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Freeman-on-the-land idiocies

Currently £320K in the England, based on the 1991 value of a property.

The revaluation that was supposed to happen in England in 2007 didn't. Prices in Wales were revalued (and led to the introduction of Band I), and the indexing of value/band stayed the same - I.e if your property was Band A, and remained within the Band A value range, there was no change.

I am refering to my village not England.
You are not addressing the point of fairness. You are making assumptions. My presumption is that your presumption does not stand up to scrutiny. I have no idea of house prices in north Dorset; I suspect that you don't either.

I'm not making assumptions. You're saying that a council house is worth as much as a millionaire house, and that they're in the same council tax band. Therefore someone in a council house is paying the same as the millionaire. I'd like you to provide some evidence of this claim.
Currently £320K in the England, based on the 1991 value of a property.

The revaluation that was supposed to happen in England in 2007 didn't. Prices in Wales were revalued (and led to the introduction of Band I), and the indexing of value/band stayed the same - I.e if your property was Band A, and remained within the Band A value range, there was no change.

Which would adequately explain why council house tenants in some areas are paying the same as millionaires, no?
This thread seems to be all about xes. Well done chaps.
I'm not making assumptions. You're saying that a council house is worth as much as a millionaire house, and that they're in the same council tax band. Therefore someone in a council house is paying the same as the millionaire. I'd like you to provide some evidence of this claim.

Because they live in properties that are valued the same. Presumably the millionaires have the tenants in their homes paying the council tax on them. And it's not semantics, council and poll tax are completely different ways of raising revenue

I would like yout to prove it to me. Including your presumtions as you are making theses claims
tbf, the actual subject matter was dealt with quite sufficiently in the earliest posts

How was it deatl with? By people trying to loudly shout it's all bollocks? With NO proof what so ever? Yeah, that dealt with lots of stuff :facepalm: All that has been given as "proof" that the FOTL movement is bollocks, is peoples opinions. That's a fact.
tbf, the actual subject matter was dealt with quite sufficiently in the earliest posts

Were they? I didn't approve of the fuel tax protests, but I liked what they did. I don't have to approve of this action to think the issues are worth discussing.

But xes started the thread, so it is ruined on principle. Crap.
This thread seems to be all about xes. Well done chaps.

That's how these battles are "won" :D People try and belittle who ever they dissagree with until they go away. Seen it a thousand times before, and I'll see it a thousand times again.
One question. if this was all bullshit, then why wasn't the layman arrested? if you're in contempt of court, they will just arrest you (if you give them that right) So why has this not happened here, what's different?

Because the Court hadn't been convened (so there was no contempt of it). The only court that had been convened (by the Layman) was a common law court. Well, that's what it looked like to me, but I'm not a lawyer.
Quite - no case was won
On the larger issue "you can ignore the law if you don't consent to it" - well I hate to say it, but they hold the big stick and no amount of clever words will beat the big stick
Quite - no case was won
On the larger issue "you can ignore the law if you don't consent to it" - well I hate to say it, but they hold the big stick and no amount of clever words will beat the big stick

So just roll over and take it? :hmm:

This action has implications well beyond non-payment of CT, and raises some issues which would normally be of concern to urban - like a court judgement signed at 10am when the court did not attempt to convene until 12.30pm. And the general issue of the structural unfairness of CT banding which maxes out at £320k. How odd, to find a tax system so blatantly in favour of the rich. But it's not really the sort of topic we indulge on urban, I realise that ... :rolleyes:
Silence is complicity, anger is an energy, noone is illegal but apathy ought to be.

YOU won't find me arguing in favour of CT and other regressive taxes, but you also won't find me arguing against all taxation and in favour of living without any state services whatsoever. Living "on the land" is fine if you're healthy and wealthy.
Quite - no case was won
On the larger issue "you can ignore the law if you don't consent to it" - well I hate to say it, but they hold the big stick and no amount of clever words will beat the big stick

Well, it depends on whether the Layman had the right to demand that the case was heard at common law; I guess that's the issue.

If I understand it correctly, the Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992 quite clearly state that a magistrates court has power of enforcement. I don't know why the magistrates didn't just provide him with the oath info, then state clearly that the guy would be re-summonsed, or something along those lines. And if they wanted to challenge the jurisdictional point they could go ahead and do so at the hearing.
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