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Filth by name. . .

There's just so many of these predatory badtards, they're like cockroaches.

Indeed. The Yorkshire Post today publishes an article about no less than three in Humberside:

Police inspector accused of inappropriately touching teenage girls - Yorkshire Post

The headline refers to Inspector Craig Mattinson



Inspector Craig Mattinson, of Humberside Police, will face a three-day disciplinary hearing, which is due to begin on Monday, February 20, after he was charged with gross misconduct.
He allegedly met a 14 year-old girl on numerous occasions, when he was both on and off duty, and touched her inappropriately over her clothing. The first meeting is believed to have taken place in April 2003.
The Humberside Police inspector has also been accused of meeting up with a 17-year-old girl, when he was both on and off duty, driving her to his house, kissing her and touching her inappropriately in 2004.

Next up:

Former PC Daniel Whitehead has been ordered to appear at a separate hearing, which will begin next week, after he was charged with gross misconduct.
According to Humberside Police, he posted content that was “inappropriate, grossly offensive in nature and sexually explicit” on social media and identified himself as a police officer, between September 2021 and March 2022.

And last but not least:

(...) former Humberside Police officer Richard Cammidge is due to appear at Hull Crown Court, charged with child sex offences.
The former PC has been charged with engaging in sexual communication with a child between May 2018 and June 2018 and attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child in October 2021.
Cammidge, who was based in Bridlington, is also charged with making an indecent photograph of a child.
He was arrested in November 2021, following an Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) investigation

The IPOC press release about him

Former Humberside Police officer charged with child sex offences - Independent Office for Police Conduct
Met Police officer charged with raping woman in Southend in 2009 - BBC News yesterday

A serving Metropolitan Police officer has been charged with the rape of a woman 14 years ago. PC Jordan Pascal, 33, of Basildon, Essex, is accused of the incident in Southend in 2009.
Essex Police said he worked for the force at the time but joined the Met in 2012. He was charged on 2 February and is due to appear at Southend Magistrates' Court on 13 March. (...)
He is suspended from the Met's Taskforce, which is a unit made up of the territorial support group, marine policing unit, dog support and mounted branch.
Misconduct hearing for PC Alex Campbell - Metropolitan Police

Notice of hearing to be held in public
Name of the officers concerned: PC Alex Campbell
Date: 2 to 4 May 2023

It is alleged that in July 2021 PC Campbell sent anonymous messages to a probationary officer on his team in an attempt to pursue a sexual relationship. PC Campbell continued to send messages of an inappropriate and sexual nature after the officer had asked him to stop. PC Campbell failed to identify himself in the messages despite the officer explaining she felt scared receiving messages not knowing who they were from.
It is further alleged that between January and May 2021, PC Campbell sent messages of an inappropriate and sexual nature to another probationary officer on his team. The messages continued after the officer had told him to stop.
It is also alleged that on either the 4 or 5 June 2021 PC Campbell sexually assaulted a probationary officer by deliberately touching her bottom whilst on duty and assisting her down from a wall. (...)
It is further alleged that his conduct, if proven, amounts individually or collectively to gross misconduct and is so serious as to justify dismissal.
can mean "has not been caught yet"
if the met police decided to throw stones at each other, and they decided to let an honest cop start things off - adopting the rule 'let a cop who is without sin cast the first stone' - no one would get hurt for a few seconds, until one of the dishonest cops decided to lie
Met police officer accused of sexually assaulting woman at home - The Guardian
This is PC Fabian Aguilar-Delgado who is currently on trial at Southwark Crown Court

Cambs police officer who made indecent images of child jailed after dismissal - Cambridgeshire Live
Former Cambridgeshire PC James Jordan (he was sacked after a misconduct hearing on January 30th) was jailed for four years last Friday.


Jordan pleaded guilty to five counts of possession/making indecent images of a child, which included 62 category A images, the most serious category possible. He also pleaded guilty to three counts of misconduct in a public office.

