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Glastonbury 2023

Anyone travelling by coach from Victoria please do not pass the time in the queue around the block by smoking weed etc. There are a team out to spoil your day.

Good heads up. Although the only people I've ever seen chucked out were smoking weed in the queue. Seems unnecessarily blatant.
So how will I recognise people for this meet on Wednesday, I don't think I've (knowingly) met any of you? I'll put a recent pic of me in the Ugly Mugs thread to aid identification!

Can we pin down a location/rough time? Gerry1time Cider bus 7 onwards maybe?


Sorry can't remember who else said they'd be up for it.

The only Urbanites apart from Tort, Hash4cash and Festivaldeb I used to meet up with are either retired from Glasto or passed on. I don't think I'll recognise anyone from this thread.

I'll be there regardless meeting up with fellow folk who were banned from a certain festival forum many years ago.
So how will I recognise people for this meet on Wednesday, I don't think I've (knowingly) met any of you? I'll put a recent pic of me in the Ugly Mugs thread to aid identification!

Can we pin down a location/rough time? Gerry1time Cider bus 7 onwards maybe?


Sorry can't remember who else said they'd be up for it.
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Riff I'll be at the bandstand all evening meeting up with a different bunch of festival forum folk, (some of whom I'm sure are fellow ban-ees :D ), so I'm only a step away from the cider bus, so I can visit both. Tort'll be there and Hash4Cash has been too on previous years.
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Against all the odds

Over night rain 3 miles from the site, so a fair to middling chance of rain on site last night

Still over cast this morning
Riff I'll be at the bandstand all evening meeting up with a different bunch of festival forum folk, (some of whom I'm sure are fellow ban-ees :D ), so I'm only a step away from the cider bus, so I can visit both. Tort'll be there and Hash4Cash has been too on previous years.

Omg has4cash it’s been so long since I’ve seen him
As there’s only a few urbz maybe you should all come to the bandstand with the ex tossers 😀

I'm happy with cider bus, the two are very close by, and the cider bus is on the way to the loos and the bar! I can do both. I plan to be there for a fair while.
Just been looking at the lineup, there is one performer that I've spoken to at some length, on the matter of his unpaid income tax. :)

I'll not say who it is, but in Scotland he might be described as a 'lochenthusiast'. :)
Ok, so, cider bus, 7pm, Wednesday. WoW memorial / U75 meetup drinks. In honour of WoW, be prepared to examine each other's laminates and wristbands, and discuss the weather.

I'll have a ahaved head, blonde mohican laying flat across it to the left. chainsawjob seen your photo in the ugly mug thread too, will keep an eye out.
I'll try and remember to update with what I'm wearing on the day for increased spotting potential! And try not to wear a hat that covers up my red hair.
I apologise in advance for this year's mudbath. I went for the first time ever in 2017, as a volunteer, because lots of regular volunteers had dropped out after the infamous mudbath of 2016 and declined to go again. I lucked out and it was scorchio. It was absolutely glorious in 2017 and has been every year since - bar the occasional shower and pandemic cancellations. I was feeling almost like a lucky charm. I should have been going this year too, but I'm doing an internship in France instead. Soz. #SorryNotSorry

I'm hoping to bring the sunshine back next year.
Eyup! It's been an eternity since I've posted in here but I will definitely be in the Bandstand/ cider bus vicinity on Wednesday evening and raising a glass in William's honour. Hope to see even more familiar faces there x

Be ace to see you mate, been ages. it's BoB if you didn't know the name change... been ages since we spoke on here i think,
I have just seen the set list for the Arcadia crew bar..... can anyone get me in :D
I've had a mate go over there tonight and try to get me a wristband for it. They're saying they don't have any yet... Am sorted for Maceo's tho :D

Eyup! It's been an eternity since I've posted in here but I will definitely be in the Bandstand/ cider bus vicinity on Wednesday evening and raising a glass in William's honour. Hope to see even more familiar faces there x
Awesome! Would be fab to meet you after all these years and so forth. :)
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