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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

I am liking that they turn to academics and professional writers for commentary and give them room. Encouraged to see the likes of Paul Embury and David Goodhart, also reaching into the charity sector often. Even the, god help me, 'comedian' quotient is less cringingly needy

Will be a lot of presenter sifting in the first 6 months but a couple of pairings are working for me; Halligan and Del Piero play well. Mercy Muroki obv. struggling but it's her first gig.

Verifed Purchaser / Top Reviewer / Your'e welcome
They said they were done. Maybe they did it.

They said their job was done, but changed the account description to 'an archive of fails from the first week of GBNews', which implied it would be left up. Then the account changed names to 'UK Media Fails', with all tweets & the 70k+ followers still there, implying they were expanding it to include bloopers from other outlets, then just disappeared completely.

Now another GBNews Fails accounts has appeared, claiming they are 'Back. You can't keep us down.', but missing the followers & tweets. 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, they retweeted this, which is mildly amusing.

It's rather amusing/sad/hatstand to see how far Andrew Neil has fallen. Once the smiter of the political elite, even gaining some plaudits among naive americans for his confrontation with Ben Shapiro. Denuded of the mantle of the BBC and its reputation, ironically, he's reduced to sitting in front of a tiny desk ranting at pablum. "Woke Watch", it'ss a far cry from holding the leaders of the major parties to account prior to a general election.

I don't think GBN could do themselves more damage if they tried. Hopefully they will. Giving airtime to Epstein apologists is also a good start
I have now successfully got OBS to put scrolling captions onto my "bottom third" (opposite directions, quite fast :D), and am all set to launch my rival to GBNews: all I need to do is to knock the camera about with a hammer, to get the image quality right, burn some tyres in the corner of the bedroom, and fuse half the lights. Then I'm good to go.
I don't believe they have a hope in hell of making money, no UK TV news channel has ever made money.

The ITV News Channel failed after about 5 years of having money thrown at it, and despite being run on a very low budget, having the benefit of sharing studios and services that were already in place for the main bulletins on ITV1, and the benefit of the shared resources of ITN as the news provider, their operational costs being provided by fees from ITV, C-4 & C-5, and at the time most commercial radio stations taking IRN services (now provided by Sky).

Sky News loses around £40 million per year, and was kept going by Murdoch for the prestige, when he lost out buying Sky completely, and Comcast took over in 2018, as part of their bid, they guaranteed to continue to fund it for 10 years, what happens to it after 2028 is anyone's guess.

Whilst GBN has an operating budget of only £25m per year, much of that taken up in both terrestrial & satellite transmission costs, carriage fees to the various TV platforms (Freeview, Freesat, Sky & Virgin) plus Digital One for their launch as a national DAB radio station, I still can't see how they can cover those costs from advertising.

They would need to get an average of almost £240 per 30-second spot/12 minutes of ads per hour on average/24 hours a day, to reach £25m a year, that's not going to happen, when much more popular channels, such as DAVE, don't manage that sort of average rate.

There is a plan to recruit 'super supporters' paying £5pm for 'premium content', with an initial target of 100,000, producing £6m per year, but there would be costs in involved in producing and delivering that content, so whatever profit they would make from that. would only cover a small percentage of the annual budget, even if they can recruit that number of suckers.

That £60m isn't going to last long, a sizeable amount would have been spent on setting it up, marketing, and wages prior to launch, with many staff taken on months ago, and the rest will be towards their budgeted running costs of £25m per year from launch, minus whatever small amount of ad revenue they generate in the short-term,

And, here is where you have to ask about the motivation behind the investors, certainly as far as the hedge fund manager & the Saudis are concerned, it's probably more political than profit.

The mystery is why Discovery put most of the £60m into it, when they are experienced in running profitable TV channels, again it could be a political motivation, or they were just presented with a very fanciful business plan, and thought it was worth a punt, with what to them is little more than petty cash. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall in their offices, when they sat down to watch some of the output from their investment, and seeing what a complete shambles it is.

The fact that they had to turn to America to get the bulk of their investment raises an eyebrow.

It reminds me of Radio Caroline, originally funded by UK investors in the 60's, looking to cash in on advertising, which basically came to an end when UK advertisers were banned from using it, during the 70's it limped on by hiring airtime to a Dutch station, until their ship sunk. Several millions were raised for a new ship in the 80's, but not from the UK, because everyone knew it couldn't make money, but by presenting a fanciful business plan to investors across the pond, that lost the lot.

I have a feeling of déjà vu here.
So if they’re not expecting to make any money and their motivation is ‘political’ what do you think that’s about? I think it’s still all about money, ie profit, just like bezos buying Washington post, he has probably just calculated a chance worth taking that he can use it to reduce future tax legislation by shifting opinion just a bit in a way that is useful for him. So still profit, nothing else, just indirectly. Not some more interesting evil plan if you know what I mean.
It’s to herd public opinion against anyone or any organisation that leans towards tax justice in any way. A lot of money at stake for the world’s wealthiest, hence mobilising public opinion against the EU, Democratic Party, Labour Party etc.
Slightly curious (not enough to try to watch it) who advertises on this channel ? Is it all adult nappies men’s health elixirs and home security systems?
It’s to herd public opinion against anyone or any organisation that leans towards tax justice in any way. A lot of money at stake for the world’s wealthiest, hence mobilising public opinion against the EU, Democratic Party, Labour Party etc.
Yep. Profit, just not directly.
Is IKEA nazi? Good. That’s a much better reason for my avoidance of them than the real one which is basically a sort of snobbery.
totes, the furniture ranges are all named after SS missions
Is IKEA nazi? Good. That’s a much better reason for my avoidance of them than the real one which is basically a sort of snobbery.
The nazi founder is now dead

I only go there for the food. Most of their stuff is badly designed rubbish.
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