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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron

Good to see youngsters like you thinking about others, This Morning and Philip Schofield visited a FB for the programme, I think PS was quite shocked, describing some of the people queuing as 'broken', good discussion afterwards, including a pathetic statement from the DWP, but which opened up the question of benefits, etc, though Jack Monroe seemed less animated than usual and focussed on the working poor.
I live in one of the worst areas in Blackpool (worst in the sense it tops most nationwide poverty related social/health issues), so I see it day in, day out. If my actions meant a kid went to school having eaten breakfast then I consider it worthwhile.
They were discussing food banks last night on Radio 2, after that section had finished I turned to my father and said ''I think we should donate some of our food or perhaps buy some for our local food bank, that sounds like a good idea right?'' Initially he turned to me and laughed, refusing quickly about to want to do so. After 30 seconds of rumination though he eventually came out with ''Actually, I think we've got some out of date shit at the back of the cupboard we could donate, great idea son!''

After what felt like a 5 minute facepalm moment I decided to ransack the kitchen of nice food which I'm going to donate today :). I suspect a bollocking is in the pipeline for me but fuck it, all I eat is yoghurt and oats anyway, others need food more. What saddens me is how frequently I hear my fathers reaction to food banks repeated, people seeing it as either an irrelevant nuisance that doesn't concern them or somewhere to get rid of shit food you needn't have bought in the first place. He seemed to struggle with the concept that people who use food banks would be unhappy at eating shit foods, as if they had to like it or lump it. Being able to eat nutritious food shouldn't even be being argued in 2013, this sort of shit should have been resolved fucking years ago. Children shouldn't be going to school without food inside them. Parents shouldn't be starving themselves for days just so the rest of their family can eat. How the fuck did we come to this? Why isn't the media going into a frenzy over how disgusting this whole topic is?

I don't want to live in this world anymore... :facepalm::mad::(

Still though, it's up to your dad whether he wants to donate or not. Going through his cupboards and donating stuff on his behalf without his consent is a bit out of order IMO & it's unlikely to make him any more sympathetic. Buy some stuff out of your own money and donate that, I reckon.
Good to see youngsters like you thinking about others, This Morning and Philip Schofield visited a FB for the programme, I think PS was quite shocked, describing some of the people queuing as 'broken', good discussion afterwards, including a pathetic statement from the DWP, but which opened up the question of benefits, etc, though Jack Monroe seemed less animated than usual and focussed on the working poor.

Doesn't surprise me.
Still though, it's up to your dad whether he wants to donate or not. Going through his cupboards and donating stuff on his behalf without his consent is a bit out of order IMO & it's unlikely to make him any more sympathetic. Buy some stuff out of your own money and donate that, I reckon.
If he wants me to pay for it I will. It'll show him to me more empathetic. Besides, he throws away a staggering amount of perfectly edible food so it's either the bin or someone's stomach. My conscience is pretty clear.
If he wants me to pay for it I will. It'll show him to me more empathetic. Besides, he throws away a staggering amount of perfectly edible food so it's either the bin or someone's stomach. My conscience is pretty clear.

Plus Callum I am sure you would be welcomed with open arms if you could volunteer a bit of your time to help out too.
They were discussing food banks last night on Radio 2, after that section had finished I turned to my father and said ''I think we should donate some of our food or perhaps buy some for our local food bank, that sounds like a good idea right?'' Initially he turned to me and laughed, refusing quickly about to want to do so. After 30 seconds of rumination though he eventually came out with ''Actually, I think we've got some out of date shit at the back of the cupboard we could donate, great idea son!''

After what felt like a 5 minute facepalm moment I decided to ransack the kitchen of nice food which I'm going to donate today :). I suspect a bollocking is in the pipeline for me but fuck it, all I eat is yoghurt and oats anyway, others need food more. What saddens me is how frequently I hear my fathers reaction to food banks repeated, people seeing it as either an irrelevant nuisance that doesn't concern them or somewhere to get rid of shit food you needn't have bought in the first place. He seemed to struggle with the concept that people who use food banks would be unhappy at eating shit foods, as if they had to like it or lump it. Being able to eat nutritious food shouldn't even be being argued in 2013, this sort of shit should have been resolved fucking years ago.

