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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

Because whilst many footballers easily clear £80k a week (and I don't begrudge them that), no parliamentarians get that as their basic MPs salary. Unless I have totally misread Badgers' figures...

I think you've totally misread Badgers post...it's about food vouchers/allowance, not basic salaries.
I think you've totally misread Badgers post...it's about food vouchers, not basic salaries.
sorry, I see the arithmetic now. 650 MPs x £125 = £81,250, as opposed to a weekly salary of £81,250 . In my defence, it really wasn't clear from the post.
Come to think of it, who needs £125 food per person, per week? My aldi shop is £20 pw, and I live bloody well off that. And I don't get subsidised restaurants
You jealous because you don't have their talent so can't get a big salary?
sorry, I see the arithmetic now. 650 MPs x £125 = £81,250, as opposed to a weekly salary of £81,250 . In my defence, it really wasn't clear from the post.
Come to think of it, who needs £125 food per person, per week? My aldi shop is £20 pw, and I live bloody well off that. And I don't get subsidised restaurants
Thanks for the apology. I have added it to the list :D
There was some hoohaa a few years back where a footballers wage slip was made public, I remember seeing it in the paper and whilst the sums of money on it were eye watering it looked not much different in layout to the one I was getting.
Whilst the paper concerned made a fuss over how much he was getting there was no suggestion he wasn't paying the proper tax. After all a footballer is just an employee like the rest of us.
Whether or not kicking a ball around is worth £220,000 a week is a different argument from whether or not the state should be feeding poor kids. Rashford does apparently give away substantial sums of his income but so what? No private individual no matter how wealthy or generous should be expected to step forward and relieve the state of its responsibility towards its citizens especially those most in need of assistance.
Sorry sass, thought you were the Original Old Skool Tory, sun shone out of Thatcher's arse, etc.?
So surely, if a private sector business - as Manchester United (and every other professional football club) assuredly is - is willing to pay that sort of employee remuneration, what possible objection could you have?
And if those are the rates which your beloved free market determines, how could you possibly object to that either?
Players' wages are an issue, I don't think that's actually contentious (although I'll always contend that if anyone should be profiting off the success of football it should be the people bloody well playing the football), the same as anyone who earns £millions a year.

Buuuuuuuuut, in no way lets the government off the hook.
Nobody should earn these sums but we live under capitalism. I would rather Rashford earns big bucks (especially given his well know generosity) than a lot of the tax dodging cunts that our cunt government support, fund and allow to take the piss.
Precisely, he at least gives millions value in terms of entertainment and sporting success which they evidently appreciate very much. The parasites in thw City simply shuffle paper about and appropriate wealth, without ever adding value to anything or directly benefiting anyone other than themselves and BigBastardBank plc.
Out of all the planet's wealthy, sports stars and entertainers (pop stars, actors etc) are to my mind the least completely hateful.
I may loathe (say) Guns 'n' Roses, but I don't begrudge them the dosh that much, comparatively
Last edited:
23rd October 2020

Dear Mr Hunt,

I hope that you and your family are keeping well during these testing times.

I write to you today to enquire why you voted to deny the poorest children in our country the opportunity to claim a weekly fifteen pounds food voucher during the upcoming school holidays at Christmas, February half-term and Easter, a total of six weeks here in Surrey, ninety pounds.

Yours sincerely,

HUNT, Jeremy <[email protected]>
4:31 PM (21 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Herr Strasse

Thank you for your emails. I appreciate your concern about extending free school meals.

Ministers took the unprecedented step this year of extending the free school meals programme over the summer holidays. As you will know, provision for free school meals is ordinarily term time only, but I think it was right that Ministers recognised the extremely difficult situation families have been put in by coronavirus and took the unprecedented action they did.

However, we are now in a different position, with our schools back open to all pupils. It is important to remember that free school meals are not a general welfare measure. They are aimed at providing healthy meals for children in school to ensure disadvantaged students can learn to the best of their ability. I believe that the best way to support families all year round is through Universal Credit, rather than the Government subsidising meals for families in their own homes. A wide range of financial and other support is already available to help families, such as the £9 million summer holiday activities and food programme. This programme also ran over the summer, offering activities and meals to thousands of disadvantaged children.

I have tremendous respect for Marcus Rashford’s campaigning but believe that, despite the criticisms that can be levelled at the government for its pandemic handling, a lack of generosity in supporting people and businesses in difficulty is not one. I believe we have been the most generous country in Europe in terms of our overall support – and I am sure will return to the issue of free school meals if the lockdown continues into winter.

On a different note, if you are not already signed up to my twice weekly constituency update emails and would like to receive them, please let me know (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Best wishes

Jeremy Hunt

My bold.
Nobody should earn these sums but we live under capitalism. I would rather Rashford earns big bucks (especially given his well know generosity) than a lot of the tax dodging cunts that our cunt government support, fund and allow to take the piss.

besides Manchester City’s mercenaries of course, not a big fan of their source of income are you, laaaa
Agreed. But also don't fund the ballet and then, with a laugh and a shake of the head, say there's no magic money tree when it comes to child poverty.
The wording - Supported £1.57 billion for 'culture and heritage organisations' suggests there's something illegitimate about funding culture and heritage organisations altogether though. It isn't just ballet they've funded - there's a lot of people much further down the food chain who're able to feed their children this week because of the various culture funds.

Christ, last week everyone was up in arms because they apparently weren't going to fund the ballet and the dancers would all have to retrain a programmers...
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