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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron

You should be happy that this is a position held by your conservatives. Remember the position of US conservatives like the two Bushes: ALL poor people should be being looked after by food banks and charities, and not by the govt.

In your country, it's at least an argument that the benefits are sufficient to cover basic needs.
That is entirely the position of Cameron have you missed something? He would prefer to have everything met by charity. Keep lowering and lowering benefits and wages and get charity to plug the gap.
He's dismantling the welfare state in bits but even he knows it can't be completely stopped overnight.
I don't know when people in Britain last suffered (and died) from malnutrition on a large scale, but I fear those days will soon return. Only this time there will be no war to blame, no famine, no great depression. The only causes will be greed, slefishness and a government on a psychopathic rampage agaisnt the idea that everyone deserves food, warmth and safety no matter what their circumstances.
Said the same thing to the fella last night. Is that what it's going to take before people start giving a shit about each other?
Said the same thing to the fella last night. Is that what it's going to take before people start giving a shit about each other?

They already do give a shit about each other, hence the food banks popping up all over the country. Once people realise that we need to take care of those around us, they naturally come to question those who claim to be able to taking care of us in exchange for our obediance and servitude.
Cameron Visits Food Bank... in secret

David Cameron has secretly visited a food bank - but sidestepped meeting anyone who relies on the vital handouts.

In a cynical PR stunt, he finally bowed to repeated demands from MP and campaigners to see the impact of his policies on thousands of people.

The PM slipped into a food bank in his Oxfordshire constituency last Saturday and made a second trip to a different foodbank on Friday.

But Mr Cameron failed to meet any of the 250,000 people who rely on the handouts on either visit and shunned media requests to record the moment.



But, for folk living in tory constituencies there's now a good opportunity to email their MP to ask if they've followed their leader's example and visited a food bank, also asking whether or not they met those using the bank etc. etc.....photographic evidence etc.

e2a : mine is one step (2 days) ahead of me:rolleyes:.....http://tombrake.co.uk/en/article/2013/660637/mp-visits-local-food-bank
...but...weasel words:-
Carshalton and Wallington MP Tom Brake joined local volunteers at a session of the Sutton food bank in operation, at the Salvation Army branch in Benhill Avenue.
During the visit, Tom Brake had a chance to meet local residents who dedicate their time to helping those in need and find out more about the work they do.

So he did like his boss and avoided meeting his constituents too poor to feed themselves.:mad:
...so I dropped him a line on his FB...

Quite frankly the 1st world "proletariat" of rural England doesn't deserve maoism, it deserves to annihilated in the fire of the upcoming Glorious People's War.


That's old shit from revleft users, from when I used to post there. The above is taking the piss out of some American kid called Marcel the Maoist. The people he supports, though, the Maoist Third-Worldists of Monkey Smashes Heaven/Leading Light Communist Organisation, have been making videos for years. While ridiculed, they do take the global People's War thing seriously. It's central to their politics (see second vid).

Food banks are part of the Big Society - which started when The Conservatives invented being nice.

So if more people are using them it proves that there are more nice people.

The formula is simple - we improve niceness by making poor people poorer and lying about it.

Anyone who disagrees hates Britain
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Mentioned on the R4 midday news that more people are using foodbanks and more of them are working part time or even full time. Jesus wept. :mad:

Given that the value of a wage packet has actually decreased in the last 3 decades, it's hardly surprising, though. For the last 2 of those decades people have been relying on personal debt to make up the difference, and now there's far less cheap credit available, the wheels have come off for far too many people who (IMO) should have been joining unions and agitating about low wages, rather than grinning and bearing shit pay, and keeping themselves afloat on their credit cards. :( :( :(
That's what second-hand shops are for. You don't think us hardworking taxpayers expect you to wear new clothes do you?! :eek::rolleyes::(

But, by extension, the Tory scum would take the line that just as benefits levels obviate the need for foodbanks, they clearly meet the cost of new clothing. Not that second hand stuff.

This is another fucking insult along the lines of DunkedInShit maintaining that he could live comfortably on £53 a week.

In his hole he could.:mad:
Jesus wept. :mad:

Jesus may have wept because, as a Conservative, he understood that people would reject the idea that you can increase niceness by being horrid to people (see: The teachings of Zen Master Gideon).

He understood how many people would hate Britain.
As mentioned many times, the Tories wanted this, Smith released funds to the Tressel Trust, they see it as an integral part of responding to poverty and are largely happy with it all.
The level of food poverty in the UK is not acceptable. It's scandalous and it is causing deep distress to thousands of people. The time has come for an official and in-depth inquiry into the causes of food poverty and the consequent rise in the usage of foodbanks."

Interesting that Chris Mould CEO of the Tressel Trust, which many have described as a Tory operation, has roundly condemned the situation.
Wow Chris Mould. There's a name from my dim and distant past. Used to be Chief Exec of a hospital I worked at many moons ago in the early 90s.
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Btw, Smith, has failed to publish sanctions figures due in May, has consistently lied with official figures to the extent he's been reprimanded by the ONS, and has refused 3 times to appear before the Select Committee.

maybe he should have his salary docked?
Btw, Smith, has failed to publish sanctions figures due in May, has consistently lied with official figures to the extent he's been reprimanded by the ONS, and has refused 3 times to appear before the Select Committee.

maybe he should have his salary docked?

