Where's the bloody sun?
I don't think he's actually gone as far as claiming the King is controlled by the Rothschilds, but it is implied by him ranting on about the 'Rothschild conspiracy', without actually mentioning the family or Jews in general.
I am not surprised he has 'resigned' from the RSE, pressure has been mounting, here's just one example -
I am not surprised he has 'resigned' from the RSE, pressure has been mounting, here's just one example -
David Leask: Why Scotland’s national academy should ‘cancel’ Neil Oliver
Neil Oliver has lost it, totally lost it. Over the last two years or so the former TV historian has buried himself deeper and deeper in to a rabbit…
Neil Oliver has lost it, totally lost it. Over the last two years or so the former TV historian has buried himself deeper and deeper in to a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.
Worse, he is trying to pull the rest of us down after him. Every week Mr Oliver delivers a trademark monologue on GB News, by far Britain’s most irresponsible TV station.
Early this year, his eyes fixed on the camera, the self-styled “Coast Guy” claimed a “silent war” was being waged by generation after generation of politicians to take “total control of the people” and impose a “one-world government”.
This was bonkers. It also bone-chillingly echoed some of the most poisonous anti-semitic mythologies of modern times.
Searchlight, the anti-fascist magazine, compared Mr Oliver’s language to that of a particular 1980s conspiracy theory featuring – in a classic trope – the Jewish Rothschild family.
Cue real concern from serious people. After Mr Oliver’s broadcast both the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the all-party group on anti-semitism at Westminster urged GB News not to indulge conspiracy theories.
The TV company – it should be added – responded to criticism by saying it abhored “racism and hate in all its forms and would never allow it on the channel”. M’okay.
Mr Oliver - who, let us be clear, did not mention Jews in his tirade - responded with another rant, this time about those who use labels like ‘anti-semite’ to shut down debate. He bemoaned “the slow creep of ugliness in to public discourse”. See, like I said: he has lost it.
His February GB News segment on “world government” – I think – remains a remarkable episode, a stunning low, in the history of British television. But it was not an isolated incident.