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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

I know for a fact its not only middle class people in the South of England either. This is a bit of a weird argument tbh. It's not a zero sum game, there's other stuff you can criticise the Tories for spunking money at
I know it for a fact as well. And I'm not accusing them of spunking anything. I'm not opposed to arts funding! Just saying it's not exactly untory for them to be happier doling out cash to some people compared to others.
Rees Mogg's in-laws don't appear to have lived in or owned the building for decades fwiw - it's currently - and was at the time of the award - owned and maintained by a charitable trust.
It's irrelevant who lives there but...
Rees-Mogg’s mother-in-law, inherited the family fortune but not the home. She is one of the trustees of the Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust, which has raised £7m to acquire the house.
Set up a charity with your obscenely wealthy mates, buy a tax deductible castle, get your friends in the government to give you taxpayer money to pay for its repair, and use tax deductible charitable donations to pay for its upkeep.

But you're probably right and it isn't just a case of corrupt Tories looking after their own. It's definitely not their MO
I know it for a fact as well. And I'm not accusing them of spunking anything. I'm not opposed to arts funding! Just saying it's not exactly untory for them to be happier doling out cash to some people compared to others.
There's certainly less resistance to it than for feeding children, which you would think highlights their priorities.
I know for a fact its not only middle class people in the South of England either. This is a bit of a weird argument tbh. It's not a zero sum game, there's other stuff you can criticise the Tories for spunking money at

Yup. The Tories love that sort of thing, people fighting about which underfunded group deserves more of the scraps, while they give their mates' companies way more than both funds put together.
Only in the local news section, but having "[Tory MP]" and "quit" in the same headline is always good.

It's been a few years now since I've been for a meal in the houses of parliament, but her statement "Our canteens and dining rooms are subsidised as are many workplaces" strikes me as a little rich. Food and drink prices in parliament 10 years or so ago were a complete and absolute joke. Just a few quid for a full gourmet full meal in central london, very, very well prepared. I remember spending a night in the Lords one time drinking the best prepared jugs of Pimms I've ever had (cucumber, strawberries, the lot) that cost so little that you thought nothing of ordering another.

Perhaps they've upped their prices and dropped their quality now to match their central london location. If so I'll be happy to be corrected. A part of me suspects they have not...
It's been a few years now since I've been for a meal in the houses of parliament, but her statement "Our canteens and dining rooms are subsidised as are many workplaces" strikes me as a little rich. Food and drink prices in parliament 10 years or so ago were a complete and absolute joke. Just a few quid for a full gourmet full meal in central london, very, very well prepared. I remember spending a night in the Lords one time drinking the best prepared jugs of Pimms I've ever had (cucumber, strawberries, the lot) that cost so little that you thought nothing of ordering another.

Perhaps they've upped their prices and dropped their quality now to match their central london location. If so I'll be happy to be corrected. A part of me suspects they have not...
It is the best club in London. If you make it to the HoLs you get £305 a day to eat & drink in subsidised bars. It is obscene. :mad:
It is the best club in London. If you make it to the HoLs you get £305 a day to eat & drink in subsidised bars. It is obscene. :mad:

You don't have to eat or drink there. You can swing by on the way to work in the morning, claim your allowance, then go about your day. I'd recommend signing on then repairing to one of the clubs of Pall Mall, but I hear Soho also has its appeal.
The arts sector is on its knees. Killer b is spot on here.
So are starving children.
I'm watching 'Growing up poor: Britain's breadline kids. ' They have to choose between heating and eating. People getting loans from loan sharks so they can feed their children.
"What's for tea tonight, mum?" "Five chicken nuggets and some ketchup, like every other night!"
I'm not saying 'the arts' doesn't deserve money but anyone voting to prioritise the arts over starving children is a cunt.
It's quite obvious that some people have no idea what real poverty is.
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Mate I'm just a bit annoyed about friends of mine losing their jobs. You need to have a go at the Tories not the other recipients scrabbling for the the few crumbs they are chucking around, many of whom are struggling to feed their kids themselves. That's it. I'm not saying you can't prioritise starving children (as if nobody who works in theatre etc has kids?) or defending some fucking tory. Mates of mine have lost jobs they love and have no idea if/when they are gonna be able to get back to work ffs. It's not one or the other, I don't particularly appreciate the insinuation that I don't care about starving children because I don't want to get in some culture war about theatre and music jobs being 'middle class' jesus.
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I'm not saying 'the arts' doesn't deserve money but anyone voting to prioritise the arts over starving children is a cunt.
It's quite obvious that some people have no idea what real poverty is.
That isn't actually what's happened though is it? There wasn't a specific vote on giving the arts 1.57 billion quid (that I'm aware of - if there was, it was rolled up into one of the big coronavirus regulations acts), there was emergency funding of 1.57 billion announced by the government in July after months of the alarm being raised over rolling closures, layoffs and redundancies across the sector. Emergency funding which has literally only started being allocated in the last couple of weeks, far too late for huge numbers of workers and organisations who've had no work for six months.

I could tell you about my friend who was made redundant by the arts org he worked for in April, who was told by his benefits advisor when asked what sector he was looking for work in 'the arts aren't really a thing anymore, where else are you looking?'. He has yet to find work. I could tell you about another friend, made redundant by the ticketing website he's worked for for a decade in May when all the summer music festivals all cancelled. He's on universal credit now, and presumably his kids are on free school meals. I could tell you about all my friends who work freelance in the sector - most people do - who've not been able to submit an invoice for six months and counting. I could tell you about the other people I know who work in the arts who've managed to hold on by the skin of their teeth, for whom this funding - now it's finally landed - means they'll be able to feed and clothe themselves and their kids for the next few months.

