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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

Fuck me this is out of order. Kids need to be fed. The shite UC credit does not give parents enough to do this. It is totally out to lunch than any child goes hungry. Fuck the tories & please let someone with a prize bull fuck IDS up the arse.
A country that is supposed to be the 5th/6th richest in the world lets kids go hungry? WTF!!!
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Fuck me this is out of order. Kids need to be fed. The shite UC credit does not give parents enough to do this. It is totally out to lunch than any child goes hungry. Fuck the tories & please let someone with a prize bull fuck IDS up the arse.
A country that is supposed to be the 5th/6th richest in the world lets kids go hungry? WTF!!!
You don't get to be the fifth or sixth richest country by giving food away
WHY can't there be free school meals for kids who need them? If Scotland can do it, why not England? Is it purely because the Tories got such a whopping great majority there? :confused::(
Is Scotland doing FSM over the summer break? Bllody hell. I'm sick of Westminster failing to provide things that other countries of the Uk can afford (prescriptions, tuition...).
WHY can't there be free school meals for kids who need them? If Scotland can do it, why not England? Is it purely because the Tories got such a whopping great majority there? :confused::(
and Wales!
Wales is the first country in the UK to guarantee funding and guidance for the provision of free school meals until schools re-open or until the end of August.
Btw, the ex Tory leader in Scotland, Ruth Davidson, has just referred to the policy as a Milk Snatcher moment!, her and robert halfon get it that we are living in a new paradigm.

she sounded like a Red Tory, going on about her dad being unemployed in the early 90's and her friends getting free school meals.

So pleased about this decision, lets hope we start to see wider Acorn type action on poverty issues.
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