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Pegida UK Watch

from Dublin AFA: 'They were fuckin annihilated. The Irish pegida crowd didn't even make it into town before they were dealt with. So they never showed up. And the Polish fascists were battered left right and centre all day. Only 2 arrested on antifa side and one lad hurt by the cops. No antifascists were injured by fash but every single fascist was battered. .

You really think it is ok to 'batter' people based on their political beliefs?

Who are the fascists again?
You really think it is ok to 'batter' people based on their political beliefs?

Who are the fascists again?

many do, depending on the circumstances - but plse save yourself / all concerned time by looking into the meaning of 'fascist', so you can see that battering 'fascists' doesn't make anyone a 'fascist', by even the loosest interpretation of the term.

( as to whether Pegida are 'fascists' - up for debate i guess , + there's all sorts under that umbrella at varying times it seems) .
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Beating up people for their beliefs was something eg the nazi stormtroopers did, and I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea.
Just for the avoidance of doubt, I think Tommy Robinson is a twat. But that doesn't give you the right go around beating up his followers.
So you don't think beating up people you disagree with is in anyway fascist?

Where would you draw the line? If you beat up Pegida/EDL and Britain First, would you also beat up BNP?

If you beat up BNP would you beat up UKIP? Tories? Liberal flippin Democrats?
So you don't think beating up people you disagree with is in anyway fascist?

Nope. Not in the slightest.

Where would you draw the line? If you beat up Pegida/EDL and Britain First, would you also beat up BNP?


If you beat up BNP would you beat UKIP? Tories? Liberal flippin Democrats?


Well, not really, as their political strategy doesn't involve taking physical control of the streets/neighbourhoods through the use of physical force...

...and tbf when the BNP changed strategy and pulled off the streets, then the response to them changed too.
I should probably stress here that while I think "battering" fascists is "ok". Doesn't mean I think its automatically the most effective response in every situation, nor is it one therefore that I will blindly advocate.
So you don't think beating up people you disagree with is in anyway fascist?

Where would you draw the line? If you beat up Pegida/EDL and Britain First, would you also beat up BNP?

Given the far right have a history of murdering the left when in power, any action against them organising is self defence.
I take it you don't know what fascism actually is, given you label those opposing it as such?

I wouldn't say I was an expert at definitions, no, although I know it when I see it. And it strikes me you could see both 'sides' in Dublin as fascists, in a way.

A plague on BOTH your houses, as Shakespeare said.......
I wouldn't say I was an expert at definitions, no, although I know it when I see it. And it strikes me you could see both 'sides' in Dublin as fascists, in a way.

A plague on BOTH your houses, as Shakespeare said.......

Well that's all well and good but has zero political meaning. Are people fighting in a pub car park fascists? It's good that you equate needless violence with fascism but not so useful when wanting to analyse something politically.
Beating up people for their beliefs was something eg the nazi stormtroopers did, and I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea.
I just wonder what you'd say about Cable Street, eh? How about the 43 Group?

It would appear that you're the sort of person who'd use the word 'fascist' to describe anyone who's an authoritarian or, in this case, someone who stands up to fascists. In other words, you don't know what a fascist (or a Nazi) is.

Oh and you're also confusing the SS (stormtroopers) with the Sturmabteilung (SA) or brownshirts. But hey, don't let something like history get in the way of your skewed thinking and flawed logic.
Sorry the far right fetishise violence they are always getting caught with bombs and crossbows etc.
Talking about race war and bringing it to the street. Etc etc
Then start whining when it kicks off and they get slapped.
You might have a slight point with the non shaven headed fellow travellers who probably arent into street fighting.
But the "brave aryan patriot warriors "cowering behind riot police fuck em. Decide you want to rule the streets and attack those you dont like only to discover your a tiny minority tough shit.
I've been called a racist in one thread and a liberal in the next
Be advised that I'm not using the word 'liberal' in the cuddly, sandal-wearing sense that you're no doubt accustomed to. You're clearly one confused puppy when it comes to fascism and Nazism, and your "plague on both their houses" is indicative of a liberal tendency to accommodate or engage with fash.
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