My London (a local Reach.plc site) publishes a list:
The Met Police officers currently charged with sex offences including child porn and rape - MyLondon
Some of them have already been mentioned on this thread but there is also:

PC Liam Boshein
PC Liam Boshein had pleaded guilty to possessing an extreme pornographic image. The 25-year-old from Portsmouth had previously denied the charge in November last year, but entered a guilty plea on February 10.

The offence is dated between November 7, 2019, and April 4, 2021, and he is due to be sentenced on March 17. He has been suspended from his post with the South Area Command Unit and the force’s directorate of professional standards are aware.

Jack Addis and Jeremy Laxton
Two retired police officers are accused of sharing indecent images on a hard drive which was also accessed by a serving Chief Inspector. Jack Addis, 63, and Jeremy Laxton, 62, allegedly put a “great number” of images on the device and were involved in a conspiracy to distribute child pornography.

Chief Inspector Richard Watkinson was also due to be charged but was found dead at his home in Buckinghamshire on January 12, just as he was due to answer bail over the child sex and misconduct allegations.

Both Addis and Laxton retired from the Met Police a decade ago. According to the charges, Laxton is accused of having access to 13,000 indecent images, including more than 6,000 which are in the most serious category. Addis is accused of making indecent images and allegedly taking pictures of children who visited his property. They are next due to appear at Southwark Crown Court on March 9.

PC George Patmore

PC George Patmore, 30, has been charged with possessing indecent images and of possessing extreme pornographic material. This is said to include images of people having sex with dogs and horses.

He faces three counts of making an indecent image of a child, one count of possession of extreme pornography and one count of publishing an obscene article. He also faces a count of publishing an obscene article, between 27 May 2022 and 25 June 2022, namely a 'series of images and messages relating to the sexual abuse of dogs'.

During an appearance at Westminster Magistrates Court, he indicated not guilty pleas to all five counts. He is currently suspended from duties, where he had been attached to the North East Command Unit.
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Two officers face misconduct cases over how indecent exposure reports on Wayne Couzens were dealt - or not dealt - with. Had these reports been acted upon properly he would not have been able to remain working with the Met and would have faced prison. Instead he was able to continue offending; four days after the second reported offence he murdered Ms Everard.

Two police officers face misconduct cases over the handling of indecent exposure reports against Wayne Couzens, the former Met Police officer who murdered Sarah Everard.

Indecent exposure leads to sentences ranging from a fine through to two years in jail.

Had Wayne Couzens been convicted for any of the incidents (the earliest allegation dates back to 2015) he would probably have been imprisoned because his role as a serving police officer would have been an aggravating factor.

He would have been thrown out of the uniform before he could abuse his position and powers to kidnap, rape and murder Sarah Everard.

Even if he had only been identified for the 2021 exposures, that would have been enough to suspend him in the immediate period before he killed.

The IOPC's investigation was limited to allegations of individual failures, but a separate inquiry set up by the Home Office will consider what three police forces knew - or could have known - and when.

[Assistant chief constable of Kent Police Tracey Harman] confirmed no arrests were made as part of the investigation at the time.

On both 14 and 27 February 2021, Couzens exposed his genitals to staff at the drive-through restaurant and is said to have looked straight at the workers while sitting in his car as he paid for his food.

The second offence happened four days before he used his position to trick Ms Everard into his car.

According to the BBC, "the IOPC have said it was now up to the Metropolitan and Kent police forces to organise disciplinary proceedings and consider the evidence to decide whether the allegations against the officers are proven or not."

This is separate to the independent inquiry into how an off-duty Metropolitan police officer was able to abduct, rape and murder a member of the public.
Two officers face misconduct cases over how indecent exposure reports on Wayne Couzens were dealt - or not dealt - with. Had these reports been acted upon properly he would not have been able to remain working with the Met and would have faced prison. Instead he was able to continue offending; four days after the second reported offence he murdered Ms Everard.

