Frogwoman - gtg in a second.
but to put it another way:
Is it fair to take the piss out of such warped logic and paranoia as:
1) The "white" race is under threat.
2) There is a muslim plot to take over the world.
3) The various nonsense associated with "I'm not racist but..."
4) The idea that the EDL are bastions and saviours of national heritage and culture.
5) Shallow defence of far right violence while complaining about the "2 tier system"
6) A genuine belief that mainstream politics and media are infected with socialism?
7) Using distorted facts and outright fiction to promote and propagate hate?
"yes" or "no" answer will do fine.
If so, do you think the whole thing should be done with entirely correct syntax, spelling, grammar and punctuation?
How realistic would that be?
There are other issues I might have with it, but will leave it there for now.
I might actually give it a whirl though, as an experiment.
I didn't call them liars, i said that if they think that shit is funny then i don't trust their opinion on what shit is. Once more, i haven't made up a crap blog lacking in insight humour or intelligence, so stop asking me to link you up with one.
I am funnier than you. Let's not fuck about.
the pseudo intellectual reasonable fash are far more dangerous than dysfunctional people writing shit on the internet anyway.
is this some sort of joke?I
" They either know that <it's shit and / or you disagree with them, not clear which> or don't want to upset you. "
That allows for 2 possibilities in the minds of quite a lot of people. But there can only be 2 such possibilities. Butchers said so. You've done your routine of knowing what other people think plenty of times before and if you think I have the time or can be arsed like you to trawl through the archives you are mistaken.
In any case, some small number have possibly sought to upset me in saying they didn't like it. But it's starting to look as if I can stomach and answer criticism better than you.
So, you disrespect the opinion of anyone who likes it. Yet I, who on balance, quite like it, respect your opinion. Maybe one of us is more capable of general respect - something borne out by your constant and under-useful negativity to posters far beyond me.
And did you get round to saying what blogs or other materiel you have done, with links?
PM me if you don't want others to see it for whatever reasons, like anonymity.
I guarantee that if you have or were to, and lots of people saw it, quite a few would think it was shit (that's an averages thing, not me doing the Butchers Yuri Geller special). Especially the case if it was under a supposed "humour" genre.
But you never did get round to linking to any. I'm even starting to think there might not be any.
Added to the fact that you have been speaking to selected responses of mine that suit you, but less to the ones challenging you, one could start to form a picture of someone who, for all the brains, bombast and mind reading, of someone who is far better at dishing out the slaggings than at dealing with them.
That makes you a paper tiger and a bit of a bully to be honest, certainly more consistently bullisome than a blog with more accurate spelling than those vile bullies it targets, which then becomes an alleged attack on the under literate in general.
I know I asked something similar before, though you didn't try to answer: Do you think you spend more time criticising far right lunatic haters or critics of the far right for not doing it the Butcher's Approved way?
I bet if you blogged your constant put downs of people it would be gripping stuff. But as I suggested, perhaps poor growling Butch is a teensy bit shy on the inside, a co-function of the negativity.
You never issued those guidelines I ask for either btw. No wonder I upset you so much when you don't even tell me what to do properly.
can we get back to the edl now please? as bignose said earlier it is a bit of a coincidence to just be checking insurance and then 'discovering' guns and bombs on the backseat next to the thermos and travel blanket isnt it? hmmm ... cue pink panther music ...
can we get back to the edl now please?
Would the cops even have information on who has insurance or not? Tax, yeah. But a list of who has or hasn't a direct debit set up with direct line?
Yes they have. Anybody can check if any car is insured at askMID
The number plate recognition system that the OB use flashes up whether you have mot/tax/insurance using the dvla database. Got pulled with no insurance once due to the number plate thingy as i didn't check my insurance fully enough and the insurance company had got my reg wrong by one letter.
From what I can gather they searched the car let them go and made some daft excuse that they later found the stuff. Typical ops bust m.o. as per 6 counties. ( when they wanted to) And what shooters they had I dont know but an ied can be made from fireworks ffs..ask Copeland. Their target had already probably been identified the plod just wanted to let it run so they could obtain more intelligence, car bugged, mob phones as the level of evidence they need to secure convictions on this sort of stuff is more stringent etc And also make make it easier for source protection by coming the routine stop mentioned above.....but all in all probably a propaganda win for Mr Tommy but when the worst that has happened to them is yer proverbial yah booh shit placard waving no wonder those on the receiving end went native. Punch ups on the streets get you serious time nowadays but if you start going down the armed road youll get fucked over too.If you want to get into that sort of caper then you keep schtum. But you will probably get caught. To me its fucked all round. Too many gadgets....The alleged target was already mentioned speculatively in the press at the weekend so maybe it's just the bbc following the previous reports.
