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Fucking Football

The biggest bigot I can see around here is you, with your attempts to brush decent football fans with your mile wide "they're all racists" brush.

In this case, call me what you like because I have only very rarely seen a football fan who does not lapse into some kind of bigotry eventually. :(
But you just tarred people who don't like football with an equally broad brush.
No, I didn't actually. In context, I was specifically referring to a comment from a football-hating poster in this thread in witty twist of their own idiotic post.
In this case, call me what you like because I have only very rarely seen a football fan who does not lapse into some kind of bigotry eventually.

Isn't that people in general?

Or are you extending bigotry to encompase "I dislike your team" type opinions

Most folk realise it ain't life or death

what about the World Cup?:eek: Do you hate the big tournaments??

Pretty much, I just stop watching television at times like that & youp, I was truly pissed about one of my favourite radio shows vanishing off-air for the duration too.

True they kept it on medium wave, but where I am, the reception is dire, so retuning was virtually out of the question.
Theres nothing to beat the rollercoaster edge-of-your-seat/ anticipation/ excitement/ anxiety/ triumph, heartbreak and sheer fervour that can be instantly achieved by watching an extraordinary football match.:)
In this case, call me what you like because I have only very rarely seen a football fan who does not lapse into some kind of bigotry eventually. :(
Maybe you've been hanging around with the wrong crowds?

Admittedly there is a higher proportion of bigots to be heard on a football terrace than on the street, but that is still a small minority. I can honestly say I have never, ever, ever seen or heard a single homophobic or racist remark while watching football in a pub, for instance. And very rarely at the football club I follow.

I'm sure deep in the middle of a terrace at certain small grounds in some inner cities might be a different story. But it is the exception, not the rule.

this Is An Anarchist Website.
out of interest, whats not to like about football??? im curious.

what about the World Cup?:eek: Do you hate the big tournaments??

Oh come on, people are quite capable of liking or not liking any given activity and shouldn't be made to feel stupid or weird for it (unless it's breathing or eating or summat I spose)

I've thrown thousands away on following my team around Britain these last 20 years and I'm fully in support of El Jefe's right not to like football.

It's just a shame that I have to justify racism, homophobia and general unpleasantness in order to do it. It's in the contract they make me sign before I'm allowed to go to games see :(
I don't think I've ever been to a music event which didn't have a shower of cunts in attendance, therefore music is for cunts
In this case, call me what you like because I have only very rarely seen a football fan who does not lapse into some kind of bigotry eventually. :(

I spend every weekend with thousands of them and I say you're wrong.
Isn't that people in general?

Or are you extending bigotry to encompase "I dislike your team" type opinions

Most folk realise it ain't life or death


Sometimes I wonder? :p :)

What when the very language around that team/opponent is steeped in racism & bigotry? Rangers/Celtic for one.

BTW, people do die or injure themselves & others over football round here.
No, I didn't actually. In context, I was specifically referring to a comment from a football-hating poster in this thread in witty twist of their own idiotic post.

What you said - in context - is this:

From this thread, it looks like people who have a problem with football are really, really stupid, ignorant and bigoted people.

I'm a person on this thread with a problem with football. Therefore, according to the quoted post, I'm apparently really, really stupid, ignorant and bigoted.
In this case, call me what you like because I have only very rarely seen a football fan who does not lapse into some kind of bigotry eventually. :(

Pogofish, I think you need to define what you mean by "football fan". If it's anyone who enjoys watching football then I think you are being rather unfair. I am 0% interested in football and all the nonsense surrounding it but I nonetheless have some good friends who fall into that category and I would not describe them as bigoted. They may become a bit weird and boring when placed with others of their type, at which point I make my excuses, but it would not be fair to tar them with the same brush as certain other members of their cult (and I know that a fair bit bigotry of all sorts does exist because of what they have told me about their various experiences at football matches).
Funnily enough, the reason |I started the Bluebird Jones comic - which in turn directly spawned this website - was because I got fed up with clueless eejits telling me that because I supported Cardiff City I must be some kind of Neanderthal homophobic racist thug.

Looks like I've still got some work to do.
Oh come on, people are quite capable of liking or not liking any given activity and shouldn't be made to feel stupid or weird for it (unless it's breathing or eating or summat I spose)

I've thrown thousands away on following my team around Britain these last 20 years and I'm fully in support of El Jefe's right not to like football.

It's just a shame that I have to justify racism, homophobia and general unpleasantness in order to do it. It's in the contract they make me sign before I'm allowed to go to games see :(

I feel just the same way about Lacrosse.

Anyone who dislikes it is a soulless pansy.

To be quite honest, anyone who doesn't appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted regular expression should simply be culled - it would be the kindest thing, saving them from staggering through existence in an empty-headed, Philistine haze.
Sometimes I wonder? :p :)

What when the very language around that team/opponent is steeped in racism & bigotry? Rangers/Celtic for one.

BTW, people do die or injure themselves & others over football round here.

Are you seriously trying to tell us that Old Firm bigotry is a product of football rather than hundreds of years of British and Irish history?
Ireland football fans are world renowned for their good behaviour.

Funnilly enough, I was drinking with some earlier this year at another event. Whilst we were watching mounted police break-up a crowd of PSV Eindhoven & some other team's supporters fighting at a match that was otherwise one of the more peaceful I've seen.
(Also worth bearing in mind that football is more heavily tied up with sectarian nonsense in Scotland than it is in other parts of the UK)
To be quite honest, anyone who doesn't appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted regular expression should simply be culled - it would be the kindest thing, saving them from staggering through existence in an empty-headed, Philistine haze.

I'd agree with you, but I sometimes have trouble with regular expressions :oops:
Funnily enough, the reason |I started the Bluebird Jones comic - which in turn directly spawned this website - was because I got fed up with clueless eejits telling me that because I supported Cardiff City I must be some kind of Neanderthal homophobic racist thug.

Looks like I've still got some work to do.

I must have imagined all those people I campaigned with to use football as a vehicle for anti-racism.

Clearly every other leisure activity is free of bigots, I do realise this.
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