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Food disgust test

I’m actually not as bad as this portrays.
For me, a lot of it is texture with foods but I do get grossed out easily by dirty spaces. When I did slimming world I would avoid the bring and share nights as I just couldn’t eat food from random people’s kitchens.
Are you me? I used to refuse a cuppa tea at me sister in laws house because she had brown mugs and they grossed me out.
I've worked in kitchens before and I'm actually really careful with food hygiene if it's for other people, just my own standards are nonexistent
Yeah, I'm the same. Drop something on the floor? Brush off the dirt and back on the plate. Use By dates are merely suggestions. I generally trust my sense of smell. I hate chucking out food.

But I was perfectly capable of following the rules working in a kitchen.
Yeah, I'm the same. Drop something on the floor? Brush off the dirt and back on the plate. Use By dates are merely suggestions. I generally trust my sense of smell. I hate chucking out food.

But I was perfectly capable of following the rules working in a kitchen.

Yeah, in a professional kitchen you have to lick it so there’s no visible dirt.
Food Disgust.JPG

I do feel like a lot of my answers are informed by a) Covid meaning I'm more wary of human contamination or people touching my food than I might have been beforehand, b) being lifelong poor meaning I'm more likely to have to eat food that is past its best rather than it being a choice, and also very odd about sharing My Food with others - it's got sod all to do with them touching it and more to do with multiple times I've gone hungry due to not being able to afford to eat, which does affect your reactions around food with regard to sharing it, or what you are prepared to eat though.

Having worked in the food safety/hygeine arena for a while in the past though I am kind of shit hot on that in a regulations and the science around it way, so yes absolutely that part of it is absolutely accurate, I am not eating anything that 8ball 's restaurant has picked up off the floor and licked clean :hmm: 🤣

I am not particularly fussy about the types of things I eat though, beyond the raw fish thing (my ex worked in the fish health field for a while and learned a frightening amount about fish parasites!!! Which I don't mind eating, but I want them to be cooked and definitely dead) and a few textural fussinesses.
Oh also is the insect contamination score for me because I said I wouldn't eat salad if there was a snail in it?
I seem to be really getting into the taxonomy thing today because Snails Are Not Insects not even close.
Oh it might be because if there were "bugs" (which again is a broader term than just insects) in a restaurant loo I might decide not to eat there, I rarely go to the loo before sitting down and eating though unless it's been a long journey there - bladder not quite that bad yet, so chances are I wouldn't know til after I'd eaten at least 1 course :D

Oh and the snail thing for me is because I know they can carry parasites, also it shows the salad leaves have not been checked and washed (fairly significant way of getting some types of food poisoning and/or norovirus) if they're handled and not washed - see it comes back to the hygiene thing again that I mentioned above and that I knew I would score high on), and there's going to be snail mucus all over it and I'd far rather have a nice vinaigrette than snail mucus on my salad.

I actually love eating snails if they are parasite free (or at least parasites cooked!) ones that have been cooked and served with garlic and herb butter, fucking get in, om nom nom
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I am not particularly fussy about the types of things I eat though, beyond the raw fish thing (my ex worked in the fish health field for a while and learned a frightening amount about fish parasites!!! Which I don't mind eating, but I want them to be cooked and definitely dead) and a few textural fussinesses.
Yeah, I like raw fish but it is dodgy. The various things the Japanese eat with sushi, such as soy sauce, wasabi and ginger, aren't just there for the taste. You need to eat them to stave off food poisoning!

I draw the line at fugu. I'm willing to risk a bit of food poisoning to enjoy delicious sea food at its best, but not a horrible death.
Gave up after the question about hair in soup because clearly it depends whose hair.

If it was anyone's hair but my own, I would be revolted no matter who it was. I assumed the question was asking about it being someone else's.

Not surprised by that. I'm very good at picking mould off bread/marmalade etc and eating it*, and all the apples from the garden have had some sort of creepy crawly on them. Just cut the holes out, rinse and eat.
Fish was a bit "whatabout?". I eat raw salmon, but wouldn't eat raw cod. Don't much like fish generally - If the thing still has its head, tail (and skin), then it clearly has bones in still, so it will take forever to eat, and I might still die.

ETA - that's picking the mould off and eating the rest of the bread, obv.
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BTW as an aside to the above, I am not bothered if my cat licks my food, I'll just take it back off him and eat it.

I just think my body is used to dealing with his cat germs by now (same for my other deceased cats too when they were still here), I sometimes wake up on the sofa after a nap with him on my face, arse on my pillow, drooling on my cheek, and I'd be dead by now if that was going to be dangerous for me, my immune system seems to be one bit of me that is still working. So I'm not going to ditch food if he's briefly had his tongue on my slice of pizza.

I know some of you will absolutely have your hair standing on end about that btw :D but it comes under the heading for me of "I'd have been dead by now".

