Urban critical thinker
It all happens on the internet Bob
Proper Tidy said:[...]But just dismissing them as racists or blabbering on about 'cross-community paradigms between British Nationalism and Loyalism' or Spanish Falangeism or Mosley's brownshirts or whatever (as somebody else did earlier) is just shit.
Interesting video that compares the lot of white communities and Asian communities in Oldham, I think.
not sure it is exactly why you so profoundly fail to see any merit in historical/social/political parallels, or even the notion of discussing them (especially seeing as the example you're vaguely referring to in this quote was my own, which was openly posed as a conversation starter). no-one here disagrees with your criticisms of non-class based analyses of racism. most people probably won't disagree with you on the point of just shouting 'fascist' and 'nazi' at them. if your problem is simply with people giving enough time to talk about groups like the EDL at all (as it seems is butchersapron's bug bear) then tbh just fuck off out of the thread. if you're interested in discussing them then accept that, err, people will actually try to make sense of these organisations, what they are doing and what they are actually planning to achieve.
if you're interested in discussing them then accept that, err, people will actually try to make sense of these organisations, what they are doing and what they are actually planning to achieve.
The fucking organisations don't matter you dick.
Right, so an extremely active EDL mobilizing a hell of a lot of hooligans on the street, supposedly on one issue but not really, doesn't matter?
I think the whole EDL thing is giving the street orientated fash more confidence and will most definitely deliver new recruits to them after their initiatiation in so called acceptable racism. I see the EDL as a vehicle to something more serious.
What is the next step for them? The Barnsley video says it all.
They are a potential counter protest/anti left force. Their leader showed his cards when he gave a speech in Peterborough encouraging EDL followers to mobilize against Anti fees protestors (Students) in London. If they were able to do that (and Im not saying they would have it easy) they would be basically acting as a street deterent to protest, in these times of assaults on living standards and resistance to cuts. Sound familiar? History repeats because economic and social conditions also repeat.
And if the far right didn't have these grievances to latch on to, or if a pro-working class force was already addressing these grievances, then the far right wouldn't have any traction.
Profoundly. Lol.
If you want to wank off about how they are just like the black and tans or whatever then knock yourself out, it's completely irrelevant though.
The fucking organisations don't matter you dick.
And if the far right didn't have these grievances to latch on to, or if a pro-working class force was already addressing these grievances, then the far right wouldn't have any traction.
yeah right, so we all understand you hate words such as 'parallel' and 'profound'... laughable you take this culturally backwards "working class" attitude towards intellectual discussion then project your own mental obsession onto other people whenever they use words like bairn... you're a fucking sad sack.
where has that been suggested, dickhead?
so i was right in my analysis, that is where your disagreement lies. now for the sake of all of us who aren't so thick as to fall for that shit can you fuck off out of this informational/analytical discussion you fucking troll?
my analysis
informational/analytical discussion
what a fucking illiterate understanding of ideology. i thought the re-emergence of Gramsci had given us all a bit more of a nuanced understanding of political culture and power. and i thought that the lessons of the 20th century had taught the left a little bit more about bare essential survival tactics.
yes, the left isn't dealing with these issues as it ought to, but placing the entire blame of an emerging far right on the failures of the left to challenge capitalism is just 3rd period Stalinism.
And if the far right didn't have these grievances to latch on to, or if a pro-working class force was already addressing these grievances, then the far right wouldn't have any traction.
the issue is that the cultural and the material actually intermingle
and regardless of the left's effectiveness at combatting poverty and deprivation, if we fail to win the cultural arguments then the fasc can still move, they can still gather support.
not to mention that the far right voids rational debate by indulging in people's emotions and skews notions of reality by pandering to their base cultural prejudices. not only do the left have to be actively culturally engaging with chauvanism on a cultural level, we also have to understand that beyond a point the only way to operate is to physically secure our position. Newcastle SWP, amongst others, is currently fucked - they can't hold a public meeting which the EDL aren't Ok with - because every time they do they get battered. EDL have, as posted just above, recently been attacking Labour Party offices, broadening out their political grievances to those with the broader left.
when i go back home to Lancs
there are masses of kids marching home from school every day chanting E-E-EDL. my sister is friends with Muslim kids at the same school, where they're constantly harrassed and abused. a few weeks ago a large bunch of 15 'EDL' lads were threatening to rip off her friend's hijab. the last political stall the SWP did in my town was collared by two massive Nazis - in every pub you go in on a Friday/Saturday night there's always a fucking rowdy EDL contingent mouthing off their chants. perhaps Lancs is out of the ordinary, but they're taking this place by storm. fuck housing shortages, they've been bad for ages and we never had this situation 3 years ago. what the EDL have allowed to develop is a widespread and popular culture of thuggish bullying towards minority communities. you and butchers can fuck right off with your dismissive cuntery.
you'd be fun to twat
it'd be funny if you didn't genuinely want your head caving in
if you'd said what you've just told me a moment ago in person, i wouldn't have thought for a second before smashing your face in. me talking about the kids from my old school walking past my house somehow me pretending not to be middle class, you fucking turd.
ha ha, seriously dickhead you should just hope our paths don't cross. i've no doubt you've got an image in your head of some skinny, long-haired student nerd and i think you'd be somewhat shocked by the physical reality.
not everyone spends as much time combing their internet image as "working class" "language is for students" you.
utter prick
note this all started because you made fucking unsubstantiated personal attacks for about the umpty 1st time in a row
you can still apologise
read back over your posts then come back and tell me if you don't think you're completely fucking out of order.
i'm just no longer interested in having this out with some fucking knobhead who's only concern is to 'out' me as being middle class and is willing to be as completely apolitical as they like in order to do so