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Get Your Crocs Out

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worked it out now!
Own up who owns a pair of Crocs? I have finally succumbed though I was already a wearer of socks n sliders.

I have discovered Crocs like a mattress is not something I will buy secondhand!
Yea I won’t buy a second hand mattress nor would I buy second hand crocs. Most of my home/clothes is new to me including other footwear but thought of others bare sweaty feet/bodies gives me the heebie jeebies.
I wear crocs all summer long. Love them for walking around town / the garden / the supermarket shop etc.

I’d wear them to work if I could
I want a nice pair of multi-colour ones next time. And the fur lining is a must. I would also live in them if I had the chance.

Mine have got something like a tuna fish on them and cost £10 from sports direct.... Real crocs are expensive for what they are ...£40 is it?
I got my crocs out! Of the house and into the trash bin because they hurt my back (soft soles eh).
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I’ve got numerous rolling pairs on the go.

Not the normal ones the wide leather topped jobs

Cracking bits of kit but pump if you get sand in them when wet
I used to have a pair but don't any longer, I realise they weren't very fashionable but they were comfortable.
I have 3 pair - red, orange and black.

It's the same red pair I brought to my visit with frogwoman and I'm still wearing them.

Unfortunately, I have found that over time, the tread wears down to the point they become a liability. Can't wear them in the rainy season because you're apt to fall on your ass if you're not paying attention. Hit the paint on pavement, down you go. Happens every time I go out to run an errand or two and it starts to pour.

Crocs are a fall risk.
I have 3 pair - red, orange and black.

It's the same red pair I brought to my visit with frogwoman and I'm still wearing them.

Unfortunately, I have found that over time, the tread wears down to the point they become a liability. Can't wear them in the rainy season because you're apt to fall on your ass if you're not paying attention. Hit the paint on pavement, down you go. Happens every time I go out to run an errand or two and it starts to pour.

Crocs are a fall risk.

It’s not unusual in the oil and gas industry to arrive on a project and crocs are totally banned

Once worn a bit they are a bit slippery, but also they can be accidentally grippy at the wrong time as well
During lockdown I resoled a pair of crocs with a car mat that I found on the side of the road. The grip was incredible. Contact adhesive and an angle grinder...

I wore them for a few years prior, living on the beach they're a very functional shoe. Once I returned to real life and realised that they'd become a fashion item *again, I ditched them for jandals (flipflops).

I can't stand my toes touching and spent years in and out of the water, so they had their place but I'd never wear them in public.

The first thing always I did was remove those awful pins from the side and take off the 4x4 linkage, that bit's completely unnecessary. Cracked and flat heel got to me in the end and my crocs were always so worn through that I spent years pretty much barefoot.

I can't stand to wear socks and shoes but here in the UK it's standard practice. I get a lot of odd looks wearing jandals for the school run in deepest midwinter but hey, sod em.

* eta I removed it anyway as it's probably bad taste on a public forum.
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Do you people wear them.. in public? As it, out. ? That’s not happened to me yet, strictly home stuff, outdoor slippers.
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