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Game of Thrones, are the books any good?

Karl Masks

Birds Angel Delight
I hear some old dude who looks like a fisherman adapted the TV show into a series of books but hasn't gotten round to finishing the last one.

I jest.

I'm considering reading them as they are highly regarded. But I didn't really enjoy the TV show. I'm not against grimdark fantasy at all, I quite enjoy it. I just felt the TV show traded far too heavily on the sex and violence and was gratuitious in context of the story. The worldbuilding is really good. So my question is are te books better (as is often the case).
I read the first two or three and they were pretty good but a bit clunky. Might be biased because I already knew the story having seen the show and also as I have little experience of fantasy books.
I binge read them before watching the show. They're great. Slow in places as you expect from the genre. A few more characters as they were merged for the TV show, - quite reasonably so. But if you loved the show for the world building, plotting, character arks, that's core to the books.

When watching it for the first time, I thought they got the casting spot on.
I binge read them before watching the show. They're great. Slow in places as you expect from the genre. A few more characters as they were merged for the TV show, - quite reasonably so. But if you loved the show for the world building, plotting, character arks, that's core to the books.

When watching it for the first time, I thought they got the casting spot on.
The acting was ok. Tyrion's accent was terrible.
I read the first two. Would like to read the third which I didn't for some reason because the
massive quest they go on that goes nowhere
was trope subversion that I didn't get at the time. Love Glokta though

There's a lot of stuff that doesn't pay off until book three.
I have not read any but was just saying to the OH last night whilst starting the new season of House of Dragon that I find it fascinating George R R Martin still hasn’t bothered to write the concluding novel in the series, and was happy for HBO to wing the final, and funnily enough terribly received, season of the TV adaptation.

I wonder if he’s been shoved with so much TV money he doesn’t want to de-canon the final HBO season, or what else is going on in his life that has prevented him from writing the final book his fanbase have been clamouring for.
I read the first two. Would like to read the third which I didn't for some reason because the
massive quest they go on that goes nowhere
was trope subversion that I didn't get at the time. Love Glokta though

Sorry skipped ahead. It's definitely worth sticking with them. If you like audiobooks then Stephen Pacey takes it to another level.
Read Alfred Duggan's old historical novels instead/as well, also some good scheming and skullduggery in classical or medieval times. Conscience of the King a real fave but they're all great. Re-reading Lady for Ransom atm, about Norman mercenaries in Byzantium at the time of the Turkish invasion.
It's one of the few book(s) that have defeated me, have them all but there's so much it made my head hurt......loved the TV series....must at some point re-visit it
The first few are really good. It gets a bit lost at some point, all diarrhoea in the east and endless trudging about the Riverlands. I think the writing is fine, better than an awful lot of the genre, but it's obviously not literary fiction or anything. The big issue is why bother, when it won't be finished?

But despite that I would say it ranks alongside LOTR as the best fantasy series written. Can't think of much else that comes close.
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