I'd much prefer that he be given a severe beating with a carpenter's mallet, than be fined, to be fair.
They were discussing food banks last night on Radio 2, after that section had finished I turned to my father and said ''I think we should donate some of our food or perhaps buy some for our local food bank, that sounds like a good idea right?'' Initially he turned to me and laughed, refusing quickly about to want to do so. After 30 seconds of rumination though he eventually came out with ''Actually, I think we've got some out of date shit at the back of the cupboard we could donate, great idea son!''

After what felt like a 5 minute facepalm moment I decided to ransack the kitchen of nice food which I'm going to donate today :). I suspect a bollocking is in the pipeline for me but fuck it, all I eat is yoghurt and oats anyway, others need food more. What saddens me is how frequently I hear my fathers reaction to food banks repeated, people seeing it as either an irrelevant nuisance that doesn't concern them or somewhere to get rid of shit food you needn't have bought in the first place. He seemed to struggle with the concept that people who use food banks would be unhappy at eating shit foods, as if they had to like it or lump it. Being able to eat nutritious food shouldn't even be being argued in 2013, this sort of shit should have been resolved fucking years ago. Children shouldn't be going to school without food inside them. Parents shouldn't be starving themselves for days just so the rest of their family can eat. How the fuck did we come to this? Why isn't the media going into a frenzy over how disgusting this whole topic is?

I don't want to live in this world anymore... :facepalm::mad::(
They were discussing food banks last night on Radio 2, after that section had finished I turned to my father and said ''I think we should donate some of our food or perhaps buy some for our local food bank, that sounds like a good idea right?'' Initially he turned to me and laughed, refusing quickly about to want to do so. After 30 seconds of rumination though he eventually came out with ''Actually, I think we've got some out of date shit at the back of the cupboard we could donate, great idea son!''

After what felt like a 5 minute facepalm moment I decided to ransack the kitchen of nice food which I'm going to donate today :). I suspect a bollocking is in the pipeline for me but fuck it, all I eat is yoghurt and oats anyway, others need food more. What saddens me is how frequently I hear my fathers reaction to food banks repeated, people seeing it as either an irrelevant nuisance that doesn't concern them or somewhere to get rid of shit food you needn't have bought in the first place. He seemed to struggle with the concept that people who use food banks would be unhappy at eating shit foods, as if they had to like it or lump it. Being able to eat nutritious food shouldn't even be being argued in 2013, this sort of shit should have been resolved fucking years ago. Children shouldn't be going to school without food inside them. Parents shouldn't be starving themselves for days just so the rest of their family can eat. How the fuck did we come to this? Why isn't the media going into a frenzy over how disgusting this whole topic is?

I don't want to live in this world anymore... :facepalm::mad::(

Chin up lad, we have always known this was going to be a struggle we have to endure over centuries not decades.
We are still fighting and resisting and surviving. Some of us are only just surviving and some have lost the will to resist.
We who can must do all we can to shoulder the burden for those less fortunate and keep kicking against the evil that pervades this alleged free world.
Even when situations get even more dire,use the anger and passion. Head up and stare those who would see us starve in the eye. They are the bastards.
They were discussing food banks last night on Radio 2, after that section had finished I turned to my father and said ''I think we should donate some of our food or perhaps buy some for our local food bank, that sounds like a good idea right?'' Initially he turned to me and laughed, refusing quickly about to want to do so. After 30 seconds of rumination though he eventually came out with ''Actually, I think we've got some out of date shit at the back of the cupboard we could donate, great idea son!''

After what felt like a 5 minute facepalm moment I decided to ransack the kitchen of nice food which I'm going to donate today :). I suspect a bollocking is in the pipeline for me but fuck it, all I eat is yoghurt and oats anyway, others need food more. What saddens me is how frequently I hear my fathers reaction to food banks repeated, people seeing it as either an irrelevant nuisance that doesn't concern them or somewhere to get rid of shit food you needn't have bought in the first place. He seemed to struggle with the concept that people who use food banks would be unhappy at eating shit foods, as if they had to like it or lump it. Being able to eat nutritious food shouldn't even be being argued in 2013, this sort of shit should have been resolved fucking years ago. Children shouldn't be going to school without food inside them. Parents shouldn't be starving themselves for days just so the rest of their family can eat. How the fuck did we come to this? Why isn't the media going into a frenzy over how disgusting this whole topic is?

I don't want to live in this world anymore... :facepalm::mad::(

Good to see youngsters like you thinking about others, This Morning and Philip Schofield visited a FB for the programme, I think PS was quite shocked, describing some of the people queuing as 'broken', good discussion afterwards, including a pathetic statement from the DWP, but which opened up the question of benefits, etc, though Jack Monroe seemed less animated than usual and focussed on the working poor.
One thing is positive: the media frenzy about FB's is as I mention above is opening up wider questions about benefits, the Condems welfare cuts/sanctions, etc, the left and civil society could take advantage of this, collect for food in town, etc, but publicise why it is needed, post on social media, etc about it all.
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