Also wouldn't feed others if the food hadn't been made in a hygienic way and obvs if someone has an immune issue this should definitely be avoided just in case. I wouldn't eat anything that anyone else's cat had licked because my own system might not be used to their particular flora and fauna. And definite no if serving food to the public in a catering/restaurant situation.
Not surprised by that. I'm very good at picking mould off bread/marmalade etc and eating it*, and all the apples from the garden have had some sort of creepy crawly on them. Just cut the holes out, rinse and eat.
Fish was a bit "whatabout?". I eat raw salmon, but wouldn't eat raw cod. Don't much like fish generally - If the thing still has its head, tail (and skin), then it clearly has bones in still, so it will take forever to eat, and I might still die.

ETA - that's picking the mould off and eating the rest of the bread, obv.
I took the raw fish question to mean 'the usual fish that is eaten raw' rather than all fish. Cod is rarely eaten raw.

Not a disgust thing, but oysters are 100 times better cooked than raw. They just taste of sea water raw. Cooking them just a tiny bit brings out the lovely flavour. After a small survey of a few people I know, I suspect that many people are missing out on oysters because they've only tried them raw and think they're meh.

I didn't copy the percentage thing and I've closed it now.

Seems about right.

I'll happily eat a dozen raw oysters (very happily) if I'm by the sea side so know they are fresh.
But serve me a whole fish with head, eyes and bones, no no no no.

I'll happily eat a bloody steak but if I get a bit of chewy fat or gristly in my mouth * boak *
I took the raw fish question to mean 'the usual fish that is eaten raw' rather than all fish. Cod is rarely eaten raw.

Not a disgust thing, but oysters are 100 times better cooked than raw. They just taste of sea water raw. Cooking them just a tiny bit brings out the lovely flavour. After a small survey of a few people I know, I suspect that many people are missing out on oysters because they've only tried them raw and think they're meh.

I love cooked oysters - grilled briefly is especially good.
Raw though boak :eek:
I will deffo pick caterpillars or snails or even slugs off veg and carry on eating it, but I draw the probably arbitrary line at weevils and cockroaches or anything else with legs. And maggots of course. Maggots are off the scale, disgust-wise
I will deffo pick caterpillars or snails or even slugs off veg and carry on eating it, but I draw the probably arbitrary line at weevils and cockroaches or anything else with legs. And maggots of course. Maggots are off the scale, disgust-wise
If I had a garden and grew my own veg (big if) and there was a slug or caterpillar on them in the garden, I'd happily harvest them*, wash a prepare and eat.
But if I bought pre prepared veg or it was served up to me and it had a slug it caterpillar on I wouldn't eat it.

*I'd eat the veg not the critter
I will deffo pick caterpillars or snails or even slugs off veg and carry on eating it, but I draw the probably arbitrary line at weevils and cockroaches or anything else with legs. And maggots of course. Maggots are off the scale, disgust-wise
Funny really. Maggots actually eat bacteria and thus act to clean the thing you're eating. In them olden days, they used to cut the bit with the maggots off and know that the meat underneath would be okay. However, snails and slugs produce a slime that is not the best thing to eat. So your instinct is probably the wrong-way round. I still kind of agree with you, though, that maggots (and weevils!) are something that tend to put me off food.
Funny really. Maggots actually eat bacteria and thus act to clean the thing you're eating. In them olden days, they used to cut the bit with the maggots off and know that the meat underneath would be okay. However, snails and slugs produce a slime that is not the best thing to eat. So your instinct is probably the wrong-way round. I still kind of agree with you, though, that maggots (and weevils!) are something that tend to put me off food.

If the top layer of meat is wriggling with maggots, then none of it is OK as far as I'm concerned, because it's clearly not been stored in a remotely safe or hygienic fashion. Toss the lot out.
Not sure about other parasites but I did check a while ago and the kinds of heartworms that can affect humans aren't found in the UK apparently. So that's one way British slugs can't kill you at least :thumbs:

Maggots are completely indistinguishable from mushrooms if you fry them up together btw.
Ok, you've found a genuine food disgust response that I do have. I think something crawling with maggots would put me off. I appreciate that the maggots themselves won't kill me and they're actually 'cleaning' my food. But still no.
Meat I wouldn't risk coz if it's been warm enough for a long enough time for maggots to hatch, it's probably also had time to go off and at the very least it'll taste shit. Veg/mushroom maggots are fine though!
(If anyone does want to get into eating insects, dried grubs are a good way to start coz the texture isn't so obviously insecty)
Meat I wouldn't risk coz if it's been warm enough for a long enough time for maggots to hatch, it's probably also had time to go off and at the very least it'll taste shit. Veg/mushroom maggots are fine though!
This probably scores highly as one of things I should keep to myself, but I remember with horror once taking some bacon out of the fridge - bottom shelf - and finding it had maggots on it. :eek:
Unsurprisingly (being a nitwit) I couldn't download (upload?) my chart but my disgust score was pretty minimal (less than 10). I grew up being often hungry, slightly feral, in and out of foster care,with many siblings so I am prepared to eat almost anything put in front of me. I have never really lost the habit of eating at vast speed...with my plate in one hand and fork in the other - mere inches between edge of plate and mouth. I tend not to eat out ever.

I always have a brew at the allotment and inevitably have to flick out various drowned flies so I am not remotely bothered by inert stuff like hairs.
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