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independent police force :rolleyes:
show me any other UK territoroial Policeforce that would be willing to cover up for the Met rather than show the Met up as a bunch of clowns who are a disgrace to the uniform ( see Op Countryman - where thewy brought officers in from outside the City / Met to investigte them becasue they couldn;t trust PSD in the forces not to cover up )
show me any other UK territoroial Policeforce that would be willing to cover up for the Met rather than show the Met up as a bunch of clowns who are a disgrace to the uniform ( see Op Countryman - where thewy brought officers in from outside the City / Met to investigte them becasue they couldn;t trust PSD in the forces not to cover up )
You honestly believe coppers can be trusted to investigate other coppers?
Kind of reminds me of watching Our Friends in the North last year and how fucking depressing it was that nothing changes 50 years on. With corruption inquiries into the Met featuring heavily at one point. I expect this one will end the same way.
Earlier today at City of London Magistrates’ Court, serving Metropolitan Police officer PC Jonathan Marsh was was convicted of assaulting audiologist Rasike Attanayake who had called the police to report a drunken man for smashing the notice board outside his practice HearHear in Romford..

In delivering her verdict, District Judge Annabel Pilling described the assault on Rasike Attanayake as 'gratuitous violence'.

She said the level of force PC Jonathan Marsh had used was 'not necessary, justified, or proportionate to effect arrest.

'Nor was it necessary or reasonable self-defence for either you our your fellow officer (PC Simran Bogle).'

District Judge Annabel Pilling also questioned the truthfulness of his defence during the trial, saying: 'I didn't find you gave honest evidence, and you were never under the impression that a weapon was involved or that you were concerned about his mental health.

'You didn't strike him to keep yourself or PC Bogle safe.'

Metropolitan Police officer found guilty of assaulting crime victim


PC Jonathan Marsh will be sentenced at Westminster Magistrates' Court on 29 February 2024. He remains on restricted duties.

PC Jonathan Marsh has now been given a 12-week suspended prison sentence, and ordered to do 150 hours of unpaid work and to pay £1,500 in compensation to Rasike Attanayake.


(Source: PA Media)

Metropolitan Police officer sentenced for assaulting crime victim
Former Metropolitan Police officer, PC Clifford Mitchell - a member of their Area Basic Command Unit and who was serving in Hounslow when a number of the offences below were committed - and serial rapist who once told one of his victims that they had "met the devil" while he kidnapped her has been now been convicted of 13 counts of rape - six years after an investigation into counts of rape against a child in 2017 which resulted in no further action.

In total, former PC Clifford Mitchell was found guilty of 10 counts of rape, three counts of the rape of a child under 13, one count of kidnap and breach of a non-molestation order following a trial at Croydon Crown Court:

How rapist cop who was recruited to the Metropolitan Police after a failed investigation went on to attack women at knifepoint


(Source: Metropolitan Police)


Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy:

“I know this is another case which will impact the confidence people have in us. We are doing more than we have done in decades to rid the Met of those who corrupt our integrity, including investing millions of pounds into our professional standards team and bringing in additional officers and staff with specialist skills and experience to investigate criminality and misconduct.”

"A former Metropolitan Police officer (former PC Clifford Mitchell) has received a minimum jail sentence of more than 13 years after being convicted of 10 counts of rape, including three of raping a child under the age of 13.

His two victims described Cliff Mitchell, aged 24, as "the devil" and "a pathetic excuse of a man" ..."

Cliff Mitchell: Ex-Met PC jailed for 13 years for multiple counts of rape (Warning: this article includes distressing details of the crimes committed by former PC Clifford Mitchell)


(Source: Metropolitan Police)


Sentencing Mitchell earlier today, Mrs Justice May said former PC Clifford Mitchell's crimes were so serious “a sentence of life imprisonment is required”. Mrs Justice May said:

“Cliff Mitchell is clearly a deeply troubled young man… [his] serious offending appears to have arisen for desire for control.

“The fact he was a police officer, albeit for a short time, will make imprisonment a harsher experience for him.”

I am left with nothing which might allow me confidently to say whether or when the danger which Cliff Mitchell represents will lessen,” the judge said.

“At present, therefore, I am sure that he will continue to be a danger into the future.

(Source: as stated in image)

Serving Metropolitan Police officer PC Callum Utley has, through his legal representatives, indicated a not guilty plea to a single charge of rape allegedly committed between 1 July 2019 and 31 December 31 2019 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, while he was off duty.

PC Callum Utley's case has now been sent to Aylesbury Crown Court for a plea and trial preparation hearing on 26 June 2023.

Serving Metropolitan Police officer, PC Callum Utley, of Church Road, Penn, Buckinghamshire, has been found not guilty of one count of rape following a four-day trial at Amersham Crown Court. It took jurors less than an hour to acquit him.

PC Callum Utley had been accused of committing the offence in 2019 in Beaconsfield while he was off duty, and was originally charged after an investigation by Thames Valley Police.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Callum Utley is attached to the Metropolitan Police's West Area Command Unit but has been suspended from duty. He previously served in the British Army, and witnesses - including a military chaplain - were called by the defence at his trial to testify to his good character.
Serving Greater Manchester Police officer, PC Dean Dempster of Langford Road, Didsbury, Manchester, who is based within Greater Manchester Police's Oldham division, has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a child under the age of 13 while on duty (the child concerned was a six-year-old girl):

Greater Manchester Police officer admits sexual assault of girl, 6


(Source: Elizabeth Cook/PA)


PC Dean Dempster has been remanded in custody until 26 April 2024 when the case will be mentioned at Liverpool Crown Court.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said that PC Dean Dempster has been suspended from duty and that misconduct proceedings will resume upon the conclusion of criminal proceedings.

Former PC Dean Dempster of Langford Road, Manchester. who sexually assaulted a six-year-old girl while on duty, has now been dismissed without notice at an accelerated misconduct hearing and added to the College of Policing Barred List at a hearing on 2 May 2024.

Former PC Dean Dempster had been suspended since he was charged on 31 December 2023, and admitted to the sexual assault of the child at Liverpool Crown Court in February 2024.

Police officer sacked after sexually assaulting six-year-old girl while on duty


(Source: Elizabeth Cook/PA)

Former PC Dean Dempster has yet to be sentenced.
"The number of Metropolitan Police officers arrested for domestic abuse rose to a record high in 2023, new data reveals ..."

Metropolitan Police officers arrested for domestic abuse hits record high


“Our focus and specialist support for victims and survivors of police perpetrated crime is now resulting in more people feeling able to come forward and report their experiences so we can take action.

“Alongside this more proactive investigations by our professional standards teams, information from Met people and the public, mean we continue to make significant progress to relentlessly identify and root out police officers and staff who commit offences and corrupt our integrity.”
I'd need to know what percentage of each force gets arrested for domestic violence - with the Met being the largest force, that could skew the days somewhat if only the number of people arrested is looked at.
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