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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

At a total guess I would imagine that he’s done that to make a show of it, he certainly doesn’t need the expenses, average seems to be around £40K, that really is chicken feed to him. I can’t be arsed to check, but would imagine Zac Goldsmith wasn’t a regular customer down the expenses counter either . Happy to be proved wrong of course...

Or maybe someone how claiming them against his own tax benefited him more? Can't see how, but, I really can't see any Tory MP not taking money they're legitimately allowed, even if they don't need it. That generally doesn't stop rich people deducting ludicrous things from tax.
Seems to be catching on.

My mate's shop in Lancaster :cool:

The Conservative Party is having a nervous breakdown. Have sustained a pummelling thanks to their disgraceful treatment of Manchester, Labour's free school meals bill has seen them collectively stagger, punch drunk, from one catastrophe to another. Voting against the motion is one thing, knowing as they do kids regularly go hungry during school holidays, but to not let it lie is simply incredible.

Some of the arguments we saw on Wednesday was textbook Toryism. Brendan Clarke-Smith argued supplying meals was like "nationalising children", of alleviating parents of their responsibilities and thrusting it onto the taxpayer. We know facts are inconveniences for Tories, but the truth is child poverty among working families is greater than non-working families, and as we're talking more than two million families here (over four million, up 500,000 since 2010). Knowing the likes of Clarke-Smith, they're either bad parents because they do not provide for their kids, or they're bad parents for having low paid jobs.

Usually, what happens in the Commons stays in the Commons. Not this time. In a deft bit of political footwork, Marcus Rashford orchestrated an online campaign that saw (mainly Labour) councils vow to step into the gap left by the government, with businesses large and small doing the same. Awkward, but the disaster for the Tories comes from their pugnacious response. They attempted to bury the damage by whipping up outrage against Angela Rayner for calling them scum, albeit under her breath, but when the blood is up and there's an opportunity to put the boot into working class people, the Tories couldn't help themselves. Jonathan Gullis, the non-entity representing Stoke North said he'd "been contacted by schools, supermarkets and parents who are concerned some have used the £15 a week voucher on alcohol, tobacco or on unhealthy food." Of course he had. Philip Davies, the self-described "men's rights activist" accused a 16 year old schoolgirl who wrote to him of "intolerance", because saying making kids go hungry is wrong is the same as bigotry. This afternoon, North Devon's Selaine Saxby appeared to threaten businesses by saying she hoped none helping out hungry children would be applying for assistance from the government. The piece de resistance was provided by our friend Ben Bradley. From picking a fight with Marcus Rashford to saying food vouchers were fuelling brothels and crack dens and then throwing a hissy fit at a Mansfield school for refusing to back his lies, the boy blunder has had a mare. And now it turns out our illustrious leader, Boris Johnson, did not even condescend to reply to an invitation from Rashford to enjoy a food poverty task force. Yup, it's been a tough old week.

If their actions condemn them, their words damn them. Politically speaking, it's a disaster. But why was this allowed to happen? The Tories, usually Borg-like on matters of message discipline, have turned the clock back to the late 1980s. Forget emollient John Major and the touchy feely affectations of Dave, this is Toryism red in tooth and claw. Not very one nation or in tune with the line of march, according to the Prime Minister. Why is this happening, why have the Tories taken leave of their political senses?

It must be remembered no one is omipotent, and this applies whether we're talking about individual politicians, political parties as a whole, and the ruling class and capital. Mistakes are made, balls ups happen. Here it appears an absence of direction from Downing Street is the fault. Having voted against the Labour initiative, it was necessary to set the Tories' face against any backlash and not be deterred or shamed by subsequent pressure and campaigning. After all, for neoliberal governments the authority invested in the executive is absolutely indispensible and must be jealously guarded. If it evaporates, election doom awaits unless the incumbent is replaced in short order. While true, giving loose lips and itchy Twitter fingers free reign was obviously not part of any grid. Why did all this bile come bubbling up? Simple: it's the size of the majority. With no elections around the corner, or none that matter as far as Tory MPs are concerned, they're not worried about the parliamentary arithmetic. And as for support, as politics is stuck polarised around age lines, as this balance favours the Tories, and how a bit of cruelty never did them any harm, there's no incentive for any right winger to wind their neck in.

