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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.


The funniest thing about this particular discussion is that ultimately it’s a completely meaningless and irrelevant argument about semantics and mathematics. And crucially, one which outcome is not a matter of opinion but a pretty solid fact.

A very small percentage of a given group can’t possibly be presented as constituting ‘most’ members if such group. If one in several thousand people who drink tea has sugar with it and the other 4,999 do not, you’d have to be fucking bonkers to suggest most people like sugar with their tea. But apparently that does not apply to the awful/ not awful driver conundrum.

Fuck me, this is borderline therapy stuff…
Why’s there a central reservation on motorways if everyone’s such a good driver. Reckon we should get rid of air bags & seat belts as well.
I am 100% confident that if I had cameras on my bikes I could have footage that would get drivers points/fines on every single ride I do.
Yep - tons of close passes every day going to work & signalling seen as optional by most drivers.

Also it’s taken for granted that most drivers speed but that’s fine apparently 🤷

The funniest thing about this particular discussion is that ultimately it’s a completely meaningless and irrelevant argument about semantics and mathematics. And crucially, one which outcome is not a matter of opinion but a pretty solid fact. A very small percentage of a given group can’t possibly be presented as constituting ‘most’ of a percen
Are drivers only awful if they are responsible for a fatal crash? That seems an unreasonably high bar. Almost every motorist will be in at least one (and usually several) accident at some point in their lives.
You can apparently cause a serious accident and everything's hunky-dory as long as there were not any fatalities.
It's fine if there were fatalities as long as it only happens once in every few thousand journeys. So maybe just every few years. It's only a few dead or seriously injured people per driver lifetime. We need to make reasonable compromises.
The main reason I've not done it yet is a feeling that not much would be done with whatever I send in and report. But is your experience that action is taken?
I'm now two for two, so it's hard to say. I've heard that you now won't get an update beyond "action is being taken" as they're a bit overwhelmed with the amount of footage being sent in.
The reality of course is that policing drivers properly would be very expensive. We make do with taking action against a very tiny minority and hoping a deterrent effect makes the rest behave slightly less terribly.

One of the many hidden costs of private motor transport. In this case, a cost that is saved by just not doing it.
“Pedal misapplication” leading to leg, arm & skull fractures of adults & children is just one of the reasonable compromises we should put up with to allow parents to use hulking great SUVs to pick their kids up from local schools - otherwise weee just North Korea!

“Pedal misapplication” leading to leg, arm & skull fractures of adults & children is just one of the reasonable compromises we should put up with to allow parents to use hulking great SUVs to pick their kids up from local schools - otherwise weee just North Korea!

Surprising such an insignificant accident was even reported in the press. As no-one died the driver in question is obviously not awful and it's completely reasonable to mount the pavement and drive into a group of children. Anyone complaining must be some kind of woke social justice warrior.
Have you ever read an AAIB report? When drivers make mistakes do you think lessons should be learned or they should simply be punished?
Surprising such an insignificant accident was even reported in the press. As no-one died the driver in question is obviously not awful and it's completely reasonable to mount the pavement and drive into a group of children. Anyone complaining must be some kind of woke social justice warrior.
Catchment area of the school is 890m apparently. I’m presuming that’s vertical hence the SUV.
Have you ever read an AAIB report? When drivers make mistakes do you think lessons should be learned or they should simply be punished?
Of course lessons should be learnt like stopping parents driving their kids short distances in hulking great SUVs. Some councils are doing this - Wandsworth under the Tories wasn’t one of those.
Have you ever read an AAIB report? When drivers make mistakes do you think lessons should be learned or they should simply be punished?

If an air accident investigation found that a serious incident could be caused by an accidental mis-application of a control by a pilot with a normal level of training, then action would be taken to try and make it very unlikely to happen again.

The controls would, perhaps, be redesigned, or pilot training would be altered. Aircraft might be restricted from operating in certain conditions. It's not unusual for the air industry to physically alter the design of planes as a result of accident investigations.

Neither will happen here because it simply is accepted that cars are fundamentally dangerous pieces of machinery and the changes needed to remove that danger would mean that we'd have to make significant changes to how we approach transport. Some of us do in fact want to make those changes, which is part of what this thread is all about.
If an air accident investigation found that a serious incident could be caused by an accidental mis-application of a control by a pilot with a normal level of training, then action would be taken to try and make it very unlikely to happen again.

The controls would, perhaps, be redesigned, or pilot training would be altered. Aircraft might be restricted from operating in certain conditions. It's not unusual for the air industry to physically alter the design of planes as a result of accident investigations.

Neither will happen here because it simply is accepted that cars are fundamentally dangerous pieces of machinery and the changes needed to remove that danger would mean that we'd have to make significant changes to how we approach transport. Some of us do in fact want to make those changes, which is part of what this thread is all about.

I've long called for police road accident investigation reports to be routinely published, as a first step towards making safety recommendations in response to such incidents.

But no, the reports remain private "to respect the families of the deceased" etc, so we're left with occasional shitty tabloid articles about prosecutions of drivers, which aren't a feature of fatal aircraft accidents.
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