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Filth by name. . .

Chief cuntstable caught out telling a few "uncle albert war story" porkies and is sacked :D


Edit - surely that could have easily been checked?

dunno. maybe they work on the basis of taking the word of an officer and a gentleman...

it used to be a criminal offence to wear medals / medal ribbons you weren't entitled to - don't know if that's still law (and i think there is / was an exception if you were widow / child of a deceased veteran)
as ever it’s the lies that are the biggest problem here.

The medals get the headlines but are kind of a red herring, it’s that he said 10 years in navy (actually 2), attended some naval college (actually didn’t attend), military negotiator in Haiti (never been there)

If you’re putting something in writing which is demonstrably false, how can you ever be trusted when a key requirement of your job is integrity?
It's how long he's been lying for that I would really like to know. Just on the Chief Constable job or since he applied to be an officer?


would have thought if he had suddenly started making that claim, it would get questioned, but if he'd lied about it when he first joined the plod, it would be less likely to be questioned. when you start lying, you've got to keep it up and keep it consistent...
DC Brett Cooley, employed on a "Drug Focus Desk" by the Metropolitan Police on their Central East Command Unit, has been found by a misconduct panel to have touched her a female colleague's breasts without her consent at The Auld Shillelagh, in Stoke Newington on on 23 May 2022, but that it was not sexually motivated 'groping'.

A second female officer alleged that DC Brett Cooley pulled her head towards his crotch, which the misconduct panel considered to be 'over-familiarity' but not misconduct. DC Brett Cooley did, however, admit asking the same officer 'Are you looking at my c**k?' after she apparently looked down towards his crotch for 6-7 seconds, which he described as a poorly worded joke:

Detective Constable Brett Cooley: Misconduct hearing outcome


DC Brett Cooley has been given a final written warning as the misconduct panel saw no evidence that any of the misconduct found proved had been planned.
PC Joshua Anning of the Metropolitan Police's Central South Command Unit has been dismissed without notice.

On 14 March 2024, while still a serving police officer, PC Joshua Anning was arrested following a call to police from his ex-partner. She alleged that he had turned up to her work event uninvited and that he had also been arriving at her train station.

She also alleged that she had also received over 1,000 messages from PC Joshua Anning in the preceding three weeks despite her requests for him to stop.

PC Joshua Anning was charged with Controlling and Coercive Behaviour, and subsequently appeared at Kingston Crown Court on 12 April 2024 when he pleaded guilty to the lesser offence of Harassment which was accepted.


On 31 May 2024 at Kingston Crown Court, PC Joshua Anning was sentenced to a 12 month community order, a rehabilitation requirement, an unpaid work requirement and ordered to pay costs.
Former Detective Sergeant Paul Whitehurst of Barony Road, Nantwich, appeared at Chester Crown Court on 24 June 2024, where he was due to stand trial accused of assault and sexual assault.

However he changed his pleas on the morning of his trial before it began, and pleaded guilty to three counts of assaulting a woman in October and December 2023; he had pleaded guilty to a fourth count of assault at an earlier hearing.


(Source: BBC)

The charges relate to four incidents involving a woman, also from Nantwich. During one of the incidents, former Detective Sergeant Paul Whitehurst pushed the victim across a caravan following a disagreement between the pair; on another occasion he verbally abused her and threw a pint over her after she spoke to another man at a pub; in the final attack he pinned his victim to the floor following another disagreement.

Former Detective Sergeant Paul Whitehurst was remanded in custody and is set to be sentenced on 29 July 2024.


Former Detective Sergeant Paul Whitehurst was employed in the anti-corruption and professional standards department at Warwickshire Police. On 4 July 2023, the BBC published detailed and serious allegations by Charlotte Smith, 28, that she had been stalked and harassed by now former Detective Sergeant Paul Whitehurst over a two-and-a-half-year period.

Warwickshire Police faced claims that they had failed to adequately deal with him. The case was handed to the Independent Office for Police Conduct in November 2020, but he was not suspended from duty until 2022.
A Metropolitan Police Officer has been charged over alleged theft of money from a dead man.

PC Craig Carter, 51, from Harlow in Essex, is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court tomorrow (Friday the 28th of June) for "misconduct in a public office."

It is alleged Mr Carter “willfully and without reasonable excuse or justification misconducted yourself in a way which amounted to an abuse of the public’s trust in the office holder by stealing cash from a deceased male who has passed away in the street”.

It is said to have happened between September 7 2022 and September 14 2022 in the borough of Haringey in north London.

Mr Carter, who works for the Met’s North Area Command Unit covering the London boroughs of Enfield and Haringey, has been charged by postal requisition, meaning he has not been arrested.

