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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

Calvin Robinson out cunting himself. :mad:

Funny how so many Christians have wildly different ideas about the acceptability of eating pork/shellfish versus being gay, even they're both condemned in the same chapter of their big important book.

"We must not alter doctrine" my arse, the reason there are so many different flavours of Christianity is because not even Christians can all agree on what the doctrine is. They're all "cafeteria" Christians who pick and choose according to convenience which bits are explicit commands to be followed at all times, which bits are poetic or allegory or whatever excuse not to treat it as literal, and so on.
Funny how so many Christians have wildly different ideas about the acceptability of eating pork/shellfish versus being gay, even they're both condemned in the same chapter of their big important book.

"We must not alter doctrine" my arse, the reason there are so many different flavours of Christianity is because not even Christians can all agree on what the doctrine is. They're all "cafeteria" Christians who pick and choose according to convenience which bits are explicit commands to be followed at all times, which bits are poetic or allegory or whatever excuse not to treat it as literal, and so on.
Well Paul said that christians are free of all* old testament laws when he and the council in jerusalem rejected circumcision for marketing reasons.

* except "blood laws" which I assume means not eating blood.
Well Paul said that christians are free of all old testament laws when he and the council in jerusalem rejected circumcision for marketing reasons.

Not a jot or a tittle :mad:

Precisely. The book is such a confused mess of various authors, passed down and edited across the ages, that attempting to glean a consistent credo from it is absolutely a fool's errand. But when you've been subject to indoctrination from childhood that Christianity is inspired by God rather than just a bunch of fables and commandments written by fallible men, I guess you have no choice but to try and salvage something out of that you can call "faith".
Funny how so many Christians have wildly different ideas about the acceptability of eating pork/shellfish versus being gay, even they're both condemned in the same chapter of their big important book.

"We must not alter doctrine" my arse, the reason there are so many different flavours of Christianity is because not even Christians can all agree on what the doctrine is. They're all "cafeteria" Christians who pick and choose according to convenience which bits are explicit commands to be followed at all times, which bits are poetic or allegory or whatever excuse not to treat it as literal, and so on.
Is Calvin really sure he wants to go down that route? It seems ill advised to me
"making sinners more comfortable with their sins" would presumably include the way that churches protect pedophiles in the church hierarchies. They should sort out the beams in their own eyes. :mad: Bigoted cunts.
Or putting babies to the sword, if god commands it. In fact Calvin has no morality because he will accept everything as good only and unless skydaddy says so. Thus if God decreed rape acceptable Calvin would welcome it as a good Christian.
Or putting babies to the sword, if god commands it. In fact Calvin has no morality because he will accept everything as good only and unless skydaddy says so. Thus if God decreed rape acceptable Calvin would welcome it as a good Christian.

TBF there isn't that much evidence that "Father" Calvin (and his ilk who infest the US religious right) holds his beliefs sincerely, as opposed to them being part of his grift.

After all, peddling what he does on GB News is pretty much the opposite of Christ's example; perhaps his excuse is the only bit he actually read is Matthew 10:35?
The resistance in Palestine against the Romans was considerable - mass suicide was something the romans hadn't encountered, though what went on with the Druids isn't clear.
The theory that christianity .was a political invention to moderate judaism so that it tolerated worship of the roman emperor has as little proof as there is that Jesus actually existed. But it is quite reasonable, especially given the later history of the new religion as a state religion - and it still continues to serve the interests of politics.
No wonder that Mohammed created his own version, which likewise has served the ruling elite so well.

runs for cover
TBF there isn't that much evidence that "Father" Calvin (and his ilk who infest the US religious right) holds his beliefs sincerely, as opposed to them being part of his grift.

After all, peddling what he does on GB News is pretty much the opposite of Christ's example; perhaps his excuse is the only bit he actually read is Matthew 10:35?
You've got him bang to rights there - though my favourite is Luke 17:34

"I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left."

This was popular amongst gay Caribbean pentecostalists I fraternised with in Brixton in the 1980s. (as an admission of what went on I should say - the idea of prohibiting gay sex was ridiculous to them)
The resistance in Palestine against the Romans was considerable - mass suicide was something the romans hadn't encountered, though what went on with the Druids isn't clear.
The theory that christianity .was a political invention to moderate judaism so that it tolerated worship of the roman emperor has as little proof as there is that Jesus actually existed. But it is quite reasonable, especially given the later history of the new religion as a state religion - and it still continues to serve the interests of politics.
No wonder that Mohammed created his own version, which likewise has served the ruling elite so well.

runs for cover

Not sure about this bit - there are quite a few examples of mass suicide before Masada (at the fall of Carthage or Numantia where the Romans were the cause of it, or Victomela where the occupants killed themselves when Hannibal was about to take the city). These are just some of the ones that came down to us, one imagines there may have been more.

Killing yourself or your family to avoid or to deal with dishonour is also something the Romans praised repeatedly, right from Lucretia down to Cato.
Not sure about this bit - there are quite a few examples of mass suicide before Masada (at the fall of Carthage or Numantia where the Romans were the cause of it, or Victomela where the occupants killed themselves when Hannibal was about to take the city). These are just some of the ones that came down to us, one imagines there may have been more.

Killing yourself or your family to avoid or to deal with dishonour is also something the Romans praised repeatedly, right from Lucretia down to Cato.
Thanks for that. I'd been reading about the Essenes and their possible role in the resistance against Rome.
Finally OFCOM has upheld a complaint, although it's a minor one, but it demonstrates the danger of simulcasting a TV channel on radio, where people can't see the list displayed of parties and candidates standing in the by-election.

Ofcom received a complaint that a discussion about the Erdington by-election broadcast on GB News Radio on 2 March 2022 was focused on one particular party and did not provide notification of all parties and candidates standing in the by-election, as required by Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code (“the Code”).

After the report, a presenter said: “…there are by-election laws here. It’s important. We need to show all of those candidates who are standing in this election, and I wonder if we can show that on our screens now. So, for those of you listening on the radio, the candidates include Robert Alden for the Conservative Party - oh no, it’s gone! - check out this on social media if you’re listening on the radio. There are lots of candidates. Actually, some really interesting candidates, lots of smaller parties standing as well. Of course, The Monster Raving Loony Party, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, the Christian Peoples Alliance. All sorts”.


Finally OFCOM has upheld a complaint, although it's a minor one, but it demonstrates the danger of simulcasting a TV channel on radio, where people can't see the list displayed of parties and candidates standing in the by-election.


Stroppy bastards aren't they? They wanted OFCOM to record this breach as resolved simply because they tried to talk their way out of it.
Emergency, emergency! Tom Hartwood is on the Daily Politics (BBC2) representing GB News.
Presumably we are edging towards a situation where the BBC exists to relay controversial presents doing GB News?
Or is this a job interview?
Tom Harwood is joining Newsnight! They've tried every other way to kill off Newsnight.
A UKIP fox in the chicken coop must be the next logical step.
Emergency, emergency! Tom Hartwood is on the Daily Politics (BBC2) representing GB News.
Presumably we are edging towards a situation where the BBC exists to relay controversial presents doing GB News?
Or is this a job interview?
Tom Harwood is joining Newsnight! They've tried every other way to kill off Newsnight.
A UKIP fox in the chicken coop must be the next logical step.
Just noted Harwood (age 26) was born in Cambridge, went to the local "independent" Perse School and then Durham University, where he became chair of the student union by campaigning to build a fully functional Death Star. (Wiki)
So brilliant so young!
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