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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Apparently - and this may come as a surprise to many of you who, I'm aware, hold the duly elected Member of Parliament for Clacton in some fondness-
there has developed in this dear country of ours a tendency to refer to recent outbursts of far right violence as "The Farage Riots". I'd like you to be assured that I won't be repeating this calumny.
I have a feeling that the current round of riots is coming to its natural end, most of the protesters were driven by the desire to smash stuff up, have a scrap and indulge in a bit of opportunistic thieving. Even those driven by outrage had no real end objective. "We Want Our Country Back" is a slogan not a policy. The authorities in this country always seem to be caught flat footed when something like this happens probably because it doesn't happen very often.
But Plod is properly organized and tooled up now, the courts are enacting visible retribution against all involved and whilst the protesters may have a lot of supporters willing to shitpost on twitter, the number willing to take to the streets is for the most part greatly outnumbered by those willing to take to the streets and face off against them.
If this ugly period is nearing its end I wonder what fascists will be planning next. I've posted above about street fascists regrouping in more sympathetic areas. But I wouldn't be surprised to see fascist bomb attacks or even mass stabbings.

Maybe, though the artifical, top-down nature of much of it at the moment might prevent the sort of planned outrages that would invite serious jail time for those "directing" it. What the government does if it calms down will play a role as well; I wouldn't be surprised if they increased the number of foreign criminal removals post-conviction afterwards, as well as reforming the asylum system to reduce the number of boat arrivals (by allowing claims to start in UK embassies in other countries for example).
Maybe, though the artifical, top-down nature of much of it at the moment might prevent the sort of planned outrages that would invite serious jail time for those "directing" it. What the government does if it calms down will play a role as well; I wouldn't be surprised if they increased the number of foreign criminal removals post-conviction afterwards, as well as reforming the asylum system to reduce the number of boat arrivals (by allowing claims to start in UK embassies in other countries for example).
The weird thing about the far right is every one of the shits thinks they can be a fuhrer. So you have on the one hand the tyndalls and griffins of this world, on the other the breiviks and thomas mairs. And many of both will have watched with interest as the scale of fascist sympathies - and their limitations - have been shown over the past week. People have mocked charles manson for many years over his attempt to start a race war. But I think that that was a subsidiary aim of the actions of the past week. As we've seen today, some people bit.

Now that the street incursions appear to have weakened, some fascists may be willing to try plan b.

Sure, the fascist 'lone wolves' have been largely cackhanded wankers. But shammer is their best friend, pledged as the tories were to cut immigration. If he were wise, shammer would lay out the benefits of immigration and as you say enable legal routes to subvert the traffickers. But he won't and while he won't, while he dithers, the far right will make hay.

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 22.24.02.png

In Northampton, Tyler Kay, 26, was given three years and two months in prison for posts on X that called for mass deportation and for people to set fire to hotels housing asylum seekers....
...Kay used his own name and profile picture on his account, while advising others on “staying anon” and saying he had “watched enough CSI programmes” and would “categorically not be arrested”. He also tagged Northamptonshire police force in one of his posts.

Yeah whichever side gets there first in numbers gets Grey's Monument (basically a stage). So demos get earlier and earlier (the fash called it for 10am). Plus theres womens and mens international friendlies on at St James at 1pm snd 3pm which has obviously impacted the timings.
No definitely 10am - local named fash originally called it as a 'peaceful demo' at 10am - but then also put out racist AI art on social media also saying 10am at monument that heavily implies that there wil be racist violence. Theres other listings saying 1pm that have been nationally circulated. Likely it might be a long day!
Just wanted to pick up on this cos it really reminds me of the situation in Manchester a week ago.
Obviously we're a long way off now from where we were a week ago, and so I reckon the odds are that Newcastle will probably be fine as well, but what happened in Manchester last Saturday is that the fascists called their protest for 10, counterprotesters mobilised from 9 to get their pitch (and then marched off, so didn't even hold it), and then by about 12 or so SUTR had declared victory and called their mobilisation over, which meant that there were sharply reduced numbers to take on what was now a group of fascists that had actually grown as those who'd previously been in the pub or wherever slowly turned up.
So I hope whoever's organising things in Newcastle is thinking seriously about how to prevent a repeat of that, and to have enough people in the right place at the right time to both seize the pitch early doors and have people around to counter a potential second wave of fascists later in the day. FWIW, I have seen that there's also a call for people to meet in the West End at 11.
Please ffs, some of us are checking here for important updates in case things kick off

just start a pm group where you can do your jokes, willy waving and put downs at each other all day long
Appreciate your frustration, might be better for people who just want updates about ongoing events to stick to using the Anti-Racist Counter-Demos thread, cos that seems to just be serious practical posts atm.
What happened last week, as we all recognise, showed that there is clearly a substantial pool of people in the UK willing to listen to racist demagogues and opportunists who spread disinformation along the lines of 'Kill the enemy before they come to kill your kids.' While the two countries are vastly different both culturally and politically, it brought to my mind the former Yugoslavia, where exactly this happened, and without the intractable problem of social media.

I bickered my way across the old Yugoslavia with two different girlfriends during the 1980s on at least half a dozen visits (it was extremely cheap, and an interesting and, in parts, a pretty spectacular place for a holiday.) On the surface it was a stable country, full of mainly easy-going people. Crime rates were low, and the cities and towns generally safer than at home imo, but there was an ongoing political and economic crisis, which very quickly boiled over under the impact of outside events.

There was, by the end of the eighties, a massive pool of relatively impoverished people, and while those who sought to exploit them along nationalist and ethnic lines often came from the very centre of political power, there is a clear parallel with what we are increasingly hearing from within our own political class, and those who have the support and potential to enter it, and a similarly vast pool of people who feel they have no hope and are only listened to by the nationalist demagogues.

Theirs had armies and quickly-assembled armed militias on their side, and a weak political structure which eventually resulted in leading politicians calculating that the only way to save their own skins was through ethnically based politics. Outside the Communist Party there was a political void which was soon filled when it gave up the ghost, with an almost complete absence of a genuine left, and the pro-capitalist liberals soon brushed aside by the nationalists and their psycho ethnic cleansers, who were, as many accounts relate, able to drag many, many otherwise reasonable people into their orbit.

Similar won't happen here in the forseeable future, but it's noteable that the very same anti-immigrant and hardline racist sentiments we were used to 40-50 years ago are still widespread, including in multi-racial cities, which is not a good sign for when the shit really hits the fan as it's likely to somewhere down the line. Both me and Mrs RD have noticed all week colleagues expressing the view that, 'They went about it the wrong way but they do have a point...' Many of our own would-be ethnic cleansers may be buffoons, but I expect it's the same in any country that cleverer, more politically experienced people than they manage to fracture along ethnic lines.

In the absence of a political alternative that can listen to and prise away a section of those among the forgotten elements of the working class who turn towards the racists, the long-term picture doesn't look that good.
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