Although given the immense profits to be had from manufacturing processed crap, it's hardly surprising that there's plenty of shit food around, that it's advertised ridiculously-heavily or that the older brands are marketed as though they're some sort of "heritage" item.

Children shouldn't be going to school without food inside them. Parents shouldn't be starving themselves for days just so the rest of their family can eat. How the fuck did we come to this? Why isn't the media going into a frenzy over how disgusting this whole topic is?

We didn't "come to this", it's always been here. My nephew and nieces are the first generation of my family that hasn't had run-ins with the above. So far, anyway.
The reason there's no media frenzy, though, is the same reason that there's rarely much focus on the plight of the poor- "the media" is mostly constituted of people who've never been touched by poverty except on their own terms.

I don't want to live in this world anymore... :facepalm::mad::(

You have to live in it, to change it. How can you burn down Babylon, if you're not in Babylon to start the fire? :)
Good to see youngsters like you thinking about others, This Morning and Philip Schofield visited a FB for the programme, I think PS was quite shocked, describing some of the people queuing as 'broken', good discussion afterwards, including a pathetic statement from the DWP, but which opened up the question of benefits, etc, though Jack Monroe seemed less animated than usual and focussed on the working poor.

She's Labour, so she's merely toeing the line.
I considered that, but I think a meat tenderiser would render him unconscious too quickly.

If you used the tenderiser on the wooden mallet and roughed it up a bit, then twatted him with said mallet, it could be a long painful time for him before he is consumed by loss of conciousness!
I popped into Tesco last week and there were two elderly gents stood with a trolley at the front foyer of my local supermerchado asking for donations to a local food-bank. "I'll put some extras in my trolly and see you on the way out" I said. Then as I'm going into the main store I hear two snobs overladen with xmas shopping from Joe Malone and Russle and Bromley waffling to each other about it being terrible about being pressured into buying things for a food bank, including a classic comment that was mumbled along the lines of "If they can buy cigarettes and booze they can buy food".:rolleyes:

Anyway I filled two carrier bags of own brand and some decent essentials, all of which cost less than the bottle of scotch that I'd treated myself to for xmas:oops: (Blended I might add), and dropped them in the basket on the way out.

It was only when I got home I realised I'd been scammed on my mobile phone for £48:facepalm: whilst trying to get some customer service via a premium call line:mad:, over charged by £90 on tinternet for something I got on-line, charged for the wee mans annual footy subs and hit with a bill for daughters D of E from school.

I had £36 to last me 11 days:facepalm: In short, I was pretty fucking close to necking that scotch to give me the dutch courage to turn up to that food bank on Monday:D
I popped into Tesco last week and there were two elderly gents stood with a trolley at the front foyer of my local supermerchado asking for donations to a local food-bank. "I'll put some extras in my trolly and see you on the way out" I said. Then as I'm going into the main store I hear two snobs overladen with xmas shopping from Joe Malone and Russle and Bromley waffling to each other about it being terrible about being pressured into buying things for a food bank, including a classic comment that was mumbled along the lines of "If they can buy cigarettes and booze they can buy food".:rolleyes:

Anyway I filled two carrier bags of own brand and some decent essentials, all of which cost less than the bottle of scotch that I'd treated myself to for xmas:oops: (Blended I might add), and dropped them in the basket on the way out.

It was only when I got home I realised I'd been scammed on my mobile phone for £48:facepalm: whilst trying to get some customer service via a premium call line:mad:, over charged by £90 on tinternet for something I got on-line, charged for the wee mans annual footy subs and hit with a bill for daughters D of E from school.

