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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

“I’m one of those people, that if you tell me I can’t do something, that’s exactly the thing I’m going to do,”

Don't hang yourself in an autoerotic fantasy, Mark, Labour are going to ban it. DON'T DO IT

Seems legit :hmm:

Something very fishy about this.
"This survey is the latest proof that we are continuing to deliver, with a survey of no less than 45,000 people saying that GB News is their favourite news outlet."

Only three of their 'shows' get more than 45k watching, so I can't see how they could get to the top position, unless it was a survey of GBN viewers. :hmm:

No random sampling evident in their methodology: apparently self-selecting. BBC wasn't categorised as 'news' but as 'television' (overall, ranked 39 places above GBeebies).
Our Methodology:
The Brand Love calculation
Brand Love is calculated as the percentage of people stating that they 'love' a brand, based on the question:
‘What is your opinion of the following brand’; 1. Love, 2. Like a lot, 3. Like a little, 4. Indifferent, 5. Dislike a little,
6. Dislike a lot, 7. Hate. Respondents can also opt out by saying they don’t know much about the brand.
The league table of our Top 100 Media Brands is created by ranking the organisations by their Brand Love score,
having met suitable brand awareness criteria.
Fieldwork dates: 1st May 2022 – 30th April 2023
'Report' available from here.
Good article from the Guardian, I knew GBN had taken a very dark turn after Andrew Neil resigned, but I hadn't really realised exactly how bonkers it has become, by the bits and pieces that get posted on here, they seem to have got a conspiracy full house in just one week of viewing by the writer.

It's worth reading in full.

Rishi Sunak came to power in an “anti-democratic coup,” and is in hock to a shadowy “globalist elite”; mass migration is “replacing” British culture, and net zero is a “suicide note” – not the rantings of an internet troll, but a snapshot of views espoused by presenters on GB News across seven days last week.

The broadcast code enforced by Ofcom is clear that opinionated hosts are fine but “alternative viewpoints must be adequately represented”. It has not specified what exactly that means, but GB News insiders believe 10-15% representation for differing views is probably adequate.

A spokesperson for the channel said: “GB News chose to be an Ofcom-regulated channel and we take the Broadcast Code seriously. All staff receive Ofcom training when they join us to ensure they understand the code and the importance we place on complying with it.

“Ofcom is very clear that due impartiality does not mean a 50:50 balance. Instead, broadcasters are required to include a range of views. Diversity of opinion is what GB News is all about.”

And, that's how they get away it, OFCOM has seriously fucked-up here, there's no way that 10-15% representation for differing views is adequate to show 'due impartiality'.

Oliver gave little sign of having changed in last Saturday’s show, arguing that the fact that Pfizer’s Covid vaccine was not tested to assess whether it reduced transmission showed “the whole psy-ops, nudge unit campaign to shame people into taking the jabs and force them on the kids as well in the spirit of protecting others was a lie”.

As Full Fact has pointed out, the jab did reduce the likelihood of catching Covid in the first place, which seems relevant.

Very relevant, because if you don't catch it, you can't pass it on, FFS Oliver is a complete twat.

Good article from the Guardian, I knew GBN had taken a very dark turn after Andrew Neil resigned, but I hadn't really realised exactly how bonkers it has become, by the bits and pieces that get posted on here, they seem to have got a conspiracy full house in just one week of viewing by the writer.

It's worth reading in full.

And, that's how they get away it, OFCOM has seriously fucked-up here, there's no way that 10-15% representation for differing views is adequate to show 'due impartiality'.

Very relevant, because if you don't catch it, you can't pass it on, FFS Oliver is a complete twat.

Last night they had a crack at the Archbishop of Canterbury - who they say has adopted the policies of the World Economic Forum [uncontrolled immigration].
And that was just in the paper review.
Presumably by having a paper review presented by "anti-woke" comedians GBN has all angles covered as far as OFCOM is concerned.
Good article from the Guardian, I knew GBN had taken a very dark turn after Andrew Neil resigned, but I hadn't really realised exactly how bonkers it has become, by the bits and pieces that get posted on here, they seem to have got a conspiracy full house in just one week of viewing by the writer.

It's worth reading in full.

And, that's how they get away it, OFCOM has seriously fucked-up here, there's no way that 10-15% representation for differing views is adequate to show 'due impartiality'.

Very relevant, because if you don't catch it, you can't pass it on, FFS Oliver is a complete twat.

They appear to be grooming their audience for far right conspiracy madness
I wonder howe this current vogue for monologues i.e. rants arose?
Maybe copying Tucker Carlson?
I wonder if giving Tucker his P45 has calmed things down over the pond on Rupe's Fox News channel?
I wonder howe this current vogue for monologues i.e. rants arose?
Maybe copying Tucker Carlson?
I wonder if giving Tucker his P45 has calmed things down over the pond on Rupe's Fox News channel?

I believe monologues* are a thing with evening hosts on both Murdoch's Fox News & Sky News Australia. GBN's chief executive, Frangopoulos, was previously CEO and managing editor of Sky News Australia.

* As the Guardian says, 'or Moggologue, in the case of the former Brexit opportunities secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg.'
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So the accusation against Johnson is...

...he gave us all strict rules to follow, but then didn't follow them himself...

...and the defence is...

...he gave us all completely pointless strict rules to follow, but then didn't follow them himself.
Never heard of the "tric awards" before :hmm:

Me neither. Apparently it's been going since 1931.

Television and Radio Industries Club - Wikipedia.
Their website

Membership is drawn from the communication, entertainment, manufacturing, warranty insurance and service sectors from programme makers and broadcasters to radio producers and makers.

Looks like a typical industry networking/schmoozing body based around 'events' like dinners and award ceremonies, raising money through sponsorship and giving the surplus to charity. Can't see any details about how 'finalists' are shortlisted or how the 'public vote' is organised. I'd imagine questions are being asked about this at the moment :D
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