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Fucking Football

From this thread, it looks like football fans get really angry really easily.

I suppose it's to do with all those times of feeling enormous passion over a football team - such emotion over an arbitrary choice :p

*straps on protective helmet and stirs the pot further*


I'm off to work. Give it a few stirs for me while I'm out
encapsulates much of why I don't get football.

"Do you remember when we were chasing the Germans and we were punched through the windscreen, but then we fell under that lorry and climbed back onto it and beat the driver up?"


"Don't you remember? We were chasing the Nazis - they'd stolen the Ark of the Covenant but we were trying to get it back."

"You've lost me."

"In Raiders of the Lost Ark! It's a film I like, so I've decided that myself, and anyone else who likes it, was actually in it, taking part. Do you like Raiders of the Lost Ark?"

"Not particularly"

"Oh, you're not one of us."
From this thread, it looks like football fans get really angry really easily.
I don't think anyone's angry. But if someone posts a thread on a football forum (something that in itself can be described as trollish), they can be expected to receive incoming :D
Sport per se doesn't have many openly gay, there were a couple of lezzers in tennis, John Amechi in basketyball...hurm... errr...there must be more.
You're full of shit.

Really, stupid, ignorant, bigoted shit.


Pretty-much, I don't care any more.

That most recent incident was the last fucking straw. I've had a lifetime's worth of seeing football used as the justification & excuse for all sorts of shit & despite trying to see something good, it always returns to some version of bigoted fuckwit determined to force it over everyone else.


Pretty-much, I don't care any more.

That most recent incident was the last fucking straw. I've had a lifetime's worth of seeing religion used as the justification & excuse for all sorts of shit & despite trying to see something good, it always returns to some version of bigoted fuckwit determined to force it over everyone else.

Corrected it for you :)
Statistically, there must be at least one gay footballer on just about every team. It is foolish to deny that their closeted status has anything to do with their professional culture. Of course it does.
encapsulates much of why I don't get football.
"That's not the same."
"It's exactly the same!"

No, it's not the same. You wouldn't express those kinds of tribal loyalties to a non-football fan - at least not when you find out that they're one of the weird ones. I mean, where would be the fun in that?
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