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Johnson is an inveterate liar I'm surprised you don't seem to know this, just to start off with: Video exposing Boris Johnson's 'lies' to Parliament hits 20 million views | The Big Issue

That's supposed to be some sort of Gotcha isn't it :facepalm: . 'You criticize me for saying the government is exaggerating the covid pandemic - see, see - you don't believe the government either so you're hypocrites and can't criticize me for it and the government is exaggerating the covid epidemic qed :D '
What lies? Boris said himself that we test more than the whole of the EU. So do you believe the government or not?
OK that makes it obvious you are trolling.
A troll can be quite playfull sometimes but the shit you are knowingly throwing around for a laugh might actually fall on the lap of some poor fucker who believes it and that can cause real harm, now fuck off
Spent the day in Bolton, visiting the university with my daughter. Literally saw one (1) other person wearing a mask - despite the signs everywhere and a robot voice at every door telling all visitors to "please wear a mask". Even the staff weren't bothering. It's like everyone's decided that the pandemic is over but someone forgot to take down all those silly posters.
Spent the day in Bolton, visiting the university with my daughter. Literally saw one (1) other person wearing a mask - despite the signs everywhere and a robot voice at every door telling all visitors to "please wear a mask". Even the staff weren't bothering. It's like everyone's decided that the pandemic is over but someone forgot to take down all those silly posters.

Good, glad to hear it. Many people have woken up now and understand the massive fraud that has taken place.
No, really, they haven't. An overwhelming majority of people in England, when surveyed recently, said that despite Government relaxation of the restrictions, they would continue to wear masks. So dream on...

But the majority of people are not according to the post I responded to above.
Well Johnson dropped the moonshot aspect of the rhetoric very soon after it first came out of his gob.

That level of funding quickly went out of the window, and they convinced themselves that certain forms of testing for events wasnt really necessary in order to implement their unlocking agenda to the timetable they eventually settled on.

The routine use of LFTs in a bunch of contexts is what I tend to think of as the successor to this hype.

I didnt find all this hype and subsequent scaling back of ambition terribly surprising given that they tended to fall back on hype about mass testing whenever we were in the middle of big waves & lockdowns. Its one of the main things they reached for in press conferences of those times, using it to act as a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of managing mood and expectations of the future being better whilst people were living under harsh restrictions. In the second wave/big lockdown we got Moonshot, but there was similar stuff in the first wave too, when by April 2020 they started to dangle the future prospect of mass testing and antibody testing as a saviour, a way out.

Some detail that emerged when Moonshot was first vanishing down the toilet:

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A newly detected coronavirus variant is on the rise in England, with the virus believed to be an offshoot of Delta.

According to a briefing from the UK Health Security Agency, released on Friday, “a Delta sublineage newly designated as AY.4.2 is noted to be expanding in England”, with the body adding that the variant is being monitored and assessed.

The report states that in the week beginning 27 September – the last week for which complete sequencing data was available – AY.4.2 accounted for about 6% of sequenced coronavirus cases and is “on an increasing trajectory”.
Of course these maps depend on the testing being done to find the cases. In sweden they’re telling people not to get tested if they’ve been vaccinated, which is a wonderful way to hide the true case numbers since most people are now vaccinated.

Would be fascinating to see a map showing actual case numbers, but we will never see that.
Amid rising Covid-19 cases, Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, has urged the Government to implement the back-up strategy which involves measures including bringing back mandatory face coverings in public places.

The NHS Confederation’s warning comes as coronavirus deaths in the UK rose to their highest daily level since early March, while cases are at their highest for almost three months.

Downing Street said it was keeping a “very close eye” on rising case rates, but added the Prime Minister has “absolutely no plan to introduce Plan B”, which could also involve introducing vaccine passports for nightclub entry.

Nothing we don't already know but 🙄
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