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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

We're not envious
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The words of a deluded snob.

What's to envy in paying double for a journey that takes twice as long and would leave me paying and displaying in a car-park much further from my destination than the nearest bus stop or station?

In most situations I find myself in, cars are cheaper and quicker even with the cost of parking and maintenance.
Have fun dodging the coronavirus on a bus, while I'm sat in a nice, air-conditioned car.
Except you're not driving anywhere because you're rarely sober enough.
Exactly. As always it is up to the driver whether you get let on or not. Roll up with tins of paint and it is nearly always a not.
You don't even get fucking buses. I not only get buses regularly, I've carried paint on them loads of times and have shown that most bus companies allow you to. Drivers aren't allowed to chuck people off willy nilly. My mate even got kicked off the buses for not letting a Chelsea pensioner on without a bus pass.

On top of which who are all these people getting kicked off for getting on buses with paint when it's appaesell known that you can't? You're just being a contrary twat cause you're bored. Go sing Rule Britannia on your doorstep with the other knob ends.
Except you're not driving anywhere because you're rarely sober enough.

You don't even get fucking buses. I not only get buses regularly, I've carried paint on them loads of times and have shown that most bus companies allow you to. Drivers aren't allowed to chuck people off willy nilly. My mate even got kicked off the buses for not letting a Chelsea pensioner on without a bus pass.

On top of which who are all these people getting kicked off for getting on buses with paint when it's appaesell known that you can't? You're just being a contrary twat cause you're bored. Go sing Rule Britannia on your doorstep with the other knob ends.

I used to get buses a lot, but since being priced out of London by gentrifiers like teuchter I now live in an area with almost none.
And as you are fully aware, paint is not permitted on TfL buses, you’re just desperately searching around other parts of the country to back up your non-argument.
So why don’t you go out on the street and sing It’s a Great Life on the Buses, Blakey?
I’m busy washing my car this afternoon.
Exactly, rideshare in nice long 30- 50 seater single and double decked cars.
If we are agreed on the ridesharing bit, why fixate on the size of vehicle? For some regions 30-50 will be optimal. For other (usually much more rural) areas it will be much less than that...
You just cannot imagine that some of us really just have no desire to be in a car, buy a car or drive a car. Envy is wanting what other people have.
Oh I absolutely can imagine that being the case for some people. I just can't imagine that's the case with you.
The words of a deluded snob.

What's to envy in paying double for a journey that takes twice as long and would leave me paying and displaying in a car-park much further from my destination than the nearest bus stop or station? And are fume spewing asthma inducing drivers really in a position to feel superior to passengers on the those dirty unhelpful buses? You lot are just jealous because we can have a snooze on the way to work without murdering and maiming pensioners and primary school children with a vulgar status symbol.

I suggest that you have a wee look at bus emissions per passenger mile.

A small car with two people in is less polluting than a coach.

We have a car, which is used as required. We are both over 65, and my respiratory health could be better, I've effectively got one lung. I drive to the park and ride, and use busses from there. A bus into Edinburgh takes over an hour for the nine miles. The drive to the park and ride on the outskirts of the city take ten minutes. As it happens, I have documentary proof of my car usage.


The 17/18 distance includes a three week trip down to Mestre (Venice) and back.
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If money was no object, I might get into motorcycling, but have never been interested in cars. I don't know why people find that hard to understand.
I love cars. The engineering, the performance, the thrill of driving. I've driven all sorts over the years and at some point will still get round to buying a Caterham 7 for having fun at weekends.

But that's all they should be now really, toys, used for occasional fun, preferably on a closed track. As a mass transportation device they're done. There are better ways of us doing things. It just requires people to let go a bit.
Not sure how building loads of new large car parks with special buses designed to serve car owners contributes to a strategy of reducing car use to a minimum. :confused:

Looking at the rest of your strategy, it needs some measure enabling people to get to their nearest bus stop, not an encouragment to ignore that and drive to the city.
Because you're not going to change everything overnight in one go. Offering people a relatively cheaply introduced compromise that gets cars out of a city centre is a first step. It's a lot easier to build a few carparks in key locations than it is to fix a nations crappy public transport network. Once you've fixed the latter you can hopefully start phasing out the former.
If money was no object, I might get into motorcycling, but have never been interested in cars. I don't know why people find that hard to understand.

If you do get around to trying a motorbike you will be hooked in no time flat. The acceleration of even a small bike is amazing. :)

I'm too old and knackered now for it to be a realistic proposition (apart from the fact that Mrs Sas is most strongly opposed), but oh how I miss it still. I had a shot on a Fireblade a few years back, it was astounding.
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what about other cities? I live in Leeds. It has shite and expensive public transport, and I'm not ever getting on a bus again anyway

It would depend on public transport provision. I'm not an envious person, I can admire without wanting, but I do envy London the tube.

If the tube was up here, it would encompass both Glasgow and Edinburgh.
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