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Foundry to be turned into Luxury Flats and Art'otel...

Tbh, Art 'Otels are usually very good, I always use them for city breaks if they're available.
Garf talking his usual incoherent, semi-literate bollocks.

You accuse Garf of talking bollocks, then follow it with this:

In order to enter the Foundary you will need a standard issue Hoxton asymetrical haircut, tight jeans and chip on your shoulder.. A dog on a string will get you to the VIP lounge. (Even though Mummy and Daddy paid for your Arts course at Uni.)

Is gentrification a one-way street. Are there any (fairly central) areas in London that used to be gentrified but are now becoming less so?

Or....are the less well-off arty crowd slowly being pushed out of the central area of London?
It is legal. It just looks like a squat.

I never really liked it, but of course it is better than what will follow it.

where did i suggest that it wasn't legal? :confused: i simply said there is nowhere legal that does what they do, their attitude to art and music is similar to many shortlived squat project places but in a legal setting. i think that kind of thing is valuable and i hope they manage to continue in a new location after they inevitably lose out to the planned hotel.
Bring back the 150 bar.

oh gawd... no, just don't.... that place was fucking lethal... i remember chris the courier's 'fuck bush' nights with banging acid techno and the bar manager threatening to throw people out if they danced. :D

though it transmogrified into bar 170 by that stage, still had sawdust on the floors though.
I don't tend to go to the Foundry any more but I've been many many times over the years - friends of mine have put on many events in the basement and the Foundry's attitude to these events has always been great - they have always insisted on not being provided with any information about the event which yes, has lead at times to some utter wank being on display but there's no other venue I can think of that would give people such a free reign so I would see it's departure as a sad loss.
I'll miss it, and I love seeing all the couriers and bikes outside of an evening when it's buzzing. Having said that, this is London, it's good because it changes all the time - sometimes for the better, sometimes it doesn't work out. There will be new, good places to drink and hang out pop out somewhere else. We are not a mausoleum, like Paris is, where all change is "bad".

This new hotel might even be a fun place to drink in (and i bet a pint of beer won't be dramatically more expensive than the Foundary) - and if not, and it's disastrous, it might even close down and become something even more fascinating than the Foundary.

I once had a wee next to Keith Allen in the Foundary. IDNSHC (to use an acronym from another place).
oh gawd... no, just don't.... that place was fucking lethal... i remember chris the courier's 'fuck bush' nights with banging acid techno and the bar manager threatening to throw people out if they danced. :D

though it transmogrified into bar 170 by that stage, still had sawdust on the floors though.

Sawdust on the floor and all the furniture looked like it had been stolen from other pub's gardens! Great place. I only started going to The Foundry when it burned down.
I agree with garf... I like the total randomness of the clientele. I've been wearing business garb, been wearing my scruff. It's all good IMHO.

Though as crispy says, these places never last. The lease comes up and there's someone in line with 'proper' money. It's a cycle.
i dont get the knee jerk attitude of hatred against the foundry:confused:

sure the art/bands/djs/decor/"arty crowd" might not be to everyones taste but it is changing all the time, it isnt a static kinda place.there is lots of different kinda music/readings/whatever there..i dont think you can call the place COMMERCIAL(esp compared to many other inner east end venues).
yeah we live in a capitalist society that is the reality..

compared to other NON squat venues i think foundry is run(AFAIK, havent been in awhile)as a very OPEN ACCESS, COMMUNITY type place:cool:.seemed easy to get an exhibition/gig there if you want one.without having to know the "right" name to drop or being able to guarantee you can draw X number of folx to yr event.i think the events are quite diverse.seen for example older ppl(like 50s /60s) putting on events.its not just for the "young and fashionable" to exhibit/play/read.

some posters may have found some of the clientele "up them selfs" but that is NOT down to any management policy.they dont have a "door whore" screening policy like for example "dalston superstore" where only the "chosen" are allowed in.at least on fri/sat, so ive been told..be angry at THAT place not the foundry.foundry has never had selective admission.:D

ive never shown art there or played there but a few friends have and they all were extremely positive about the attitude of the owner/manager..cos no resctrictions were put on them.this is very uncommon.:D

i'm curious who owns the place..does anyone know the true story? ive heard some rumours over the years that bill drummond does.

when does the lease run out?
i guess i should start going there again before they close:((on weeknights,not w/e not keen to go out in shoreditch on a w/e) havent been in ages.
bang on BEARBOT :) i'm reliably informed that drummond opened the place, i'll ask a mate who knows.
yep, i've done a few things in the foundry over the years and some of the hoxton-hate-hyperbole pronounced above is ill-informed nonsense. nothing lasts forever tho and this is another step towards the homogenisation of that part of east london, surprised that bill drummond isn't up in arms as i understood that he had/has a rather large interest in the foundry (not sure whether that is still the case).
the same thing happened up the angel and in barnsbury - it's happening in whitechapel - it'll be brixton's turn at some point to enjoy this late stage of gentrification.

Brixton is becoming ever more of a dormitory as places of employment are razed and turned into flats. That could have happened here, a least this proposal will provide jobs, probably more than the site currently supports,
I like the Foundry - or did to be more accurate
I worked opposite it for two years in the old fire station, top of Tabernacle street. I watched the clientele, some were very up themselves, but most were simply a diverse crew who preffered it to the way for example The Princess had gone if your looking for something close to it, or the wheatsheaf et all had gone further east.
The whole area has changed in the 20 odd years I have known it
I saw bands playing in the Princess years ago when it was squatted, as was the Old fire station - I used to buy my speed there from a guy whould been moved on from the Kings Cross squats at the back of the Camden Council offices
Lots of empty property, much smack in later years.....

Now, flats at the top of Tabernacle Street are half a million quid, curtain road is no longer just a fly blown collection of derelict and semi derelict old wharehouses. Its too close to the City, as the office blocks move north and east the whole area is changing.
I used to live on Spitalfields, no 1 Spital Square in 1990 - the alkies were still drinking meths there then, the market had been closed, I went to some fucking ace parties, whores entertained their clients against my front door ( I am NOT kidding about that!!!!), it was ace.

Now it is gentrified to fuck, the wildest event is prob some overpaid git from RBS pissing in a bistro doorway.

Its already moved out to Dalston and Hackney, most of the buildings round the Foundry house offices not anarchists, and they virtually all have jobs in me-ja or fashion/froth bollocks. Hoxton itself started its trendyness creep as an overspill from Clerkenwell when that was cool.

Things move, drift and change, like the wind blown sands of the Sahara.
It may not be in the same place, but the same dune will still exists, you've just got to figure out which way the wind was blowing and follow its track
Hopefully the recession will slow down such changes. Already one or two developments around Old Street area have stopped because the developers have gone bust - you can see one half-finished building on City Road.
everything you posted.
pisspoor. what's ill informed is wank like saying it has the most mixed clientele of any bar in the area - i'd be interested to see a list of the bars you've visited (while reasonably sober) to come to that assessment. blanket denunciations like your fuckwitted post does fuck all to make your point but a great deal to make you look like the wanker's wanker i believe you to be.

returning to the question of the nature of the foundry's clientele, i haven't seen that many black people in there who weren't of an age to be students. nor have i seen many people living or working in the area in there. the drinkers seem to be a bunch of wannabe bohemians, students, former students trying to hold back the years, and artists who generally seem to have all the ability of a gnat's arse. i live down the way from the foundry, and places like charlie wright's or maybe the macbeth have a far more mixed crowd than the foundry. it caters very much for a niche market, and it's a niche which hoxton can well do without.
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