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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

At least it's confirmed. The longest, dullest resignation ever.

What the fuck was he thinking anyway? Even taking into account his political leanings, this was just stupid.

I think Jon Stewart once said (in relation to Fox News) that you can't mainline talk radio into people via TV, their heads will explode. Fox understood this and leavened it with a tiny bit of objectivity sometimes. This is a lesson GB News haven't learnt, thus going down the TalkRadio wormhole and not even doing that well.

They deserve every failure :thumbs:
At least it's confirmed. The longest, dullest resignation ever.

What the fuck as he thinking anyway? Even taking into account his political leanings, this was just stupid.

I think Jon Stewart once said (in relation to Fox News) that you can't mainline talk radio into people via TV, their heads will explode. Fox understood this and leavened it with a tiny bit of objectivity sometimes. This is a lesson GB News haven't learnt, thus going down the TalkRadio wormhole and not even doing that well.

They deserve every failure :thumbs:

I reckon he did it because he's a massive egotist, he was going to have his own BBC competitor that no one could fire him from and where everything would be geared to telling him how special he is, or at least him selectively slagging off any critics he felt he could easily dismiss. Turns out no one on earth has anywhere near the amount of respect for or interest in him that he does himself. Even the money men behind GB News. He'll learn nothing whatsoever from the experience.
The BBC seems to be enjoying the news.

There were a few technical problems at the start but early viewing figures were, for a news channel, good. Its desire to challenge the BBC and Sky looked a possibility, but since those early days much has changed.

The Andrew Neil slot - which has been covered by Colin Brazier during this long summer holiday - was at the beginning of September sometimes attracting fewer than ten thousand viewers. Some programmes were getting even lower ratings.


This is a good article, well worth reading in full.

For now, pour yourself a rolling daiquiri, because Neil has officially quit, having hosted precisely eight editions of his supposedly flagship nightly show on the channel since it launched three months ago. Or rather, he has “had time to reflect on [his] extensive portfolio of interests”, which reads like the sort of preposterously self-regarding nonspeak the channel keeps telling you it’s against. I believe this is metro elite for: “Face it, this bed’s been shat, and I need to get out of it.”

Despite the huge success of Fox News in the US, Neil was very insistent on rubbishing comparisons with GB News: “That is an easy, inaccurate shorthand for what we are trying to do”. Or as a GB News source told the Times yesterday: “The idea that we aren’t Fox News is increasingly laughable”. You say that, but people watch Fox News.

Inevitably, like its sworn wokerati enemies, GB News turned out to be spectacularly touchy. I myself was involved in a most enjoyable back-and-forth with its lawyers earlier this year over some deeply anodyne passing comment in a column of mine. I always feel the tone of exaggerated self-flagellation is best in such apologies, but the readers’ editor wisely handled matters more conventionally. I note from my archives that my final expert opinion on the matter was “honestly they are a load of pretentious twats … well we’ll see who ends up being right lol”.

The advertising industry's website, Campaign, has come up with an interesting article, with comments from various media buyers, which will make unpleasant reading for those at GBN. :D

Starcom head of investment John Heather told Campaign

“I think there has definitely been a lack of support from advertisers. Advertisers don't want to be associated with negative publicity,” he said. “Almost all of our advertisers have chosen not to be on the channel and news of Andrew Neil departing will be an even bigger concern to the advertisers still on there.

“It just gives the channel less credibility and if the other well-known news presenters leave on the back of Andrew’s departure, then it's worrying times for the channel."

Another industry leader, who wanted to remain anonymous, said "no advertiser has ever asked us how to be on GB News" and "that's quite telling and, in fact, we have conversations with advertisers about how they can avoid it".

The media buyer added: "With Andrew Neil going, it feels like GB News is going even further right-wing and that makes a lot of advertisers really uncomfortable."

“If GB News didn't exist, advertisers wouldn't miss it because commercially it just doesn't contribute anything to advertisers at its current size,” explained Richard Oliver, the UK managing director of IPG Mediabrands media investment arm, Magna.

“But what Neil’s departure does is run the risk of keeping all of those controversies surrounding GB News alive, and the issues and complexities that brings to advertisers.

“Advertisers will question whether this is really worth it. In terms of the audience sizes and incremental reach compared to what you can get from other channels, most advertisers would say it’s not doing itself any favours as a commercial proposition.”

Another media buyer said advertisers don't have to even worry about rumours of in-fighting and Neil leaving because "viewing figures are so small" and until it can build a "critical mass of eyeballs" it isn't a serious consideration for any media plan.

Others said that many advertisers had already blacklisted GB News, but do not want to make their position public for fear of a backlash.

“Everyone has had those conversations with advertisers about whether they are on it, especially in light of the social-media storm,” a senior media planner said.

None of this comes as a big surprise, advertisers are not dumb, and most will not go anywhere near this steaming pile of poo.

So, they are basically fucked.:thumbs:

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