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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

Jfc will the pair of you knock it off? Also AA everyone gets it that you feel a bit embarrassed so you're lashing out calling people names to try and regain some face, but what's actually happening is you sound like a tetchy prat. Just accept the L and move on eh?
Jfc will the pair of you knock it off? Also AA everyone gets it that you feel a bit embarrassed so you're lashing out calling people names to try and regain some face, but what's actually happening is you sound like a tetchy prat. Just accept the L and move on eh?
Fair point. It’s just I can’t abide the way people with disabilities can still be treated even here. Will step back.
I like the way you dismiss the the experiences and feelings of people living with disability as ‘petty’. I suppose we should be grateful to be allowed to participate with real people at all. You talk the talk of a revolutionary vanguard but if people challenge your discrimination they are ‘insulting’ .

You showed your antisemitism when you completely disregarded the arguments and feelings of Jewish people. Now you are showing exactly the same behaviour in relation to people living with disability. Seems you just plough on regardless. To me that seems the behaviour of a bigot.

( For people unaware this is the horrible behaviour I am referring to - the whole thread BTW not just this one post.)
To idealogues like this, nothing matters so much as the purity of the ideology. Which brings us neatly back on-topic 👍:)
I find it hard to think of GB News as built on any idea of ideological purity, though.

When I’ve tuned in they’ve been all over the place.
Even hosting authors who want to participate in anarchist book fairs.

And so the circle of life is complete.
I find it hard to think of GB News as built on any idea of ideological purity, though.

When I’ve tuned in they’ve been all over the place.
Yeah, it needs a better word than "ideology" - ideology doesn't have to be shit, but when it's taken beyond all normal reason - whether that's GBNews or AA - it becomes shit.
Yeah, it needs a better word than "ideology" - ideology doesn't have to be shit, but when it's taken beyond all normal reason - whether that's GBNews or AA - it becomes shit.

I don’t think there’s really much reason to keep putting the boot in on AA indefinitely.

Mistakes were made, views exchanged… maybe a few bullets too..
The co-option of disability rights by the christian/traditionalist right (having been co-opted by the ‘anti-imperialist’ conspiraloons, dreadful ‘intersectional’ performance artists and alternative medicine grifters) is, I think, going to be ah increasing problem. It’s also the type of co-option that I personally struggle with the most internally (I did for too long indulge the anti-abortion stuff, in large part out of anger and bleak despair. Something I need to be aware of)
The co-option of disability rights by the christian/traditionalist right (having been co-opted by the ‘anti-imperialist’ conspiraloons, dreadful ‘intersectional’ performance artists and alternative medicine grifters) is, I think, going to be ah increasing problem. It’s also the type of co-option that I personally struggle with the most internally (I did for too long indulge the anti-abortion stuff, in large part out of anger and bleak despair. Something I need to be aware of)

I’d need some of that unpacking to fully understand it tbf (esp the stuff about intersectional performance artists).

I think stuff like “The Last Leg” hits it about right. Make fun of the words, maybe reclaim some of them.

Make the place untidy and spurn tidiness.

It feels like every noble cause ends up putting people in boxes. Resist.
Thread fail because it's all about stallholders or something, so I had to dip in and watch it to see what's up.

It's apparently massively hypocritical of Democrats to criticise the Trump riots when they have BLM rioting in their own states with impunity!

Also on all their clips that aren't in the studio, the audio is slightly out of synch.
You are a bigot, it’s just how far your bigotry extends that’s at issue.. I presume your fantasy revolution will be run by you and a coterie of loyal Stakhanovite white men leading the rest of us for our own good?
Had to look that one up - sorry.
Did you mean as in 1. "she was a Stakhanovite worker in the field of female suffering"
or 2. "a Stakhanovite train-washing programme"

I think we should be told!
I see she has a crowd funder to produce her book

Does it really cost £13k+ to produce a book these days?
I have esoteric tastes - and have bought obscure books which turn out to be self-published on Amazon
I'm sure Amazon facilitate self-publishing for much less than £13k - and there are several UK competitors

I've just been involved in producing a book. We only got 1500 copies (all we could afford) of a 150 page journal-ish size (slightly bigger than A5) spine bound book with only the cover in colour, and it's cost us a bit over £3,500 just for the printing and the layout/design person. None of the writers got paid as it's a political project. Plus then they'll be other costs like ISBN number, etc. that I haven't stuck in there. We're working on it being about £4,500 when everything is in.

It's been done at a decent printers that pay well, and there might have been cheaper options (although looked at plenty of print-on-demand stuff and they never worked out significantly cheaper tbh) but from others experience they often come out of poorer quality and have other issues often, so wasn't keen to go down that route to save £200 or so. Someone I know lost a whole print run of a book as the print-on-demand company fucked it up.

Raw materials and production costs have massively gone up for books in the last bit of time. It'll cost us about £3.00 per copy to print in the end, but then you give some away (writers, reviews, etc.) a few get damaged or lost. We're charging £4.50 a copy to cover some of those losses/free copies, but then distros and bookshops take a cut, and it ends up being £12 or more on the shelves. Then you have postage costs, envelopes, a website if you want to do that, etc etc. I'll be surprised if we break even in a year.
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Thread fail because it's all about stallholders or something, so I had to dip in and watch it to see what's up.

It's apparently massively hypocritical of Democrats to criticise the Trump riots when they have BLM rioting in their own states with impunity!

Also on all their clips that aren't in the studio, the audio is slightly out of synch.
Bollocks - BLM were rioting in Democrat states because that's where Black people live (in deprived conditions)
The Proud Boys, Oathers etc were rioting because they are amateur neo-Nazis and wanted to overthrow the political process with the encouragement of Trump.
Not only that - for some reason - no extra security laid on for Trump's rally on January 6th???

edit: Oathers
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