The offence allegedly happened in September 2022.

Met Police officer accused of stealing money from dead man
Surrey Police officer 'jokes' about 'raping domestic violence victim' on Guildford night out - Surrey Live
Surrey: Police trainee sacked for domestic abuse rape comment - BBC News

Trainee Surrey PC Samuel Wilton admitted to gross misconduct at a misconduct hearing and has been dismissed.

Fellow officers reported PC Wilton 'joking' that "if she [a woman] was a domestic violence victim I would still rape her” on a night out in Five and Lime Bar in Guildford on January 5. Comments made by the trainee officer included: “If they were single, I would break her in half”. He also said: “If there was a Domestic Violence (DV) victim who was fit, I would rape her” then adding: “If the DV victim was fit and dead, I would still rape her”.
The training group, for which PC Wilton was part, had received training about professional behaviour and standards expected in the police force on the very same day that he made the comments.

Met Police officer sacked after being found not guilty of sexual assault on work night out - Evening Standard

PC Jonathan Lee, who served in the West Area Command Unit has been dismissed without notice after a misconduct hearing.

In June 2019 during a night out with colleagues he was alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman he was with. Following an investigation he was charged in January 2021. At his trial in November 2022 he was found not guilty of sexual assault. An investigation by the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards concluded he had a case to answer for gross misconduct. A hearing this week, five years after the original incident, sacked him.
A Metropolitan Police Officer has been charged over alleged theft of money from a dead man.

PC Craig Carter, 51, from Harlow in Essex, is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court tomorrow (Friday the 28th of June) for "misconduct in a public office."

The offence allegedly happened in September 2022.

Met Police officer accused of stealing money from dead man


(Source: as stated in image)

Earlier today, PC Craig Carter appeared at Westminster Magistrate's Court accused of the theft of an unspecified amount of cash from Italian filmmaker, Claudio Gaetani, who died after collapsing in the street in Haringey, north London in September 2022.

Judge Louisa Cieciora sent the matter to Wood Green Crown Court, where PC Craig Carter will next appear on 16 July 2024.

PC Craig Carter, who works for the Metropolitan Police's North Area Command Unit which covers Enfield and Haringey, has been suspended from duty. He was released on unconditional bail.
Surrey Police officer 'jokes' about 'raping domestic violence victim' on Guildford night out - Surrey Live
Surrey: Police trainee sacked for domestic abuse rape comment - BBC News

Trainee Surrey PC Samuel Wilton admitted to gross misconduct at a misconduct hearing and has been dismissed.

Met Police officer sacked after being found not guilty of sexual assault on work night out - Evening Standard

PC Jonathan Lee, who served in the West Area Command Unit has been dismissed without notice after a misconduct hearing.

In June 2019 during a night out with colleagues he was alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman he was with. Following an investigation he was charged in January 2021. At his trial in November 2022 he was found not guilty of sexual assault. An investigation by the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards concluded he had a case to answer for gross misconduct. A hearing this week, five years after the original incident, sacked him.
Five years :(
You know, Claudio Gaetani was only 45 when he collapsed and died in the street. He was a film director and actor who had restricted growth (dwarfism), and had apparently arrived in London the day before to attend an event that showcased disabled artists from around the world.

That copper should have treated Mr Gaetani's body with care and dignity.

Gianluca, a close friend of Mr Gaetani, told The Upsetter, a crime news website: “He’s the type of person when you meet you can fall in love with, absolutely cheerful and positive, even with his physical condition of dwarfism he was never saying no to any adventure.

Hopefully the truth will come out for certain on the 16th of July and some sort of justice seen
Earlier today, PC Christopher Hudson, a Harrogate police constable, was found not guilty of assaulting the woman in a car park at Stonefall Cemetery on Wetherby Road.



PC Christopher Hudson, who worked for West Yorkshire Police before joining the North Yorkshire force in 2020, walked free from the dock when the jury returned its verdict a short time after retiring to deliberate. He had been suspended from his job pending the outcome of the trial.


(Source: North Yorkshire Police)

Having already been dismissed from North Yorkshire Police in June 2023 and placed on the list of those barred from policing, former PC 823 Christopher Ryan Hudson is now due to face a 12 July 2024 misconduct hearing over allegations that he propositioned a woman colleague ("PC A") for sex between 3 February 2021 and 9 February 2021, in order to determine whether his “treatment of PC A constitutes conduct so serious as to lead to your dismissal, had you not ceased to be a member of North Yorkshire Police, and accordingly amounts to gross misconduct”.
I think it's interesting that they're going after people who have left the force and on the barred list, for alleged misdeeds prior to their leaving.
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