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Eurovision 2023 - Liverpool

Bent as a 3 Pound Note so it does mean something to me culturally; but boycotting totally as its turned into a PsyOp for NATO/EU in the proxy war that is horrifically tearing Ukraine apart.
Missed the first act cos I was feeding the wailing cat :D

Armenia - I love her costume and her look! The song started boring but it seems to be coming into its own now
Not sure what is going on here with Romania's entry - like musically it isn't quite heavy enough to interest me in that way although it seems to be trying to lean in that direction.
The singer seems to have been smeared with something
Estonia hitting worthy ballad territory hard - hopefully this will do something more interesting in a minute
No seriously though those trousers or chaps or whatever the fuck they are :D
The mrs says "very Belgian", but I always think of Front 242 as "Belgian" and it definitely doesn't fit.

There is no way Hannah can breathe in that thing.
Bloody hell did they decide to split the semi finals into an interesting one and a boring one or summat?
No. Bad Cyprus. It has actually been a good year in terms of avoiding generic nonsense like that until now. Sure it will do well anyhow.
Like no amount of on stage pyrotechnics would have made that good
Being on Eurovision has been her dream since she was 7 - so that's all of 5 years then

(Feeling quite old tonight, most of the performers have looked incredibly young! The older you get the younger everyone else looks)
Iceland - I do not like this costume choice at all, it's hideous
They should have given him time to get changed after his boy scout meeting

EDIT: Oh snap, glad it wasn't just me thinking that!
I am starting to feel like maybe it is me being mean spirited tonight - this one the singing conjured up memories of karaoke nights at my local
Classic EV tear off costume from Poland. Not that there's anything else notable about it.
Honestly I've not paid attention to fashion for a while and something very odd has happened to it (it's just my age isn't it? Failing to understand what all the youngsters are wearing these days)
I don't mind this sort of rock-pop though, I mean it seems a bit dated but it's not bad
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