I had £36 to last me 11 days:facepalm: In short, I was pretty fucking close to necking that scotch to give me the dutch courage to turn up to that food bank on Monday:D

We got a shocker £200 mobile bill just before Christmas (not from call charges but from the satellite turning itself on for two days solid and being charged about 23p per minute). The scary thing is it happens by accident and you don't know about it until a colossal bill comes in.
We got a shocker £200 mobile bill just before Christmas (not from call charges but from the satellite turning itself on for two days solid and being charged about 23p per minute). The scary thing is it happens by accident and you don't know about it until a colossal bill comes in.
Have you tried explaining that to your service provider? Sometimes they can be pretty good at reimbursing mistakes or worse still kids running up bills :)
Food bank debate saw Iain Duncan Smith and Esther McVey write their own political obituaries

The missing ministers and the jeering of Tories in the chamber showed new levels of contempt for


Ian Duncan Smith smirks as his deputy Esther McVey gives her speech
This government likes to show contempt for the poor its policies have created.

Yesterday was no exception as Tory ministers once again revealed their true nasty colours in the Commons.

Heartless Iain Duncan Smith and Esther McVey, a couple of nonentities relishing dirty jobs gifted to them by David Cameron, enjoy comfortable lifestyles yet spend their days making life harder for working people.

In a calculated snub they both vanished from the frontbench during a debate on the rise in foodbanks , the growth of which illustrates the crisis in living standards. But their actions were also a colossal misjudgment.

This undynamic duo represent Callous Conservatisim at its worst, a creed which doesn't give a damn about the plight of poor families.

Most of those struggling to pay bills in Britain are in work, doing jobs which fail to pay a living wage.

The missing ministers wouldn't get out of bed for what many people earn in a week.

Duncan Smith and McVey yesterday wrote their own political obituaries.

- Find out about our Christmas appeal supporting the Trussell Trust, who run a network of food banks across the UK .
I have sent the following to Ms McVey:

"Dear Ms McVey

[1] Could you please when you last visited your local food bank?

[2] Did you meet any of the users? (note, users not volunteers)

[3] What did they say to you?

I intend to publish your answers and so I look forward to a speedy, comprehensive and accurate response.

Yours etc etc"

I will, of course, let you know of any reply

Should anyone else have the urge to contact Ms McVey and ask her some pertinent questions here are her details:

Tel: 0151 632 1052 / 24 Meols Drive, Hoylake, Wirral, CH47 4AN
Email: esther.mcvey.mp@parliament.uk / Web: www.esthermcvey.com
I have sent the following to Ms McVey:

"Dear Ms McVey

[1] Could you please when you last visited your local food bank?

[2] Did you meet any of the users? (note, users not volunteers)

[3] What did they say to you?

I intend to publish your answers and so I look forward to a speedy, comprehensive and accurate response.

Yours etc etc"

I will, of course, let you know of any reply

Should anyone else have the urge to contact Ms McVey and ask her some pertinent questions here are her details:

Tel: 0151 632 1052 / 24 Meols Drive, Hoylake, Wirral, CH47 4AN
Email: esther.mcvey.mp@parliament.uk / Web: www.esthermcvey.com
She's my local MP (my dad lives in Meols). I was walking back from a shift when i was a student and there she was (with 2 big blokes standing behind her) trying to get people to sign a petition to save the local local post office. I asked if it was a bi-partisan apolitical petition which she assured me it was. I checked the bottom of the petition...stated it was on behalf of The local Cuntservative party. I pulled her up on her falsehood and mentioned that it was the conservatives who were privatising everything, had been busy trying to shut the local libraries and if the postal service was privatised then surely it would lead to small PO's like Meols' being first in line for closure...and that i was a socialist. At this point the 2 big blokes moved from behind her to in front of her of and she asked me 'Do you want to sign it or not?'. I declined. Horrible git of a Tory.
Used to know a few freegans , but not sure how viable it would be if widely adopted,

but a load of cunts with subsidised catering and massively over inflation pay rises so they don't put their fillet mignon on expenses are always going to be wrong
McVey is a truly rancid woman.

I was in my local library, in a small rural town, yesterday. It’s likely to close or be taken over by a “community group” – ie unpaid workers.

I signed the petition to keep it open and wished the staff good luck in their campaign.

As a parting shot I told the librarian, within earshot of the users, that if anyone who voted Conservative dare complain that the library might have to close due to spending cuts she had my permission to tell them to go and fuck themselves.

I’m not sure she will but it made feel a whole lot better.
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