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EU watch

It's interesting isn't it - and feeds into the leave/remain debate/culture war here:

If 25 British fishing boats physically blockaded a French port it would be loudly condemned by the FBPE crowd as outrageous xenophobia - but because it's the other way round they are cheering the French on.
It's interesting isn't it - and feeds into the leave/remain debate/culture war here:

If 25 British fishing boats physically blockaded a French port it would be loudly condemned by the FBPE crowd as outrageous xenophobia - but because it's the other way round they are cheering the French on.
It’s stark that the French have not reached for the dispute mechanism but have made threats to the power and food supply in the first instance. Sort of sets the tone now.
As for remainers cheering on the French, well that will help.
It's interesting isn't it - and feeds into the leave/remain debate/culture war here:

If 25 British fishing boats physically blockaded a French port it would be loudly condemned by the FBPE crowd as outrageous xenophobia - but because it's the other way round they are cheering the French on.
Would it though? 1) I’m not sure how blockading the port meets the definition of xenophobia. 2) if our fisherman were taking action to try to retain their livelihood, I can’t see why many would complain.
Would it though? 1) I’m not sure how blockading the port meets the definition of xenophobia. 2) if our fisherman were taking action to try to retain their livelihood, I can’t see why many would complain.


During the Brexit negotiations there was some faff about whether the EU could export insulin to the UK if the UK wasn't part of the EMA - with the inevitable consequences for diabetics - the loons (not people who voted remain, but the loons) thought this was sad, but entirely reasonable and that any deaths were simply a legitimate side effect of the EU's rules. At exactly the same time there was another faff about intelligence sharing and whether the UK could share int on terrorism for example with EU states without signing up to EU data handling rules - and guess what? The loons went wild, about how outrageous it was that the UK would put rules in front of people's lives....

There is, sadly, a huge double standard being used by a certain section of the body politic - and to my eyes, that's the real sand in the oyster of this culture war, it's not leave/remain per se.
This all seems quite mad, can't we just sent hundreds of plucky small vessels over to jersey with little generators and lots of batteries on? Channel Islands are a bit foreign though, not even properly British. Look at this traitor, i bet if he'd been allowed to vote in the referendum he'd have done it wrong.
I am not supporting the French action but this kind of thing will become more common as a third country - our diplomatic power is much diminished, so countries like France will feel much freer to take the piss.
Arent the States and China third countries as well?
This all seems quite mad, can't we just sent hundreds of plucky small vessels over to jersey with little generators and lots of batteries on? Channel Islands are a bit foreign though, not even properly British. Look at this traitor, i bet if he'd been allowed to vote in the referendum he'd have done it wrong.
Pretty sure he's referring to the Jersey government, not the British. The Independent suggests it's the British but reading other sources it appears that the licences and their restrictions have been issued by Jersey and Mr Le Masurier does not consider this a fault of Brexit.

Either way, there are always two sides to a coin:

Jersey fishermen say French demands are ‘grossly unfair’
Jersey’s fishermen have said they will ditch their fishing licences if the French fleets gets its demands.
Don Thompson, president of the Jersey Fishermen’s Association, told Good Morning Britain: “We’ve already told our minister - our licences, some of our fishermen have paid a quarter of a million pounds for our licences - we’re going to get rid of our licences and fish without licences.
“We just will not put up with those (French) boats being left to fish uncontrolled, unsustainably in our waters, whilst we’re subject to all sorts of constraints.”
He added that it would be “grossly unfair” if the French fleet got its way.
Jersey fisherman ‘pleased’ about presence of Navy ships
Fisherman Josh Dearing said he was “absolutely” pleased about the deployment of Royal Navy ships to the waters off Jersey.
He told PA that normally the crown dependency was “completely unprotected”, except for a few police officers.
“The French can be hostile. All of our livelihoods are in that harbour and if they wanted to they could cause damage,” he added.
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This all seems quite mad, can't we just sent hundreds of plucky small vessels over to jersey with little generators and lots of batteries on? Channel Islands are a bit foreign though, not even properly British. Look at this traitor, i bet if he'd been allowed to vote in the referendum he'd have done it wrong.

Interesting that you've not thought to comment on the threat to blockade a states power supply, or the physical, actual blockade of its food supply...
I have a lifetime beef with the Channel Islands so I may not be wholly unbiased in my postings. It is necessary to destroy jersey in order to save it

the tv is very odd this morning watching the kyle show on C5

and the host with a straight face asked a caller living in jersey "is that not what they said in the 40's when they started rounding people up . its just a paperwork thing"

We're not going to fight a war over fucking scallops, there will be lots of angry shouting plus pushing and shoving maybe a few punches will get thrown on the docks. Most of the aggression will come from newspaper editorials seething about the Frogs and at some point someone will mention us saving them from the Nazis.
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