Two police officers face misconduct cases over the handling of indecent exposure reports against Wayne Couzens, the former Met Police officer who murdered Sarah Everard.

According to the BBC, "the IOPC have said it was now up to the Metropolitan and Kent police forces to organise disciplinary proceedings and consider the evidence to decide whether the allegations against the officers are proven or not."

This is separate to the independent inquiry into how an off-duty Metropolitan police officer was able to abduct, rape and murder a member of the public.
Yeah, I've long thought - since the indecent exposure stuff came to light - that whoever dealth with it just went 'Wayne, mate, we've had this chat already yeah, don't be flashing your dick around, it's just not on bro' and let him off the hook, didn't find a report, anything, because 'he's a cop, bro, they must have been mistaken '.
Yeah, I've long thought - since the indecent exposure stuff came to light - that whoever dealth with it just went 'Wayne, mate, we've had this chat already yeah, don't be flashing your dick around, it's just not on bro' and let him off the hook, didn't find a report, anything, because 'he's a cop, bro, they must have been mistaken '.
Not just that, but they probably also wrote it off as "harmless", failing to realise that it might be the tip of a much bigger iceberg of sexually oppressive behaviour..
Then there's this. Gross misconduct hearing starts on Monday. Wonder how much dehumanisation like this goes on without ever getting the coverage.

I think we both know we only see a small fraction of one percent, and would just be quibbling over the fraction.
Officer facing jail after sleeping with vulnerable domestic abuse victim
woman was ‘so surprised by the behaviour of someone who was supposed to be a serving police officer’ that she was ‘almost suspecting it was a prank’
Advises a domestic abuse victim to get on a dating app, insists he should be the first to look at revenge porn pictures, and badgers her for sex.

Imagine having to deal with that after being beaten by your partner.
Officer facing jail after sleeping with vulnerable domestic abuse victim

Advises a domestic abuse victim to get on a dating app, insists he should be the first to look at revenge porn pictures, and badgers her for sex.

Imagine having to deal with that after being beaten by your partner.


This was former PC Darren Coathup. Long report in the Mirror.

Police officer used power to bed domestic abuse victim before revealing he had chlamydia - Mirror Online

A police officer took advantage of his power and work position to bed a vulnerable domestic abuse victim and then sent her money to buy STI tests after revealing he had chlamydia, a court heard. PC Darren Coathup, 39, bedded the woman just days after completing a training course on sexual misconduct, during which he was also sending her "intimate" messages and pictures.

He later told his victim he had a sexually transmitted infection and asked her to take a test, posting money through her letterbox for it, a court heard.

The victim was the second woman Coathup had met through his work he formed a relationship with, the court heard. Previously, he had also exchanged sexual messages, pictures and videos with another alleged crime victim who said he "preyed on her" after she reported her ex had assaulted her.

Coathup pleaded guilty to misconduct in public office in December and resigned. At a subsequent misconduct hearing it was determined that had he still been a serving officer he would have been dismissed.

Jailed for two years on Friday.


Yesterday Devon and Cornwall PC Kane Haywood appeared at Bristol Crown Court charged with two counts of rape of a woman aged 16 years or over and one count of sexual assault by penetration. Released on conditional bail until his trial, set for January next year. Currently suspended.
And as if the Met doesn't have enough problems, the BBC has this article:

I just don't have the words to describe how despicable this behaviour is. Targeting of a young person with disabilities just because of who his mother is, by the very people who are supposed to protect the weakest and most vulnerable in society is disgusting.
GarveyLives for f***s sake please stop with the unsolicited Dick pictures. They're adding nothing to the thread and just winding people up.. Would you like me to start reporting them again????

Please report this:

Metropolitan Police officer caught masturbating on train in December 2017 still a serving officer



PC Terry Malka of the Metropolitan Police pleaded guilty to outraging public decency in 2018 when he realised that his proposed defence would not stand up in court ... he is still in their the South Area Command Unit.
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