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Elden ring

I'm trying to think what is so good about it, cos it suffers from lots of the things that people didn't like about other Souls games - I've seen people moaning about the interface, nothing really gets explained very well, it can be frustrating and repetitive - but I think it's actually the world. It's so varied and you never know what's going to happen or what you're going to find next. So, when something points you to a dungeon entrance you don't approach it thinking "oh, another base to clear", you think "haha, what the fuck is in here? Is there going to be a cool bit of armour? What monsters are there? Are there traps?", you're excited all the time to see what happens next. The way they have done the world, and the amount of stuff they have packed in is just jaw-dropping. It's a whole different level to anything else. It feels like GTA3 or something that completely changed the whole way we did games, and after that nothing was the same again.
I'm trying to think what is so good about it, cos it suffers from lots of the things that people didn't like about other Souls games - I've seen people moaning about the interface, nothing really gets explained very well, it can be frustrating and repetitive - but I think it's actually the world. It's so varied and you never know what's going to happen or what you're going to find next. So, when something points you to a dungeon entrance you don't approach it thinking "oh, another base to clear", you think "haha, what the fuck is in here? Is there going to be a cool bit of armour? What monsters are there? Are there traps?", you're excited all the time to see what happens next. The way they have done the world, and the amount of stuff they have packed in is just jaw-dropping. It's a whole different level to anything else. It feels like GTA3 or something that completely changed the whole way we did games, and after that nothing was the same again.
One thing that it really needs is a new times tab on the inventory.

Would be great if they added the thing from breath of the world where you csn see a track of everywhere you have been on the map.
One thing that it really needs is a new times tab on the inventory.

Would be great if they added the thing from breath of the world where you csn see a track of everywhere you have been on the map.
Yeah, searching for new items is a pain.
I avoid all tips but how do I drop junk I don't need. I have too many shields. Merchant wankers don't take them and they don't go in the chest.
I avoid all tips but how do I drop junk I don't need. I have too many shields. Merchant wankers don't take them and they don't go in the chest.
Think you can right-click on anything in your inventory and choose Discard. But I've not found anything that merchants won't buy yet.
The moon sorcerer. Rennala I think.

Pretty ok boss fight I though, but the 2nd phase had an annoying habit of one-shotting me when I got them down to their last sliver of health.

Ah OK. Yeah I don't know if you activate that one. If you find out then let me know. 😁 I think it does something when you respec. I couldn't see anywhere to activate it.
Slowly getting better - managed to beat a dungeon boss without looking up any strats, and took on one of those giant things on the cliffs without dying too.
run past him then go back over the top and running away loads to your right ( after finding the warmasters shack, then you can farm them for a bit directly south.) surely not spoilers,. as this is just the start :D
I got done over by am angry goat yesterday when I wasn't paying attention .

My tv went wrong Sunday morning so I'm back to playing on a small monitor until I can it repaired, but it's better than nothing. I hope elden ring didn't kill it :(
Is it actually possible to spec into a magic class without choosing one as your starter class? I've never had anything drop apart from melee weapons and heavy armour in the first 25 levels - no sign of any staff, which means I have no choice but to spec Strength and buff my swords.
Is it actually possible to spec into a magic class without choosing one as your starter class? I've never had anything drop apart from melee weapons and heavy armour in the first 25 levels - no sign of any staff, which means I have no choice but to spec Strength and buff my swords.
You will find one eventually
Done 68 hours now, still finding new stuff everywhere. Got the two bits of the disc, so used the "grand lift". Cutscene and everything, took me to somewhere I already got to. :rolleyes:
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