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Food waste fails


Detty Pig
What food do you always buy and then invariably fail to eat?

For me it is always bloody kiwis. So cheap I tell myself - and fresh fruit, so thus healthy. They will ripen in the bowl I tell myself. Then when crunch time comes I can never face the hairy, turgid little fucks.

Dried beans/pulses come an honourable second, but at least with those you can pretend that you will use them... some day...
Potatoes. From now on I'm only going to buy 3 potatoes at a time. I'm getting my head round a newly reduced appetite and I just can't eat as much as I think I can in my head.
Avocado's, I see them as a treat cos of their price. Oh I'll save that till......
Till its gone brown, stringy and inedible :facepalm:.
Also conference pears. Rock hard, so you wait, and then there is suddenly a 30 minute window of opportunity between crack ya teeth and mushy shite.
Also conference pears. Rock hard, so you wait, and then there is suddenly a 30 minute nanosecond window of opportunity between crack ya teeth and mushy shite.

That's more accurate. I love pears - and don't mind eating them when they're really crunchy, but they do go overripe far too quickly. :(

Fresh veg for me. I avoid buying it now as I know I'll have these ideas of making big trays of lovely roast veg or what have you, only to find I haven't got the time can't be arsed before they go off. Frozen veg is better for my piss-poor lack of planning. :oops:

Dried beans/pulses come an honourable second, but at least with those you can pretend that you will use them... some day...

I've got a number of bags of various dried stuff in the cupboard that are out of date, but I reckon there is a window of a good few years while they're still edible.
Another one here who takes apples to work and back repeatedly...

Also tomatoes, I'm bad for putting those in salads and then picking them out again.
Tip: cut up apples are nice, that's how I get through apples.

I hardly waste anything, it's the one domestic area I'm ok in. I mean, I usually end up throwing bits of stale bread away but past that it's very rare.
I sometimes get bread that goes mouldy. If there is just a bit of blue on it I will toast it and ignore it but if I have been away for the weekend it is sometimes worse than that.

Fruit I eat in plenty of time though I understand the upthread comments about pears, they can be tricky to catch ripe.

Normally I eat all my veg, potatoes and the like in time though sometimes I have to push off the nascent roots from spuds.

So, I don't throw away much food.
Potatoes - I don't really have anywhere suitable to store them, even now my flat is that warm that I am sitting here quite happily without the heating on, and damp due to condensation, and they seem to go off really quickly in this environment.

It doesn't help that Iceland sometimes only has 5kg bags - that is not a suitable amount for a household of 2 to get through before the greenhouse we live in turns them to mush.

Most other things go in the freezer, I froze a kilo of parboiled carrots yesterday - food has been saved from waste :D
Tip: cut up apples are nice, that's how I get through apples.

I hardly waste anything, it's the one domestic area I'm ok in. I mean, I usually end up throwing bits of stale bread away but past that it's very rare.
Cut up apples dipped in peanut butter are even nicer. :thumbs:
Bread although if I can be bothered I sometimes make breadcrumbs and store them. I must get round to making bread pudding one day . Yoghurt , I tend to eat three of the four in the pack and leave the last one. Cereals , never fancy finishing the last bit at the bottom of the box. Frut and veg thats a bit past it I just feed to the chickens.
I just had a yoghurt dated November 2018. I don't see a problem.Yoghurt's done all the going-off it's going to do. If anything it can only get more yoghurty.
Similar to when the mrs tells me the Sour Cream is out of date. What's it going to do? Go sour? So long as nothing is growing on yoghurt, sour cream, kefir, etc, then it's fine. No matter what the date printed on it is.
White sliced bread. I don't use much of it but it's nice to have beans on toast or a toasted sandwich or an egg salad sandwich...but I'm often left looking at half a loaf gone mouldy by the end of the week.

I've recently started freezing half a loaf
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Bananas and coriander.

Bananas always seem like a good thing to buy but I eat one or two and the rest go manky. Coriander is sold in bunches far too big for one curry so a bit gets used and the rest goes off in the fridge. (Yes, I know I should freeze it).
I've been eating the apples this week :D

Actually managed to find some that I quite like. Trouble is I can't remember what kind they are. They were from Sainsbury's and quite zingy.
Potatoes. From now on I'm only going to buy 3 potatoes at a time. I'm getting my head round a newly reduced appetite and I just can't eat as much as I think I can in my head.

Sweet potatoes. All too often the supermarket doesn't have loose ones so I buy a whole bag but then I only use two and the rest go bad.
I have a thing about food waste, hate it so much - so this is an Area of Continual Improvement for me! :)

Broccoli, when it's gone all yellow and past it, secretly blooming in the bottom of the fridge (oh, manky bottom of the fridge, why do you exist? Even with your see-through windows, you hide the stuff until it's mush!) :(

Bread, I've kinda stopped buying loaves as it was getting chucked too much - I find wraps and pittas last a bit longer in the fridge.

I'll eat yoghurt way past it's use by, till it's too tangy really, which takes a lot. If it's not green, it's not obscene.

I have a habit of buying out of date Whoopsies at Morrisons - yay! Spring greens for 20p, having em! And then I realise I've paid 20p for the privilege of transporting Morrison's food waste back to my house to be my food waste.

I have a rather expensive compost heap.:oops:
Sweet potatoes. All too often the supermarket doesn't have loose ones so I buy a whole bag but then I only use two and the rest go bad.
These too. I don't really like them but they're supposed to be more healthy than spuds so I buy them with the best intentions then ignore them until they need chucking out.
These too. I don't really like them but they're supposed to be more healthy than spuds so I buy them with the best intentions then ignore them until they need chucking out.

I've got a massive red one (fnar!) which is too big to do anything with, except look at, caress and fantasise about what I might do with it.

Fnar, fnar and fuckity fnar. :thumbs::eek::p
Jars of stuff. Jam, other spreads. I buy a jar because I fancy it at the time. Having had a serving, I no longer fancy it, so it grows fur.
This. If I had the money/space I’d buy miniature jars of jam and sachets of mayo etc so I don’t waste. I currently just try to steal from pubs etc when I can.
I'm pretty good and generally everything gets used somehow. Though I did chuck half a jar of gherkins today that I found had a big old layer of mould on. I never thought pickled gherkins could go off :confused:
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