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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Obviously not.

Rechargable. Clue's in the name. There is embodied energy in an e-bike yes, but if it results in petrol not getting burnt and new cars with vastly more embodied energy not being made then it's a net win.

Although I'm far from convinced that hybrid cars represent a significant net gain relative to efficient petrol-only cars once battery production and longevity is taken into account. But batteries in electric and hybrid cars are an order of magnitude larger than those in ebikes as they have to shift more weight at higher speeds over greater distances and they don't get any help from pedals.
You have missed my points.

Firstly, my car already exists. There's no more environmental impact from manufacture. Only from use. Which is the more damaging, creating new vehicles or using existing ones?

Whilst rechargeable batteries are in many ways good, mining the metals, smelting them, usually far from where they're mined, shipping the metals around the world to make the batteries, does not happen without significant environmental impact.

There needs to be a lot more thought put into the overall situation. Too often the wider picture is ignored. But it must be considered rather than leaping to simplistic solutions.
You have missed my points.

Firstly, my car already exists. There's no more environmental impact from manufacture. Only from use. Which is the more damaging, creating new vehicles or using existing ones?

Whilst rechargeable batteries are in many ways good, mining the metals, smelting them, usually far from where they're mined, shipping the metals around the world to make the batteries, does not happen without significant environmental impact.

There needs to be a lot more thought put into the overall situation. Too often the wider picture is ignored. But it must be considered rather than leaping to simplistic solutions.

Is your car going to last forever? Does it run on fresh air and good intentions?
Agree with banning private cars from cities, and ramping up the public transport infrastructure (with exemptions for disabled people and others as appropriate). It would save a large number of lives every year, and make cities much more pleasant places to live.

One incorrect thing about the video - think I spotted Gibraltar listed as a UK city.

The local council here are planning to ban cars from part of a major road in the centre which is good news - hopefully that will be extended. It was so much more pleasant when extinction rebellion took the road over last year, so no reason why this wouldn't work if buses could be rerouted.
Most of the places I want to go on any kind of regular basis are within 20 miles of my house. If that were not the case I would move, and not simply spend three hours a day in a car like an idiot.

So anywhere you like is all within a 20 miles radius? That's ok for you. Some of us want to go a bit further. We can do that in our cars. You can stick to your local area.
So anywhere you like is all within a 20 miles radius? That's ok for you. Some of us want to go a bit further. We can do that in our cars. You can stick to your local area.

On a regular basis I said. I dunno if you're off to the alps every weekend but most of us aren't. And in any case, I've been to the alps and various other places without a car. It wasn't a problem. And if it was, I could hire a car for the short period of time when i needed to be somewhere far away and/or hard to get to by public transport. I wouldn't need to store or pay for that car the rest of the time, and other people could use it instead.

If there must be cars, and obviously there are numerous valid reasons to use a private car (and no, 'I like making zoom zoom noises' isn't a valid reason) but those cars could be used as a social, not a private resource.
I've managed to reach 40 without needing a car. The only time I wished I could drive was when my son broke his leg tbh as I then needed to rely on family to get him to school and the hospital. I'm thinking of getting an electric bike one day so that I can move to the country.
Are you a city dweller CDL? I think it is much easier to live without a car in a city.
On a regular basis I said. I dunno if you're off to the alps every weekend but most of us aren't. And in any case, I've been to the alps and various other places without a car. It wasn't a problem. And if it was, I could hire a car for the short period of time when i needed to be somewhere far away and/or hard to get to by public transport. I wouldn't need to store or pay for that car the rest of the time, and other people could use it instead.

If there must be cars, and obviously there are numerous valid reasons to use a private car (and no, 'I like making zoom zoom noises' isn't a valid reason) but those cars could be used as a social, not a private resource.

But this theoretical hire car wouldn't exist according to Teuchter.
At least we're not banning motorbikes. I prefer them to cars anyway. It's a bit silly having to spend £250,000 on a car that'll keep up with a decent bike. And think of all those empty, open roads. Bikers love empty, open roads.
Only idiotic if you are wealthy enough to employ tradespeople to undertake your menial tasks, try getting some empathy man.

Don't expect empathy from the transport Nazis.

It would be interesting to see a detailed account of Teuchter's movements for the last six months. It WON'T include a single mile travelled in a private car of course.


I must say that in my 67 years of life, the contraption pictured above does not resemble any bus or tube train I've ever seen.

People do DIY. You need to get hold of the materials somehow. Most people who do DIY do it because they can't afford to pay someone to come in and do it so may find it prohibitive to pay the stupid delivery charges most DIY stores charge.

You must be doing a lot DIY to make delivery prices over a month exceed the running costs of having a car. I assume you're a bodger who can't get it right the first,second or even third. Sell the car and use the money saved to get the jobs done by professionals. You'll be quids in and not have tiles that crack whenever you walk into the bathroom and paint splashes on your most cherished possessions.
Are you a city dweller CDL? I think it is much easier to live without a car in a city.
I live in the suburbs but I walk around 5 miles a day on average and catch the bus if going further than 7 miles. I never wanted to drive so I've made it work for me. Lockdown has proven that people could quite easily car share for weekly/fortnightly grocery shopping. A taxi once a fortnight is also lots cheaper than running a car.
Exactly. And delivery is not the only solution.
I don't own a car but I can drive.
I manage to move heavy and bulky things around London when I need to. Some people's minds will be blown. Impossible! What is this black magic that he employs! they say.

Lives in London. A city with one of the finest transport systems in the world. :rolleyes:
How will that work with my damaged knees that make cycling difficult to impossible, and for a journey that takes 45 minutes by car?

this is ok if you are fit and healthy, unfortunately not everyone is.

Quite, but as I said before, don't expect empathy from the metropolitan living transport Nazis.
A lot of the anti-car posts in this thread seem motivated by envy that car owners have freedoms non car owners don't have. While I get that that isn't fair, the way to resolve this inequity isn't to remove cars from car owners leaving everyone at the mercy of dirty and unhelpful buses, rather it could be to make car use more easy to access with sharing, easy hire etc services for people for whom buses will never suffice.

The words of a deluded snob.

What's to envy in paying double for a journey that takes twice as long and would leave me paying and displaying in a car-park much further from my destination than the nearest bus stop or station? And are fume spewing asthma inducing drivers really in a position to feel superior to passengers on the those dirty unhelpful buses? You lot are just jealous because we can have a snooze on the way to work without murdering and maiming pensioners and primary school children with a vulgar status symbol.
You must be doing a lot DIY to make delivery prices over a month exceed the running costs of having a car. I assume you're a bodger who can't get it right the first,second or even third. Sell the car and use the money saved to get the jobs done by professionals. You'll be quids in and not have tiles that crack whenever you walk into the bathroom and paint splashes on your most cherished possessions.
No I'm short of money so can only do little bits at a time so can't afford the delivery charges on top. Of course if I could buy loads of building material at once then I can get free delivery but I can't afford to. Most of the DIY I've done on this house has been to correct the bodges done by so called professionals. :(
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Some day I'll get round to doing a thread where I argue against the NHS or social housing using the same arguments people use against eliminating car dependency on these threads.

Oh well it's fine for you to sit there in your secure affordable housing telling the rest of us we should have the same, you housing Nazi.
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