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Gerry Healy

Hmm calling the WRP "a tiny groupuscule" is not very accurate, implying a membership of a few score at the most when they had a membership that reached over 1,000
Reached well over 1000 at their peak, if not quite the 10,0000+ they claimed. Maybe 4K. They did okay in the immediate aftermath of Hungary, thanks to holding the (then only proper) Fourth International franchise.

John 'Big Issue' bird was another member. There are a couple of sane exes out there (Dot Doodah from pensioners action for example) tho most seem to be quietly forgetting they were ever members, or are in the truly minuscule groupuscules like the vile Socialist Equality Party.
As equally horrendous as Healy's rape of young women members were the WRP leadership's involvement with Libyan and Iraqi intelligence. See here: Revolution betrayed - the Workers Revolutionary Party and Iraq
So basically Iraqi communists were shopped to the Saddam regime by Healy, to die agonising deaths under torture!!!!
"One example of the depths to which these corrupt practices drove the party occurred in March 1979, when with only one dissentient the central committee of the WRP voted to approve the execution (after prolonged torture) of more than 20 opponents of the Iraqi government. One of the victims, Talib Suwailh, had only five months earlier brought fraternal greetings to the conference of the WRP's own front organisation, the All Trade Union Alliance (see the Slaughter group's News Line, 20 November 1985)." Thus Healy, Alex Mitchell, Corin and Vanessa Redgrave etc were complicit in torture and murder and betrayal
Healy raped at least 26 young women members and probably a damn sight more. And was there a peep from other members up until the the actual faction fight that led to his expulsion? He also is alleged to have siphoned off a lot of the wealth from Libya and Iraq into his personal bank accounts in the Irish Republic. And to think that Livingslime wrote that intro to his hagiography and attended his funeral. It makes me sick to my stomach.
Reached well over 1000 at their peak, if not quite the 10,0000+ they claimed. Maybe 4K. They did okay in the immediate aftermath of Hungary, thanks to holding the (then only proper) Fourth International franchise.

John 'Big Issue' bird was another member. There are a couple of sane exes out there (Dot Doodah from pensioners action for example) tho most seem to be quietly forgetting they were ever members, or are in the truly minuscule groupuscules like the vile Socialist Equality Party.

That would be the left wing John Bird who now says the welfare state is not working and benefits should be stopped.
Tbf I wouldn't underestimate the amount of support on the left they had for a time in the 70s and 80s. They weren't as visible as say the SWP but I lost count of the number of shop stewards that were Newsline supporters that I would bump into . Very insular not into anything else that the WRP.
...and as a "brand" synonymous with the far-left the WRP lasted longer. Even as late as the 90s you'd still hear "WRP" being chucked around as shorthand for the left by some.
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