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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

If the organisers have explicit rules and don't follow them, then I would agree that's a problem. Is that the case here? Otherwise, if it's just up to the discretion of the organisers, then I'm not seeing the issue.
Yes, if you don't have strict rules and require them to be followed to the letter are you even an anarchist?
I know you are cross but please think about your disabelist language. I'm sure you wouldn't dream of using racial or sexist epithets as strong.

Or should us poor little disabled know our place?

Are we banning imbecile, idiot and cretin too? :confused:

(Or are they allowed to turn up so long as they don’t have a stall?) :hmm:
I know you are cross but please think about your disabelist language. I'm sure you wouldn't dream of using racial or sexist epithets as strong.

Or should us poor little disabled know our place?

You think 'moron' shouldn't be used on urban? :hmm:
I know you are cross but please think about your disabelist language. I'm sure you wouldn't dream of using racial or sexist epithets as strong.

Or should us poor little disabled know our place?

Yeah, sorry, I do that as well, apologies, I do try and avoid it as I know it's shit.
I have a hard time believing that anyone who characterises Johnson's government as "hard left" knows much of anything.
Peter Hitchens calling Bojo a hard socialist is pretty much the same as Rees Mogg calling Sunak one. It is public school banter. We know where Mogg went to school - for the record Hitchens went to the Lees School - an "independent" school in Cambridge.
You think 'moron' shouldn't be used on urban? :hmm:
I’d rather it wasn’t. It reinforces for me that the same hierarchy of discrimination that exist in so many places exists here. I also know that many other people living with disabilities find it exclusionary but don’t like to speak up. But if you enjoy using language from a time when some people were considered less than fully human then fill your boots. After all, it’s only a little disabled getting their knickers in a twist.
I don't know who Lisa McKenzie is or why she appeared on GB News, but the fact that she wrote for a lolbertarian contrarian rag like Spiked isn't a good sign.

McKenzie is a rent-a-gob and self-appointed spokesperson for the working class. Her politics are fucking awful and she's spoken of though gritted teeth in her native Nottingham (a place she's not actually from) because of her dismissal of the city's black history and communities.
You think 'moron' shouldn't be used on urban? :hmm:
I don’t think banning words on message boards (or whenever) really changes much, but it is worth being aware of where these terms come from, how they have been used, how dreadful ‘morons’ have been treated both historical and still now.

I do have sympathy with AA ok the hypocrisy front, and it’s also useful to think about how the left tends to ignore/display hostility towards certain groups, and how to the right capitalises on this (see antisemtism, or more on topic, how the Christian Right are using the oppression of ‘morons’ - and the absence of left solidarity - to attack reproductive freedom)

So for clarity. Organisation A ‘ban’ (i.e deny a book stall) to person B because B appeared on media organisations C and D. Organisation E also criticised B but didn’t criticise persons F and G for appearing on media organisations H and I. Therefore A are hypocritics. Seems legit.
I don't think we should be so direct as to actually call it a euphemism cycle, though.

How about retard loop?

I love how people can get so into the game on a site where the word 'cunt' is so cherished, though.
It makes me wonder to what degree various posters are 'in on it'.
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So for clarity. Organisation A ‘ban’ (i.e deny a book stall) to person B because B appeared on media organisations C and D. Organisation E also criticised B but didn’t criticise persons F and G for appearing on media organisations H and I. Therefore A are hypocritics. Seems legit.

This depends on the comparative depravity of media organisations C, D, H and I, doesn't it?
This depends on the comparative depravity of media organisations C, D, H and I, doesn't it?

Sure but that’s not even the issue. A and E being different organisations and ‘not giving a stall’ and ‘criticising’ being different things seem like bigger problems!
I can't find values for A to I where that is the case.

Actually, thinking about it, I think you're right.
The whole E, F, G, H and I bit could work as an example of hypocrisy, but A, B, C and D are entirely superfluous.
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How about retard loop?

I love how people can get so into the game on a site where the word 'cunt' is so cherished, though.
It makes me wonder to what degree various posters are 'in on it'.


But cunt in the UK*meaning isn’t discriminatory. Men, women , non binary people, straight, gay, black ,white, people with or without disabilities, atheists, Christians and Moslems can all be cunts.

* I realise that the word is more problematic in the States where it has a different usage and is more often used as an abusive term for women. But that’s Septics for you…
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