed. As most of my clients are in the Uk I still pay tax there too.

And you've salted that much away for your future?

Eh? We have modest savings, but have a place to pay for just like anyone else.

And yet now you're whinging?

Not so much whinging but slightly worried about my future yeah, shit exchange rate, if clients pull the plug on projects then I'll be not only skint but not entitled to any benefits what so ever.

Just fuck right off!
Grow up.

I know you're a kid, but......

Late twenties, so yeah a kid still but no mummy and daddy to come along and help me out.

Don't do it, Tom.

Don't sell your soul to Satan.

I signed up for it because I thought it looked pretty interesting, also with the amount of money that gets pumped into the banking sector, if you could end up running a hedge fund on a ethical basis that gave a lot of its post client profit to charity I think that could be a good thing. :)

if you could end up running a hedge fund on a ethical basis that gave a lot of its post client profit to charity I think that could be a good thing. :)


I work for a Hedge Fund Manager that 50% of his income goes to charity. Also run a SRI (Socially responsible investment) fund. All profits are distributed to employees too.

They've never bought any crappy debt products etc etc etc... *yawn*
Far less ugly for those of us with no money or property to lose. I'd make a lot of serious sacrifices for the pleasure of watching the rich suffer.

Well obviously the more you have, the more you have to lose, but last time I checked I still needed to work and eat.
I work for a Hedge Fund Manager that 50% of his income goes to charity. Also run a SRI (Socially responsible investment) fund. All profits are distributed to employees too.

They've never bought any crappy debt products etc etc etc... *yawn*

To even be in a position that you can give 50% away is in itself telling of the fucked up priorities we have. That's the point, it wouldn't matter if he gave away 99% The argument still stands. Seriously this is no argument at all. It's bascially saying my boss is nice, so there.
To even be in a position that you can give 50% away is in itself telling of the fucked up priorities we have. That's the point, it wouldn't matter if he gave away 99% The argument still stands. Seriously this is no argument at all. It's bascially saying my boss is nice, so there.

I was simply saying he donates to charity, in response to Tom's post. I wasn't arguing any point.
...and i was simply saying so fucking what and poitning out the uselessnessof this as a defence of anything (and both posts were intended as a defence of *something*. let's not pretend otherwise).
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