As far as I know, conspiracy charges don't have to name the people you conspired with but they will have to say what you were going to do(or did)/law you were conspiring to break (source: bitter experience)
" They either know that <it's shit and / or you disagree with them, not clear which> or don't want to upset you. "
That allows for 2 possibilities in the minds of quite a lot of people. But there can only be 2 such possibilities. Butchers said so. You've done your routine of knowing what other people think plenty of times before and if you think I have the time or can be arsed like you to trawl through the archives you are mistaken.
In any case, some small number have possibly sought to upset me in saying they didn't like it. But it's starting to look as if I can stomach and answer criticism better than you.
So, you disrespect the opinion of anyone who likes it. Yet I, who on balance, quite like it, respect your opinion. Maybe one of us is more capable of general respect - something borne out by your constant and under-useful negativity to posters far beyond me.
And did you get round to saying what blogs or other materiel you have done, with links?
PM me if you don't want others to see it for whatever reasons, like anonymity.
I guarantee that if you have or were to, and lots of people saw it, quite a few would think it was shit (that's an averages thing, not me doing the Butchers Yuri Geller special). Especially the case if it was under a supposed "humour" genre.
But you never did get round to linking to any. I'm even starting to think there might not be any.
Added to the fact that you have been speaking to selected responses of mine that suit you, but less to the ones challenging you, one could start to form a picture of someone who, for all the brains, bombast and mind reading, of someone who is far better at dishing out the slaggings than at dealing with them.
That makes you a paper tiger and a bit of a bully to be honest, certainly more consistently bullisome than a blog with more accurate spelling than those vile bullies it targets, which then becomes an alleged attack on the under literate in general.
I know I asked something similar before, though you didn't try to answer: Do you think you spend more time criticising far right lunatic haters or critics of the far right for not doing it the Butcher's Approved way?
I bet if you blogged your constant put downs of people it would be gripping stuff. But as I suggested, perhaps poor growling Butch is a teensy bit shy on the inside, a co-function of the negativity.
You never issued those guidelines I ask for either btw. No wonder I upset you so much when you don't even tell me what to do properly.
the thing with uk antifascism no matter how militant it has been is that very few people have actually died - unlike in russia over the last few years or germany up to 1933. its just not cricket is it? researching the various countries since 1900s makes us look a right bunch of puffs! also antifascists arent ones to go round dishing out death threats and that. unlike the opposition. also bomb threats only work if youre indoors. it wd be pretty hard to pretend to blow up an empty carpark!The only thing that surprises me about this terrorist attack on the EDL is that someone hasn't tried it sooner. It was the first thing that came into my head when I saw the EDL in manchester back in the day, I just thought "someone's gonna chuck a grenade into this crowd of dickheads sooner or later" and tbh I'm only surprised it's taken this long for something like this to happen,.
I've often thought since then that the most direct way to get an EDL march called off would be just call in a bomb threat to the police. After this arrest even more so.
Probably not a very good idea strategically, it would almost certainly lead to increase in sympathy for the EDL and so on, and not to mention the morality of doing it, but it would work. I can't see the police allowing a march to take place if they thought there were bombs on the route.
If I've thought that, then you can bet some genuine nutcase fundamentalist has thought of it too.
i hate conspiracy theory but it is not a stretch to get a stoolie to set up a plot and then foil it before it goes too far in order to up the arrest count of 'terrierists' and help job preservation etc.You've probably got fundie groups with spooks organising the cells, giving out instructions and then pulling the plug once they're in the car and on their way to the gig. Perhaps. Don't a lot of fringe groups run the risk of spooks infiltrating and getting themselves into positions of command or setting up the groups themselves?
i believ these are referred to as 'walts.'
i hate conspiracy theory but it is not a stretch to get a stoolie to set up a plot and then foil it before it goes too far in order to up the arrest count of 'terrierists' and help job preservation etc.
Or maybe there are nutters out there? Maybe that's a more harder thing to think about?
From what I can gather they searched the car let them go and made some daft excuse that they later found the stuff. Typical ops bust m.o. as per 6 counties. ( when they wanted to) And what shooters they had I dont know but an ied can be made from fireworks ffs..ask Copeland. Their target had already probably been identified the plod just wanted to let it run so they could obtain more intelligence, car bugged, mob phones as the level of evidence they need to secure convictions on this sort of stuff is more stringent etc And also make make it easier for source protection by coming the routine stop mentioned above.....but all in all probably a propaganda win for Mr Tommy but when the worst that has happened to them is yer proverbial yah booh shit placard waving no wonder those on the receiving end went native. Punch ups on the streets get you serious time nowadays but if you start going down the armed road youll get fucked over too.If you want to get into that sort of caper then you keep schtum. But you will probably get caught. To me its fucked all round. Too many gadgets....
Some people are pretty close.Has anyone argued that it is definitely the work of spooks? Other people started entertaining the idea so I ran with it a bit. I don't care either way tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if Islamists see the EDL as a target at all though. Foiled by their own incompetency on this occasion.