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F*ck Pigs

The focus on the sweary verbiage is amusing/funny but distracts from the pathetic reality. A cunt talking about cunts cunting the cunting country. See? I can do it too.
Ah this is what it's about....

Calling for a reshuffle, Cummings said in a WhatsApp message in August 2020, in full: “At the moment the bubble thinks youve taken your eye off ball, you’re happy to have useless f*** pigs in charge
In this context I strongly suspect it has the depressingly misogynistic meaning. Quite pleased that I have never been in circles where the expression was used so my first image was people who fuck pigs heads which I understand is something they get up to between slaughtering small mammals with dogs and guns and fleecing the population.
A new addition to the sweary Westminster lexicon.

What exactly is a fuck pig meant to be?
could've sworn it was "fuckpig" one word. but now can't see screenshots of the infamous messages in any news article.

obviously doesn't matter. but it's kind of bothering me that I don't know if I imagined seeing that at all. was it only read out verbally by the inquiry lawyer and not shown?
Oh, we no longer saying that?
I‘m disappointed.

Hactually, it wasn’t sexual relations with a pig was it, it was sexual relations with a pig’s decapitated head. The details matter .

And almost certainly not something that actually happened. Although, as the cunt fucked up the lives of so many people with the lives of living people, it's appropriate that he should be remembered for an act of necrophiliac bestiality.
And almost certainly not something that actually happened. Although, as the cunt fucked up the lives of so many people with the lives of living people, it's appropriate that he should be remembered for an act of necrophiliac bestiality.

As my dad always said, some things are true even if they didn’t happen.
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