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EU watch

Interesting that you've not thought to comment on the threat to blockade a states power supply, or the physical, actual blockade of its food supply...
Haven't been following any of it tbh up until i saw Boris Sends Gunboats today. Who is blockading people's physical actual food supply these French fishermen?
The power thing sounds like loose lipped threats by one bureaucrat

This is so funny

Oh it is, it's some minor official, probably without the power to scratch his own arse, half-cut and mired in sleeze who's shot his mouth off, while the actual French government is working like mad to make all this rubbish go away - but this is France sir, and war with France, particularly at sea, is the natural state of any right thinking Englishman!
Oh it is, it's some minor official, probably without the power to scratch his own arse, half-cut and mired in sleeze who's shot his mouth off, while the actual French government is working like mad to make all this rubbish go away - but this is France sir, and war with France, particularly at sea, is the natural state of any right thinking Englishman!
IIRC it was a female bureaucrat who said it :thumbs: so its her arse
Oh it is, it's some minor official, probably without the power to scratch his own arse, half-cut and mired in sleeze who's shot his mouth off, while the actual French government is working like mad to make all this rubbish go away - but this is France sir, and war with France, particularly at sea, is the natural state of any right thinking Englishman!
Our record on fighting wars over fishing rights is not an impressive one
Oh it is, it's some minor official, probably without the power to scratch his own arse, half-cut and mired in sleeze who's shot his mouth off, while the actual French government is working like mad to make all this rubbish go away - but this is France sir, and war with France, particularly at sea, is the natural state of any right thinking Englishman!

Sad, we elect those as PM here.
The Royal Jersey Militia swear loyalty to HMQ as Duke of Normandy - I'm given to understand there are one or two other issues outstanding between the Duke of Normandy and the - so called - 'French Government'...

For God and Gascony!
Did the Royal Jersey Militia really wear luminious fluorescent yellow or is that gentleman with the musket just doing his entirely own thing.
Most Frenchists on the way.

This one is unarmed, so, you know - saves time I suppose...
Oh it is, it's some minor official, probably without the power to scratch his own arse, half-cut and mired in sleeze who's shot his mouth off, while the actual French government is working like mad to make all this rubbish go away - but this is France sir, and war with France, particularly at sea, is the natural state of any right thinking Englishman!

It was the French Minister of the Sea, in the National Assembly
Annick Girardin - Wikipedia
Did the Royal Jersey Militia really wear luminious fluorescent yellow or is that gentleman with the musket just doing his entirely own thing.

He's a reanactor, so doing his own thing (the sin of Onan) is probably part of his day-to-day activities...
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