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Filth by name; thick by nature. A thread for banal police stupidity


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
Inspector gets demoted to sergeant for selling his police issue trousers on-line for £4.00 because he needed to clear out his wardrobe. The USP was a that they were police issue. I can't imagine Morse doing this, although Frost might have been tempted.

I know it’s in the manuals or whatever they learn at cop school. But when I used to write up interviews, it always annoyed me they would talk about people alighting from vehicles. on the offhand side or the nearside. Cue minutes of tedious discussion with a suspect didn’t know what they were on about. did you get out the driver side or the passenger side. Fucksake. also premise is not the singular of premises.
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mind you, most of the suspects were thick as mince as well.
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I know it’s in the manuals or whatever they learn at cop school. But when I used to write up interviews, it always annoyed me they would talk about people alighting from vehicles. on the offhand side or the nearside. Cue minutes of tedious discussion with a suspect didn’t know what they were on about. did you get out the driver side or the passenger side. Fucksake. also premise is not the singular of premises.

The filth have got their own fucking language, haven't they. English, but a warped version of it.

When I started going out with the girl who I later married (34th wedding anniversary next week!) I remember first meeting her sister's boyfriend. I didn't know he was a copper until he opened his gob and instead of talking to me like a normal human being he started questioning me like a fucking copper :mad:

I took an instant dislike to him. I haven't had any reason to change that opinion since.
Inspector gets demoted to sergeant for selling his police issue trousers on-line for £4.00 because he needed to clear out his wardrobe. The USP was a that they were police issue. I can't imagine Morse doing this, although Frost might have been tempted.

Bizarre that he's got more punishment than any of those who failed in the Stephen Lawrence case ffs
I don't think I'm thick as mince. But I'm never sure which is which. And I'm sure that if I were told, I'd remember it for a while, and then forget again.

Hmm. Maybe I am thick as mince.
They way I remember it is it’s in relation to the kerb. I suppose the idea, maybe, is to be clear what side of the vehicle they are referring to, regardless of ‘what-hand-drive’ it is.
They way I remember it is it’s in relation to the kerb. I suppose the idea, maybe, is to be clear what side of the vehicle they are referring to, regardless of ‘what-hand-drive’ it is.

I feel like 'left' and 'right' serves the exact same purpose without the need for ambiguous specialist terminology.
I don't think I'm thick as mince. But I'm never sure which is which. And I'm sure that if I were told, I'd remember it for a while, and then forget again.
This. I have been told, but I can’t remember. I always say “driver’s side” or “passenger’s side”.

I had to get a tyre changed recently and I said “driver’s side, rear”. The guy said “so it’s rear ___side”, (using the bizarre terminology), but I didn’t want to agree in case he was taking about a different side to the one I was, so I just repeated myself.

I don't actually have a problem with this if they did it in my home.

They were there for her safety. It's boring as fuck hanging around ages with nothing to do.
If they traveled with laptops to catch up on paperwork maybe but that would cost money.

I think she is just pissed they charged her.
This. I have been told, but I can’t remember. I always say “driver’s side” or “passenger’s side”.

I had to get a tyre changed recently and I said “driver’s side, rear”. The guy said “so it’s rear ___side”, (using the bizarre terminology), but I didn’t want to agree in case he was taking about a different side to the one I was, so I just repeated myself.

I would be incapable of having a conversation about which of my tyres was offside without asking if the nearside tyre was interfering with play, and suggesting that VAR resolve the issue, irritating the poor sod at KwikFit to no good purpose, which is another good reason for them to talk like humans rather than cops.
I don't think I'm thick as mince. But I'm never sure which is which. And I'm sure that if I were told, I'd remember it for a while, and then forget again.

Hmm. Maybe I am thick as mince.

Not knowing doesn't make you thick. Using needlessly obscure conversation in a rigid manner, then having to explain what you mean to your audience / interlocutors / interverwees when there are perfectly useable every day phrases is a bit dense though. Where else do you even hear alighting from a vehicle. Everyone just gets out of the car.
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