Far from being some absurdly generous handout, the 1.57 billion arts fund is hardly going to touch the sides. It's a life support package, not a bed of cash for already comfortably off people to sleep on. I'm sure if you dig there'll be some awards you disagree with - there's plenty I'm not keen on - but that was always going to be the case with such a huge sector to support, and such a short amount of time to decide how to allocate the cash.

The arts sector has been absolutely screwed this year, and it irritates me when people decide it's a soft target for stuff like this because posh people like ballet.
Only in the local news section, but having "[Tory MP]" and "quit" in the same headline is always good.

Out of context seems to be in vogue.

"The portrayal of my recent comments on social media, out of context, does not accurately convey my views. I, of course, deeply regret any offence which may have been caused."

"There is nothing on earth that could make me think you're a cunt." - taken out of context, "You're a cunt." - If that happens I do not deeply regret any offence which may have been caused. Odd that she does...
Well said Jack Monroe

"All weekend on Twitter, people have been costing boiled eggs, pretending that they would be so much better at playing poor than actual poor people are. I’ve said it a thousand times: it’s easy to live simply and frugally when you have a secure roof over your head, your heating hasn’t been cut off, there’s water in the taps, and nobody’s banging on your door for council tax arrears. It’s simple to boil a 12p egg in your saucepan if you’ve the 99p to buy the whole box, and a saucepan to go with it."
"The rich photograph their boiled eggs to make a sanctimonious point, and the poor sit behind closed doors, afraid to speak up lest they be judged for their appearance, their diet, or their smartphone."

The free school meals row should open up a debate about poverty itself | Jack Monroe
For all the capitalists (and the ignorant) out there, the Arts sector in the UK earns more in foreign trade than UK manufacturing, and it is very close to financial services. If measuring things that way excites you, there it is.
To suggest that the Arts 'isn't a thing', or hasn't been a thing to be more accurate, is plain wrong. To intimate the Arts wouldn't be a 'thing' in the future would be enought to drive me closer to suicide.
For all the capitalists (and the ignorant) out there, the Arts sector in the UK earns more in foreign trade than UK manufacturing, and it is very close to financial services. If measuring things that way excites you, there it is.
To suggest that the Arts 'isn't a thing', or hasn't been a thing to be more accurate, is plain wrong. To intimate the Arts wouldn't be a 'thing' in the future would be enought to drive me closer to suicide.
we seem to operate at an arts deficit
So are starving children.
I'm watching 'Growing up poor: Britain's breadline kids. ' They have to choose between heating and eating. People getting loans from loan sharks so they can feed their children.
"What's for tea tonight, mum?" "Five chicken nuggets and some ketchup, like every other night!"
I'm not saying 'the arts' doesn't deserve money but anyone voting to prioritise the arts over starving children is a cunt.
It's quite obvious that some people have no idea what real poverty is.

What is this shit? Children will be allowed to go hungry to the point it becomes politically unsustainable - amongst their own MPs, the media and ultimately the electorate, and the mob. Equally the Arts sector will be allowed to collapse to the point it becomes politically unsustainable or the economic costs of propping it up are lower than allowing it to completely fall apart. It's not like they sit in back rooms rubbing their hands at the prospect of starving children whilst they plot the next lavish Opera. They don't give a shit, that's the point, there is no moral compass good or bad, just numbers on a spreadsheet, headlines, polls, votes and ultimately protests, strikes and riots.

The reason they don't want to give kids school meals in the holidays is ideological. They don't want it to become a 'thing' that the state is expected to do, and continue to do post-pandemic. They are terrified that current conditions will provoke a long term demand for increased social spending and so they will prop up various sectors and throw a few pence at the poor based on doing the bare minimum, in an attempt to pacify all political factions and groupings enough that they don't incite open revolt, and to prevent complete economic disaster. To pursue this strategy they absolutely need to present a narrative of scarcity which they can then attempt to use to turn those political factions against each other rather than against them. So don't fucking fall for it. It's not community arts project versus free school meals, or even housing benefit versus the ballet. It's them against us, and we want the fucking bakery not the crumbs. Don't we?
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For all the capitalists (and the ignorant) out there, the Arts sector in the UK earns more in foreign trade than UK manufacturing, and it is very close to financial services. If measuring things that way excites you, there it is.
To suggest that the Arts 'isn't a thing', or hasn't been a thing to be more accurate, is plain wrong. To intimate the Arts wouldn't be a 'thing' in the future would be enought to drive me closer to suicide.

in my book there's something of a gulf between the arts and financial services:
(from the ons.gov.uk 2018 report linked to above)

so in summary your claims are wrong. the arts sector does not earn more in foreign trade than manufacturing. it is not very close to financial services.
This twat cancels her membership over food standards, no mention of fsm's .
Fuck her.
Bake Off’s Prue Leith ‘quits Tory party’ in protest over food standards Bill

I don't give a toss why people leave the Tory party really, as long as they do. She gone public on improving hospital food, so all hungry kids will have to do to get a square meal is develop an illness due to malnutrition and get admitted.

Bake Off’s Prue Leith wins government support in hospital food review
Nope. I have enough, why should I want more?

My point is that the players of Man Utd could fund the £15m and never miss it. Much less expensive to make political points of course.
Yeah, they could, perhaps they should, but in the end, so what? This is about the taxes we pay, the purposes that money is put to and the government elected to do it. Moaning about rich footballers is a distraction from that.
Which do you think is harder to achieve, becoming a world class football player or becoming a neurosurgeon?

Not a problem, when you are dragged out of the car wreck with your shattered skull intruding into your brain, I'll send Pogba to deal with it for you, or would you prefer Ronaldo?
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