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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

Plus there is only one "r" in his name. I would have fallen for it except that when I saw the fake post, someone had already replied debunking it. 😁
I bloody checked! I think I clicked on the profile in her tweet though, which obviously is the real account, rather than the "fuck off" one, for reasons I will ponder on to my grave.
I am very wary of building this guy up, because everyone knows how that tends to go in Britain, but this is great :D

edit: I'm also an idiot, who manages to check if something is a spoof and still not actually realise that yes, it is a spoof.

This is a spoof account
Well done Marcus.
I'm taking nothing away from his contribution here but from what i can gather Johnson was about to be torn apart in parliament (again) by Labour so it was a case of doing a shameful u turn or yet another pathetic showing in parliament.
Johnson is well out his depth.
Marcus deserves to be shown some big respect from football supporters when they are allowed in stadiums again.
Labour raised this before Rashford (and the Tories) though? They even had this in place in Wales at the end of April.
They did, but no one took any notice. I think that says a lot about what the general public think of them tbh.
I am very wary of building this guy up, because everyone knows how that tends to go in Britain, but this is great :D

edit: I'm also an idiot, who manages to check if something is a spoof and still not actually realise that yes, it is a spoof.

He's always scrupulously polite on Twitter, like the nice young man he is, so the impolite response should have been a clue :D
Looks like they were campaigning on this also, but it turns out a footballer is a more effective opposition than the labour leadership.

I dont really understand how Rashford got this to be so high profile an issue, one of those quirks of the media newscycle i guess
He has had some good consistent coverage during the lockdown with his food project to be fair which has been going for a while longer , I think that's what has built the foundation. Obviously he will have had some assistance with pr specialists around the charity its been chugging away in sports media coverage for some time. Hes gone from 80-1 to joint leader with Tyson Fury for BBC sports personality of the year. I'll be voting for him and I hope he gets it.
Perhaps Labour need to get Rashford to do their social media and policy for them.

John Terry is now trending on Twitter and not in a good way for Labour.
I wonder what these lot will say now. Borris caved in to a lefty plot to er... feed children.

most Tories support free school meals over summer apparently.

I would imagine Boris and co are content to have been given a clearer idea as to where voters stand. He’s still got 4 years
tbf I'm sure Rashford would be the first to say that he didn't do this on his own. Labour were trying to put pressure on this issue. Rashford managed it. I don't have a problem with the 'we' here from Starmer. Important that there should be a 'we' somewhere, and not like he didn't namecheck Rashford.
Rashfords campaign over the past few weeks whilst training as a proffesional footballer, rather than as a full time politician has been a contantly well supported Twitter account whose likes/retweets have risen massively around his tweets re the foodshare project. The project itself supplies 3m meals for vulnerable people. He asked for those on the school meals scheme to contact him to speak through their experiences and to make a video, he asked his Twitter followers to contact and lobby their MPS and after the initial decision was turned down was at it again.
tbf I'm sure Rashford would be the first to say that he didn't do this on his own. Labour were trying to put pressure on this issue. Rashford managed it. I don't have a problem with the 'we' here from Starmer. Important that there should be a 'we' somewhere, and not like he didn't namecheck Rashford.
Rashford's a team player
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