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Election night plans


Haytor’s gonna hate
What are yours?

Have you got the next day off or will you pull an all-nighter anyway and wing it on the Friday?

Are you saving a nice bottle or bag of something special to celebrate the tories being booted out? What’s your election night grub?

Will you be staying up to see Mogg, Sunak, Truss, Farage, Corbyn or other big names be rejected or elected?

I don’t think I am working at my local count now and have the Friday off so my plan is to open a bottle of bubbly at 10pm and have a good laugh at the tories being chucked out and try not to think to much about their replacements! Will try and stay up as late as I can manage
Stay up for the exit polls, get into bed and listen to the radio until about 1am. I’ll have the radio on all night so I might wake up if anything big happens.
Planning to watch it through the night, Mrs Q will probably retire to bed at around 2300-2330ish so will stay up and watch developments as they unfold, I intend to get a couple of cans of Redbull and some snacks to give me sustenance. I will have my tablet to hand (the reclining couch has a USB port so I can keep it charged) so I can track U75 as well as watch. the telly. It's become something of a tradition that I will watch a Marx Brothers movie (one of the few things more fundamentally ridiculous than the UK electoral system) from about midnightish to give time for results to come in. There's a limit that any man can be expected to take of Curtice's predictions (I am sure he will be on)
See you all on the night Urbs
Partying with our amazing college leavers at their graduation event (high point of the working year for me), then staying up as late as I can bear to watch Tories being sad 🤞

All day meeting with school leaders on the Friday, which will be interesting 🤔 Not sure how much work will get done.
Sat at home on my own until almost midnight I imagine, or, Chippy tea, few cans, bit of a lie down, might see what's on at the cinemas locally 👍
All other members of the immediate Angel family are working on the election in some capacity so I'll be on my own from finishing work until they reappear.
Bedtime after tea, up before 02:00 to watch it unfold. Might just stay in bed and follow everything online rather than go downstairs for all the big screen linear TV stuff with swingometers, and interviews, and cutting across to excited millennials who thank the returning officer and promise to bring Fulchester East the change it deserves, and then cutting back to caffeine-addled anchors for more Day Today graphics. Liveblogs, Twitter and message boards should be more than enough.

Hadn’t thought about food, but a big bag of liquorice allsorts might be sensible.
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Haven't decided whether to watch the results or just have an early night and catch the highlights. Tempting to watch overnight as so far I have managed to avoid most of the political business so far.
Will stay up as late as I can. Never touching red bull again but coffee maybe and some sweets. No work on Friday so can be up as late as I can take. It's going to be enjoyable watching all the Tories get fucked off.

What kind of time do they start announcing stuff?
Will stay up as late as I can. Never touching red bull again but coffee maybe and some sweets. No work on Friday so can be up as late as I can take. It's going to be enjoyable watching all the Tories get fucked off.

What kind of time do they start announcing stuff?
The sad sacks in Sunderland will have a result some time before 2300, but after that not much for a few hours

I think it’s around 0100 onwards the number of seats declared gets out of single figures and starts ramping up. Would be handy to find a list of when each seat declared from last time round
The sad sacks in Sunderland will have a result some time before 2300, but after that not much for a few hours

I think it’s around 0100 onwards the number of seats declared gets out of single figures and starts ramping up. Would be handy to find a list of when each seat declared from last time round

Here you are.

Last day before the summer holidays is the Friday, so won't be up too late. Genuinely feel like it's nothing to do with me, much like most current events. I've withdrawn from much of the outside world so much that I don't even know the holders of any Shadow or Government ministerial positions. I'll be vaguely interested in who wins my seat but then I expect I'll think no more about it.
Friday booked off (not risking driving to work half asleep). Will watch exit poll and maybe first 10 mins after 10pm then will watch something else until 2am ish i think (unless i get any news alerts or see something on here about anything "interesting" hapenning).
Here you are.


To save everyone else looking last time round half hourly intervals of seats declared to allow for tactical snoozes

2327 - first seat declared
0000 - 3 seats
0030 - 7 seats
0100 - 11 seats
0130 - 20 seats
0200 - 49 seats
0230 - 106 seats
0300 - 199 seats
0330 - 311 seats
0400 - 424 seats
0430 - 521 seats
0500 - 586 seats
0530 - 623 seats
0600 - 641 seats

The final 8 bar St Ives (which was Friday afternoon) were declared by 0815

Big business between 0200 and 0430, beyond that unless there’s rumours a big name is for the chop you may as well hit the sack. Looks like Hunt, Mogg, Sunak seats all declared around 0400 last time (+ or - 15 minutes) but expect any one in trouble to be trailed by the media
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