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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

The wording - Supported £1.57 billion for 'culture and heritage organisations' suggests there's something illegitimate about funding culture and heritage organisations altogether though.
It doesn't. It suggests that feeding starving children should be a higher priority.
Players' wages are an issue, I don't think that's actually contentious (although I'll always contend that if anyone should be profiting off the success of football it should be the people bloody well playing the football), the same as anyone who earns £millions a year.

Buuuuuuuuut, in no way lets the government off the hook.

Of course it's an issue. When you pay some semi-literate muppet 100 times the salary of a neurosurgeon for kicking a football, it has to be an issue.

Sorry? Did I say that I didn't think that the free meals scheme shouldn't be government funded?

I think that the government's stance on this is utterly despicable.

£15m is absolutely fuck all compared to other sums spent to ameliorate the carnage.

I sent the PM an E-mail earlier:

For fuck’s sake Johnson, stop digging.

This isn’t going away, and is costing the party dearly.

How bloody tin eared can you be?

By the way, I’ve been a Conservative supporter and voter for more than fifty years, and bar the poll tax, have never seen such a fuck up.

Get it sorted, the longer you wait, the bigger a prick you appear.

Sorry? Did I say that I didn't think that the free meals scheme shouldn't be government funded?

I think that the government's stance on this is utterly despicable.

£15m is absolutely fuck all compared to other sums spent to ameliorate the carnage.

I sent the PM an E-mail earlier:

For fuck’s sake Johnson, stop digging.

This isn’t going away, and is costing the party dearly.

How bloody tin eared can you be?

By the way, I’ve been a Conservative supporter and voter for more than fifty years, and bar the poll tax, have never seen such a fuck up.

Get it sorted, the longer you wait, the bigger a prick you appear.

I thought you went Labour a few years ago?
I would imagine that the arts funding will feed all the beneficiaries children.

The arts are a major contributor to employment, and are dying on their feet.
I would imagine that "£1.57 billion for 'culture and heritage organisations'" actually means £1.5 Billion for extensions on friends' castles, and the rest split between opera and whoever begs hardest.
I would imagine that "£1.57 billion for 'culture and heritage organisations'" actually means £1.5 Billion for extensions on friends' castles, and the rest split between opera and whoever begs hardest.
The arts council have published the details of all the funding they've given out so far - 409 million - you can download a spreadsheet of the awards here if you want to check for castles.
The arts council have published the details of all the funding they've given out so far - 409 million - you can download a spreadsheet of the awards here if you want to check for castles.
tbf there has been dodgy funding over the years. I've never got round to doing it, but there are various grand homes around the country that we have the right to visit because they've accepted funding. They don't like advertising the fact but they have to let you in if you contact them and arrange a time. Pointless post-plague project, perhaps.
tbf there has been dodgy funding over the years. I've never got round to doing it, but there are various grand homes around the country that we have the right to visit because they've accepted funding. They don't like advertising the fact but they have to let you in if you contact them and arrange a time. Pointless post-plague project, perhaps.
I'm sure, and if you have a look through the spreadsheet I'm sure you'll find plenty that'll make you raise your eyebrows - there are real problems about how the arts council funds are given out, and who is able to access the funding. But it's silly to pretend it's all going to Tory MPs mate & the ballet, or to try and set this up as a fight between elite arts funding and starving children.
I'm sure, and if you have a look through the spreadsheet I'm sure you'll find plenty that'll make you raise your eyebrows - there are real problems about how the arts council funds are given out, and who is able to access the funding. But it's silly to pretend it's all going to Tory MPs mate & the ballet, or to try and set this up as a fight between elite arts funding and starving children.
Yep, fair enough. I agree. Often these things are actually more transparent than people assume. You just have to ask!
The arts are overwhelmingly liberal/left leaning, and that's generally reflected in the mix of organisations funded by the arts council - it's quite far from the tories 'looking after their own'.
I didn't realise Rees Mogg's wife's ancestral home was actually a youth club for underprivileged children. Thanks for clearing that up
And? Didn't you say there's money for both? The timeline is irrelevant.
We were talking about emergency pandemic arts funding that had been voted for by a tory MP - Wentworth Woodhouse appears to have been directly funded by the treasury in the 2016 autumn statement. It doesn't seem to me to be particularly relevant tbh.

That said: there should be money to maintain the country's architectural heritage as well as to feed starving children, yeah. Rees Mogg's in-laws don't appear to have lived in or owned the building for decades fwiw - it's currently - and was at the time of the award - owned and maintained by a charitable trust.
Only in the local news section, but having "[Tory MP]" and "quit" in the same headline is always good.

A Conservative MP is facing calls to stand down over her "mocking" message on Facebook to businesses offering free meals for children during half term.

Thousands of people have signed a petition calling for North Devon MP Selaine Saxby to quit.

We were talking about emergency pandemic arts funding that had been voted for by a tory MP - Wentworth Woodhouse appears to have been directly funded by the treasury in the 2016 autumn statement. It doesn't seem to me to be particularly relevant tbh.
But also, neither is the ACE grants spreadsheet you posted above.

Think it's possibly a bit tangential, because it seems agreed that the issue is hypocrisy, rather than funding arts and heritage. That said, the arts and heritage money is likely to be heavily about economically supporting middle-class jobs, and it's likely to be heavily skewed towards the south of England. So cynicism about Tory MPs seeing greater value in it than in feeding the kids of the less deserving might not be misplaced IMO.
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