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EDL watch

I like points 11 (rebuild the armed forces to 1980s levels) and point 13 (withdraw army from anywhere that does not directly threaten us). I think this is a great example of joined up thinking that shows us the BFP are ready for government.
I like points 11 (rebuild the armed forces to 1980s levels)

Ha ha, they've changed it! I might have to take credit for that!

It was originally "1970's levels" and I was trolling their facebook page just after they had done the deal with Tommy Robinson. I asked them if that meant hardware as well as troop levels and they said 'it meant what it said -armed forces'. So I reminded them that they were suggesting that we had armed forces that had practically no computers, no smart weapons and no GPS guidance systems!

How on earth do these people remember to dress themselves in the morning? :eek:

john x
Ha ha, they've changed it! I might have to take credit for that!

It was originally "1970's levels" and I was trolling their facebook page just after they had done the deal with Tommy Robinson. I asked them if that meant hardware as well as troop levels and they said 'it meant what it said -armed forces'. So I reminded them that they were suggesting that we had armed forces that had practically no computers, no smart weapons and no GPS guidance systems!

How on earth do these people remember to dress themselves in the morning? :eek:

john x

Did you not get banned for such impertinence? As per point 1?
the main problem with the EDL is that they have a terrible public image. they complain about bad media coverage then they attack journalists or declare 'fatwa' on them and then wonder why. the images of them are white, shaven headed, aggressive, drunk blokes - which a lot of 'voters' find repulsive. most people dont like violence and the edl are associated with violence. they blame the UAF (sic!) for attacking them and causing the violence which is delusional, the people who attack them, if any can get near them cos of plod, are locals who are pissed off that the EDL are disrupting their towns. the link up with the fluffies is sensible if they want to make a political difference but the fluffies are only 1 of numerous alphabetti spaghetti far right parties which is confusing.
the link up with the fluffies is sensible if they want to make a political difference but the fluffies are only 1 of numerous alphabetti spaghetti far right parties which is confusing.

I'd like to know how many members the BFP got from the EDL.

When the 'arrangement' was first announced, there was a discounted membership fee for EDL supporters but it quickly went up to £30. The most often heard quote on hearing the news was, "Fuck off! it's only a tenner to join the NF!"' There are still many more BNP supporters than BFP supporters in the EDL which will be interesting when it comes to election time and Tommy is trying to persuade them to 'help out' with the BFP campaign. ;)

john x
i didnt capture it, but i recall 1 poster on facebook saying 'just got my membership card - im number 140' - which may give you an indea!!!! yr reight, the BNP is the EDL favourite. tommy is using fluffies to get out of it all before he ends up in jail.
Do you think that anyone seriously sees the EDL as meaningful political movement in the UK?

john x
Not sure why you're asking me that john - given that my point was that this EDL related secret-squirreling is not needed because of their irrelevance, because of the fact they are not and are not going to become a serious political movement (the social issues that produce them is a different matter). But for the record no i don't.
Not sure why you're asking me that john - given that my point was that this EDL related secret-squirreling is not needed because of their irrelevance, because of the fact they are not and are not going to become a serious political movement (the social issues that produce them is a different matter). But for the record no i don't.
I didn't ask you if you thought they were a serious threat, I asked you if you thought anyone else did.

Most of the people who post here just take the piss out of the EDL. No-one is scared of them and like you, nobody thinks they will be the next NF/BM/BFP. They are a joke and sometimes it is good to laugh at the far-right as it does demoralise them whether they admit it or not.

Regardless of what the far-right is doing in the rest of Europe, it is on its arse here. There is no enthusiasm for it any more, even among it's more loyal supporters. The failure of the 'EDL experiment' has helped that demoralisation, and those on here and elsewhere who have pointed out exactly why the EDL is not the legitimate expression of the disenfranchised white working class, have played their part in that failure.

It all counts.

john x
Could I have a bit of newbie clarification; why do some links (such as the bfp one) need to be broken but others are fine?

For a bit more clarity.. they can look at their stats and see people have come to their site from here.. they may wonder why, and come over here and then we get loads of fash trolling here, causing hassle for mods etc..
eta: none of the above is intended for humour. There is too big a risk of people suddenly being racist, fascist or general hatemongers through others laughing at the EDL.

Do you really want to go over this again? Only given that nobody suggested that by taking the piss there'd be "too big a risk of people suddenly being racist, fascist or general hatemongers through others laughing at the EDL." you might end up looking a bit of a pillock. Again.
cerainly hope so. as pointed out in collins; hate, the far right hate each other more than they hated the left! bizarre. its to do with contesting such small political space amongst other things.
cerainly hope so. as pointed out in collins; hate, the far right hate each other more than they hated the left! bizarre. its to do with contesting such small political space amongst other things.
I can imagine that accusation being levelled at the left as well I'm afraid.
I can imagine that accusation being levelled at the left as well I'm afraid.

Really? I don't hate anyone on the left as much as the far right. In fact the only ones who come close to inspiring as much hatred in my soul are the lib dems. I've yet to come across anyone on the left whose sectarianism goes that far.
Really? I don't hate anyone on the left as much as the far right. In fact the only ones who come close to inspiring as much hatred in my soul are the lib dems. I've yet to come across anyone on the left whose sectarianism goes that far.
I'm not saying it's true, just that it wouldn't be hard for someone from the right to justify the characterisation. People's front of Judea etc.
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