Arrogance is the root of their awful behaviour, an inevitable by-product of their senses of entitlement and feeling untouchable. There will be many more moments like this, which provoke a popular outcry, but shouting is not enough. The opposition needs to cohere the anger and either make inroads into Tory support, or suppress parts of it. Can Labour rise to the task?

Or maybe someone how claiming them against his own tax benefited him more? Can't see how, but, I really can't see any Tory MP not taking money they're legitimately allowed, even if they don't need it. That generally doesn't stop rich people deducting ludicrous things from tax.

Possibly, but if I were pulling in >£10m a year and my wife was worth >£200m, and I were a senior politico scumbag, I would very much know the value of zero expenses.

Edit: That generally doesn't stop rich people deducting ludicrous things from tax.

Very much so, have first hand experience of exactly this.
Bear in mind he has six kids. A jaunt to Barbados in first class is £10,000 a head, that’s before you get to accommodation and spends. £40k ain’t a massive amount to him. But won’t be enough to save his neck CTR.
In Mogg’s case, moral superiority. The man may be a freak but he’s not totally stupid.

Hmm, maybe. He has off-shore accounts, and it's unlikely he doesn't use other ways to legally avoid tax.

I checked, and his allowance wasn't zero, though it was extremely low. He only claimed for office costs like photocopying and stationery. The constituency office might be owned by the party but presumably it's still subject to council tax.

Maybe it's a subtle way of saying only rich people should be MPs. Because even though their salaries are really high, MPs without millions in the bank would not be able to fund a constituency office and a secretary without expenses that cover those, and you really can't do a job like that without a secretary or assistant of some sort, and they should be paid for their work. It's not in the same league as payments for a duck moat.
Rees Mogg does it because he believes all MPs should be independently wealthy and do it as a hobby without recourse to public funds, so they can all stand up for the interests of the er.. independently wealthy. Fuck the rest of you and any chance of having someone represent you who shares your experiences and concerns.

Salaries and expenses for MPs are so those who are not independently wealthy can take a seat, although that’s not saying that the amount of money isn’t ridiculous.
Rees Mogg does it because he believes all MPs should be independently wealthy and do it as a hobby without recourse to public funds, so they can all stand up for the interests of the er.. independently wealthy. Fuck the rest of you and any chance of having someone represent you who shares your experiences and concerns.

Salaries and expenses for MPs are so those who are not independently wealthy can take a seat, although that’s not saying that the amount of money isn’t ridiculous.

That's what I was saying too. Their salaries are really high, £81k, but you can't actually pay for a secretary and a constituency office out of that unless you have an independent source of income. Or you get people to work for free for you and already own the building.

But I still don't get it.
build them up and then knock them down :( will be interesting to see whether the mirror plays that game this time

He is still young, but so far has steered clear of falling out of bars and swedging away. He was in Mykonos when Maguire was covering himself in glory this summer, but was not involved in any of that action. Hopefully he'll stay that way. Beckham mostly managed not to publicly disgrace himself, an affair/fling and rant about gongs are hardly on the scale of Ched Evans...
I’m not sure there IS much dirt on Rashford. He’s 22 and he mostly hangs out with his Mum.

I think he came through the youth ranks at United, where they are very cosseted and watched so not much chance for youthful shennanigans either.

I reckon he’s about as close to squeaky clean as you can get.
I may be mistaken but I seem to remember the first sign for me that Gascoine was going down was when he appeared in an advertisement for something. It all seemed to come close together after that.
I’m not sure there IS much dirt on Rashford. He’s 22 and he mostly hangs out with his Mum.

I think he came through the youth ranks at United, where they are very cosseted and watched so not much chance for youthful shennanigans either.

I reckon he’s about as close to squeaky clean as you can get.

There's plenty of opportunity for a young man with shed-loads of money and too much time on his hands to get in to bother, which is why so many of them do, but Rashford seems very grounded, as seen by his campaign, he's not doing it for publicity, he's looked around and is genuinely grateful for what he's got, appreciates that most others with similar backgrounds never get the chance and wants to help. This is what them Tories twats don't get, altruism scares them.
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