Anudder Oik
heinous pointless bellend/fucking gobshite muppet
it's also difficult to recruit a load of kids who've signed up against Islam to broaden out their scope into trashing UAF/SWP meetings... in their 'active' branches they seem to keep their 'activist' schedule busy with small scale publicity stunts and weird shit like that Blackburn anti-Halal protest.
Yeah but no but...No one said anything about recruiting from the ranks of the EDL. They don't represent WC. I'm talking in general. There are millions of working class people and there are loads of different attitudes and tones and varying cultural aspects. A left wing culture has not been cultivated amongst the wc. It has been deliberatley allowed to wither. Take Spain for example, In Madrid and Catalunya the anti fascists are working class and militant. It's part of their culture. Whole football crews are reds. In Madrid the skinheads organize anti fascist boxing tournaments where more than a thousand attend. Why? because they have maintained traditions...
So, where does the left recruit, then?