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EU citizenship ECJ decision,

Well that was very disappointing. It seems that the judges hands are tied because of the international agreements that didn't consider our rights and citizenship.

Very disappointed.
Surely the rights of EU citizenship are contingent on actual EU membership? And we did vote to leave. How can the court decide otherwise?

This looks like another example of people wanting to have their cake and eat it.

But let's see.
Surely the rights of EU citizenship are contingent on actual EU membership? And we did vote to leave. How can the court decide otherwise?

This looks like another example of people wanting to have their cake and eat it.

But let's see.
One point is that many thousands of people were born into EU citizenship. This was stripped from them by Brexit. The question is about the legalities around this.
One point is that many thousands of people were born into EU citizenship. This was stripped from them by Brexit. The question is about the legalities around this.
It is logically obvious that EU citizenship is conditional on EU membership. That people voted against the latter effectively means they voted against the former too.

I don't think you need to be a law lord to understand that. We are not EU nationals anymore.
Have you applied? I hear it takes a couple of years to get on the Foreign births register.

Not yet, I’m aiming for this year when I’ve moved and I know I’m not going anywhere for a couple years so the address is stable.
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