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Fucking Football

The Houses of Parliament only just have started to count openly gay members in its ranks. And it's only a handful of men and just the one woman.

Presumably we should do away with this hideous homophobic bigoted institution as well. I'm sure there's some fascist dictator we can replace it with :)
You go to the pub with them,

Actually no. Most of the pubs I'll drink in by choice make it pretty clear they don't want football custom.

Which seems to be seen as an invitation for not infrequent invasions by football cunts determined "put that right" in their eyes, or simply out for a ruck.

It is also not as if there is a lack of choice either - I went & counted them after another of these threads & in just one area of the city, IIRC there were well over 20 pubs & clubs actively seeking footie trade, compared to just 3 or 4 for everyone else.
Statistically, there must be at least one gay footballer on just about every team. It is foolish to deny that their closeted status has anything to do with their professional culture. Of course it does.

The statistic is that one in people are born gay, it doesn't mean that whenever you have 10 people in one place one of them is gay
Name some openly gay footballers.

I'd fucking love it if Ronaldo came out (well more so than he already has), imagine all the homophobes who support Manchester United having to deal with that one? Sure it would probably be latched onto by alot of opposition supporters but that would then put the United supporting homophobes in the hilarious position of defending his sexuality.:D
The statistic is that one in people are born gay, it doesn't mean that whenever you have 10 people in one place one of them is gay

I think footballs great but i'm not retarded enough to imagine that it'd be easy for a footballer to come out as gay, though apparently a few have came out to teammates and th elike but don't want it to get out wider than that.

I think it's only a matter of time before a big star comes out and forces the issue of homophobia to be addressed.
Hey non football fans, at least Spurs won.

Hey football fans, Spurs won.

Hey Spurs fans, Spurs won.

Great stuff.
Remember in London's Burning, when they introduced a gay character? Glenn Murphy's character said something like "course he's not a poof, he likes football!".

I must remember to tell my football-loving gay friends to stop being such self-hating homophobes and traitors to the cause and either renounce football at once, or become straight.
I think footballs great but i'm not retarded enough to imagine that it'd be easy for a footballer to come out as gay, though apparently a few have came out to teammates and th elike but don't want it to get out wider than that.

I think it's only a matter of time before a big star comes out and forces the issue of homophobia to be addressed.

I'm sure there are plenty of gay footballers, in the top flight as well. The fact that it would be a big thing if a famous footballer came out as gay says as much about society in general as football imo

Like you said, it probably isn't a problem between footballers, but if it went into the papers it would become a problem...
I must remember to tell my football-loving gay friends to stop being such self-hating homophobes and traitors to the cause and either renounce football at once, or become straight.

Giving up bumsex is probably easier than renouncing football.
That most recent incident was the last fucking straw. I've had a lifetime's worth of seeing football used as the justification & excuse for all sorts of shit & despite trying to see something good, it always returns to some version of bigoted fuckwit determined to force it over everyone else.
The biggest bigot I can see around here is you, with your attempts to brush decent football fans with your mile wide "they're all racists" brush.
Oh cheesy, you're so fucking transparent. :D

Youre wrong there. I love football and think people who dont like it and moan about it have something wrong with their heads. Dont you remember my 'fellas that dont like football are gaylords' thread from ages ago??:)
The biggest bigot I can see around here is you, with your attempts to brush decent football fans with your mile wide "they're all racists" brush.

But you just tarred people who don't like football with an equally broad brush.
Youre wrong there. I love football and think people who dont like it and moan about it have something wrong with their heads. Dont you remember my 'fellas that dont like football are gaylords' thread from ages ago??:)

<<< point.....................................cheesy>>>
Youre wrong there. I love football and think people who dont like it and moan about it have something wrong with their heads.

Of course they do. People who don't appreciate football are like people who don't appreciate Mozart, or Shakespeare, or Rembrandt. Soulless.
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