Bring back hanging
No worries, welcome to the forums.It's this that's being called shit, nothing whatsoever to do with/about liveraf.
No worries, welcome to the forums.It's this that's being called shit, nothing whatsoever to do with/about liveraf.
You not liking it is fine Butchers, and I am as ever open to your guidance on how exactly to improve as a human being. Most appropriate would be a link to your materiel.
But you have made no specific critique beyond that, such critique as has been made I have answered at least adequately. It does speak to the politics, it is no more incorrect in terms of literacy than those it takes the piss out of, though in different ways at different times.
It's this that's being called shit
Ah my mistake, sorry, I didnt go far enough back on the thread
For giving the edl and the fundies both exactly what they want?should be given a fucking community award.
hmmm ... not sure about this. what were they gonna do - a wild bunch re-enactment on the streets of dewsbury. sounds very unlikely. they may have had equipment and some anti-EDL lit but its a bit sensationalist. have they admitted it or just been accused?
liverAF! thanks for the clarity, mucho obligado!
1/ liverAF blog. well i check it everyday for a start!
2/ just concerned over threats to PD flying about. nothing unusual in that from those semi-tards.
3/ re: republicans. the same people attacking AFs are attacking republican 'ira terrierists' so some solidarity is very much required and joint stewarding.
4/ there is no number 4.
5/ usual fash tactics. easy pickings to and from gigs. re: the wigan lot, i assume it is the 'RVF' or BFF or whatever they are calling themselves now. is 'wigan mike' heaton back then? there was also the pinkham relationship with kim from BFF as well. see malatesta blog etc.
6/ dunno about 200. there are a lot of splits between EDL/casuals/Infidels/NF factions.
7/ hello! and welcome to urban
it's all 'alleged' at the moment.
For giving the edl and the fundies both exactly what they want?
Routine stop is another way of saying........theyve had a grass in the camp. So obviously the plod had it all btr.hmm... how many antifascists here have been 'accused' of stuff at demos? wee bit sensationalist for plod to release such info so quickly. is it a case of 'look how well we're doing really' after the M6 fiasco last week? or not.
For giving the edl and the fundies both exactly what they want?
Well they have been charged with plotting to carry out an attack with the EDL being specifically mentioned and claims of weapons, including guns and a home made explosive device being found.
So it seems pretty serious.
Sorry, should have said it was the target that was 'alleged'.
I find that neither interesting nor surprising, par for the course really. Its not your exaggerating bad spelling and grammar that makes it shit. its the fact that you are taking the piss out of illiteracy that makes it shit and no amount of waffle and wank justifications will ever change that. That you continue to misunderstand this, or claim to, makes you either dishonest or a moron.
It is not taking the piss out of illiteracy it is taking the piss out of illiterate bigots who have the raw fucking nerve to preach this and that about English while being utterly shit in their use of English.
Christ, it tells you something when I think I would rather have an admitedly lively, and no doubt angry, pint with your average EDL sympathiser, than a beer with the knacker who wrote that.
I do not accept this critique. The aim you are trying to give taffboy is neither the stated aim, or the hidden aim, its one that you wish is true or want to argue for whatever reason. I DO think the article is satire, but whether some people are intelligent enough to get it is an entirely different question. You have to assume its written for a capable audience, and one that is more genorous than your over the top negative critique (same as Butchers ad nauseum), on its own terms and not yours. There are many other and more worthy targets that deserve critique than Taffboys effort. In short, do try to be more selective, and appreciate what is being attempted.
Odd how stoaty just turns up again today.
It is just shit. You can't change that by waffle. It's not my failing. It's yours. It's shit.
Stop the use bad angloish then. Back bring madrigals.I do not claim to speak for England, neither do you. It is less beholden on us to be accurate in our English use. That's the whole chuffin' point.